Bland Hack's latest sketch - "The Internet Goes to Washington"

Started by Gamblour., August 05, 2009, 04:35:07 AM

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Quote from: RegularKarate on November 02, 2010, 01:41:28 PM
This one wasn't my favorite.  I think if something else had happened, I would have liked it more.
My personal opinion is if it's just going to rely on people acting sexual toward food (something I've seen a lot), the acting really needs to be a lot better and it needs to get very ridiculous.  I'd say take the most heightened point of ridiculousness (either the food sharing or the gravy pouring) you reached here and pretty-much start with that.

I like the button of the pie at the end, but it still felt obvious.

Sorry to be negative, I still fully support you cranking these out.  God knows I've made a ton of video sketches that felt right while we were writing and shooting, but the love wasn't shared.

Would it be weird if I said I completely agree with you? I'm not the biggest fan of this skit, after watching it about 100 times. Our actor who was going to play the father got in a car accident (he's fine) on the way to the shoot, and we had to replace him within two hours. And this was shit we could not move to a different day. We had a cooked turkey to use right then, and that location too. It was sort of do or die, and we shot this thing in like under 4 hours, which may or may not sound like it, but it was fucking crazy. And exhausting.

But logistics and excuses aside, I agree with you. BUT at the same time, this is a skit I want people to pass around. And if we have someone fist-fucking the turkey (which we totally should have done, now that I think about it), it might not be something that people are as willing to pass around. And this has the ability to appeal to a broader range of people. However, the caveat to that is that maybe the skit is boring now, and maybe a truly outlandish version would have been worth sharing amongst a lot of people (except my mother). But maybe we should have been pushing those boundaries like good artists. Then again, it's just a skit about physical comedy. I go back and forth, but right now I agree with you. And don't worry about being negative. Every day I get comments on the Texting While Walking PSA, one will be "LMAO" and the other will be "this is so stupid and unfuny." It's a balance.


Our latest video, done in collaboration with a local theatre company, Twinhead Theatre.

Jimmy Carter! (MIA parody) [NSFW]

It's on Vimeo because they have a more lenient dick-showing policy. This one's pretty nutty, enjoy!



Quote from: matt35mm on December 07, 2010, 11:14:49 PM
I have no idea what I just saw, but I enjoyed it.

Haha, yeah. My production partner made it all on his own, so I saw it for the first time during a performance on the above-mentioned theatre's play, for which he made it. I was blown away because it was the most non sequitur thing I'd seen him make. It really reminds me of Tim and Eric. I now know what must be going on in his head all day long.


We tackle Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

This is my favorite skit we've done.


Baroque kids is still the best. If it ain't baroque don't fix it.


Quote from: Gamblour. on December 15, 2010, 08:26:35 PM
We tackle Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

This is my favorite skit we've done.

I like the end, it made me laugh, but I feel like it went against the game of the sketch.  I also think this could have been shorter.  The idea of wiki-leaks spoiling things that everyone knows loses its steam really quickly.  It could either jump to the strange powers faster or introduce a new level of "shitty leaks".


And also he should be spoiling (thoigh fake spoilers) upcoming movies. Now the joke doesn't make sense because it's like you're saying Assange irl reveals things everybody knows (not the case)


To your point pas, I actually don't believe he's released anything profound or important or anything shockingly outside the realm of our imagination of what governments presumably do, so him spoiling shit we already know was part of the point. We had a joke about a fake spoiler, but there's no reversal over the course of the skit if the reporter can't truly call him out, so we cut the joke.


I enjoyed it.  It was funny.  I'm glad you self-edited and didn't spread the joke too thin.

My favorite of the videos is still The Other Bronte Sister, which I now realize I didn't post about back when I first watched it, and now I feel bad about that.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: polkablues on December 21, 2010, 03:20:52 PM
I enjoyed it.  It was funny.  I'm glad you self-edited and didn't spread the joke too thin.

My favorite of the videos is still The Other Bronte Sister, which I now realize I didn't post about back when I first watched it, and now I feel bad about that.

Haha, thanks for watching. (and also thanks for posting about The Like whenever that happened in the 2010 LP thread. Got their CD, and it's great.)

SO, we are in the tournament again. It's ongoing until January 2. We were in 2nd place until today, and now we're in 4th, so if you dudes could share this on the good book (Facebook) or physically go up to someone and have them sit at a computer to watch it, that'd be swell.

We're in the running for a few hundred bucks, which is more than most indie filmmakers see in a lifetime!

Pass it around:

Thanks for everything,

Julie Newmar


Hey guys, we have another new skit up. It's a parody of Natalie Portman's performance in Black Swan.

It was a lot of fun ripping off Aaron Darrenofsky for this. Hope you enjoy it!


New skit

I shot and edited this one, it's got some of our best dialogue, and, as you'll see, our actors had a lot of fun with the material. Enjoy!


Hey guys, it's been a while. The past two months have been crazy. In addition to preparing for and filming our latest sketch, we also threw a beatboxing battle at a local art gallery to celebrate the premiere of the sketch. The battle was amazing, and hopefully I'll have some video of the event soon to share with you all.

Until then, check out our skit. I guarantee you'll love it.


This isn't your father's beatboxing. It's your great-great-grandfather's.


Ha!  I really liked that.

Oh, but that's not a Pimm's cup.