Pirate Radio / The Boat That Rocked

Started by MacGuffin, April 28, 2009, 02:38:41 AM

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First off, this has the best soundtrack for a film since American Graffiti. Too bad it doesn't juggle the multiple storylines the way that that classic film did. This film really wants to be three films and they are all competing for attention. On the one hand, it wants to be about this group of rebel dj's, but those scenes don't offer much in terms of story; they tend to stop the movie. A more Animal House approach would have done them good. On the another hand, the film wants to be a coming of age story. But the young character isn't fleshed out enough; we barely get to know him and his character feels more of a plot device to introduce the 'pirates.' And on the last hand, the movie wants to show how the government wants to stop the broadcasts. But those scenes are played and parody and don't offer and sense of threat or drama to matter.

There is a great film here. It's just poorly edited. The characters do win you over enough to be enjoyable. As does the music.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


i didnt see much of a point to this movie. did it want to be a movie with a point, MacGuffs?? some disc jockeys wanking off, having a laugh, bit of SOS (Save Our Station!) in the end. just a buncha sloppy sequences, many falling flat. there was nothing engrossing in the Kenneth Branagh, trying to take the station down scenes (Save Our Scenes!)  

ill watch Phil Parma in anything but this has gotta be the biggest d'oh of his career.