The Master - Spoiler-Free Thread

Started by MacGuffin, December 02, 2009, 10:12:15 PM

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Last night I watched a bit of Wise Blood before falling asleep. I'm going to try and finish it tonight. It's a total PTA film. It just doesn't have the glossy look and expert craftsmanship, but it has the same pacing and type of characters. There were more utterances of the word Nigger in it than any film I can remember seeing. Not a black character in site. John Huston is credited as Jhon Huston and he plays a character named, wait for it, The Grandmaster. That's right. The Master.

There's a line in the movie that is a total PTA line. It goes -- "I know things I ain't ever learned. I got to do some things. I got to do some things all the time and I don't wanna. And I can feel my blood beating and I gotta do this thing right now." that's a total PTA line, right? Am I crazy?

Also, Brad Dourif kind of LOOKS like PTA in it.

Even the character names are very PTA'ish. Hazel Motes, Enoch Emory, Sabbath Lily, Hoover Shoates.

The parallels not just between Wise Blood and The Master, but in PTA's style in his previous films are all there.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


you not cwazy, it has to serve as some form of inspiration. it just has to. plenty of evidence in that film as youve pointed out even more. Sierra Madre was pretty well different toneally than Chere Mill. go lure in that imdb kid, he's already a terrific newb.

also he was credited as Jhon Huston because some kid who did the credits spelled his name wrong so he just left it that way. that's classic PTA right there! see Cheadle's remark on PT saying dont worry about reflection in window on Boogie commentary. "Does the kid know what he's doing???"

Quote from: Pas on May 18, 2011, 03:07:55 PM
Your new avatar is beautiful Christian.

RK: your on pace for a pretty acurate prevision there.

oh stop trying to be so nice, Putdown Pas!


hahaha Poz  :oops:

Definitely not crazy Stefen. Let us know your full thoughts tomorrow


Did anyone notice that in the script that was leaked a while ago the majority of Freddie's dialogue in the first scene is taken verbatim from the first few pages of Moby Dick?


Quote from: Convael on May 18, 2011, 09:04:26 PM
Did anyone notice that in the script that was leaked a while ago the majority of Freddie's dialogue in the first scene is taken verbatim from the first few pages of Moby Dick?

No, please elaborate.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

P Heat

Stefen, you just had the wise blood dvd lying around?

if this a little bit of this film in CMBB and others don't know why P.T wouldn't cite it in some interview or his early commentaries. Still, it does seem more apparent for The Master as well as CMBB but why wasn't it mentioned before? 
Quote from: Pubrick on September 11, 2012, 06:33:41 PM
anyway it was after i posted my first serious fanalysis. after the long post all he could say was that the main reason he wanted to see the master was cos of all the red heads.


I actually watched it on Hulu +. It's in the criterion collection and hulu has it. You can try it free for a week. Wouldn't recommend paying for it since the only good thing on it is criterion (it's mostly horrible reality and sitcom shows) but I'd reccomend the free trial and just watch a bunch and be done with it.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.

P Heat

thanks for the tip Stefen. I got an email to try hulu plus and it will give me Gold for a $1 in xbox live! to go with it lol

Quote from: Pubrick on September 11, 2012, 06:33:41 PM
anyway it was after i posted my first serious fanalysis. after the long post all he could say was that the main reason he wanted to see the master was cos of all the red heads.


I use it on XBox Live too. It's awesome. It's not as good as the Netflix app and it's difficult to rewind and there are tons of ads, but for that price, you can't beat it.

Add me on LIVE if you get a chance. My gamertag is SRome.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.

P Heat

When I'm signing up it says that i can actually get 1 FREE month instead of a week lol NICE.

also in the movie "Jhon Huston's" character is called the Grandfather in the credits. Does someone call him grandmaster somewhere in the movie?

Quote from: Pubrick on September 11, 2012, 06:33:41 PM
anyway it was after i posted my first serious fanalysis. after the long post all he could say was that the main reason he wanted to see the master was cos of all the red heads.

The Perineum Falcon

I watched Wise Blood a few weeks ago, before the new plot synopsis was made public, and also found certain similarities. It was a wonderful experience, very funny and downright strange. While I don't neccessarily believe PTA is making his "Wise Blood," the immediate comparisons only heighten my anticipation.

I watched it on Hulu as well, and I don't have any problem with the service. It's cheap, and while they mostly have TV shows (and commercials), there are more things of interest than Criterion.
We often went to the cinema, the screen would light up and we would tremble, but also, increasingly often, Madeleine and I were disappointed. The images had dated, they jittered, and Marilyn Monroe had gotten terribly old. We were sad, this wasn't the film we had dreamed of, this wasn't the total film that we all carried around inside us, this film that we would have wanted to make, or, more secretly, no doubt, that we would have wanted to live.


Quote from: The Perineum Falcon on May 19, 2011, 03:07:39 PMI watched it on Hulu as well, and I don't have any problem with the service. It's cheap, and while they mostly have TV shows (and commercials), there are more things of interest than Criterion.

Think so? What else are you watching?

I dig it for Criterion and a few TV shows since I don't have cable, but the commercials are really bothersome.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Quote from: Stefen on May 19, 2011, 05:36:50 PM
I don't have cable, but the commercials are really bothersome.

Don't want to turn this into a Hulu thread, but I don't get this complaint. 
Cable costs 60 bucks or so a month and you still have to fast forward through commercials when you DVR the shows.  The fast forwarding probably takes about 20 to 30 seconds.
Hulu plus costs 8 bucks a month and they put one commercial for each break (and they usually have fewer breaks).  This is 30 seconds.

Downloading shows, while free is illegal and takes at least a few minutes per episode and the quality is often shit.

So, take about 10 seconds more of inconvenience to save fifty bucks or more OR take a few minutes (sometimes more) of hassle to save 8 bucks.

I'd rather pay the 8.


Quote from: modage on May 18, 2011, 11:16:48 PM
Quote from: Convael on May 18, 2011, 09:04:26 PM
Did anyone notice that in the script that was leaked a while ago the majority of Freddie's dialogue in the first scene is taken verbatim from the first few pages of Moby Dick?

No, please elaborate.

yeah, please do...


Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.