Stupid crap I can look for

Started by Dendy, April 09, 2003, 05:06:18 PM

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Not so much a small thing but for the first time I left the credits running on ghost world and there's a comedy outtake where Buscemi kicks Josh and the topless guys asses in the shop.
\"I wanted to make a film for kids, something that would present them with a kind of elementary morality. Because nowadays nobody bothers to tell those kids, \'Hey, this is right and this is wrong\'.\"
  -  George Lucas


Mulholland Drive>near the begining of the film when Rita/Camilla/whatever...
walks down the road after the crash if you subtitle the part when the couple walk down the street they say something like..."that was just the thing."...which is significant(maybe) because this same line is uttered by the guy with the black 'history of the world in phone numbers' book  before he gets shot.

Also,  at the  end right before  Betty shoots herself she pulls out the gun from the drawer which(if you look carefully) the blue box  rests inside with the gun she pulls out.  Sorry if this has been  stated earlier in countless threads but it still useless crapyou can look for. :)


this isn't quite in line with all the spoofs mentioned so far, but i was watching american history x tonight and something reminded me of this thread.

at the end of the film when ed norton's holding bloody t2 boy in his arms after he's been shot, and his whole world is collapsing around him, moment of extreme anguish, ed suddenly looks down to his left and readjusts his sitting position.  it looked very much like a oops-i'm-sitting-on-my-wallet kind of move.  is it even possible to be conscious of something like that at such a dramatic moment, or is this a slip up on norton's part? fell out of character for a moment? anybody else notice this, i thought it was funny, is this appropriate for this thread?  oh well, blah