Breaking Bad

Started by squints, February 25, 2009, 07:23:38 PM

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Quote from: Jeremy Blackman on September 25, 2013, 12:15:19 PM
And it might actually be better for Jesse to defeat the Nazis before Walt gets there. But like modage said, not in a murderous way... maybe they're injured/weakened by a chemical reaction. Like maybe Jesse puts on his gas mask and cooks up something to incapacitate them, which would call back to the scene where they didn't like wearing gas masks.

I was thinking about that as well. Might work on most of the Nazis but Todd would definitely have his mask on.


Quote from: Pubrick on September 25, 2013, 11:20:49 AM

Just like anyone who thinks Walt actually gives a shit about Gretchen and Elliot.

I could go back and watch the first half of this season's first episode to look into this, but are there still any grounds to believe that the copy of Leaves Of Grass came from Gretchen, years and years ago, and not Gail? Not that it changes anything...but I always thought that was a graceful coincidence....


wait, the initials are GB. Could it be possible that you gave it to him yourself?


Regardless of any poisoning and shooting, I want there to be a final confrontation/face-to-face between Walt and Jesse (I mean, that's a given, right?). I can't imagine how will they respond to each other at the end of the nazi massacre (if they both survive) and so on. That is going to be intense. They've fucked each other over far too many times for any good to come of it.

I think my dream of Jesse living his life in peace as a lab tech with a young family just isn't going to happen.



The point of the Gretchen and Elliot interview was to distinguish why Walt was returning to New Mexico. He's not returning to seek revenge. He's not seeking any kind of redemption or to absolve his sins. He's not going back to save Jesse. He is going back because of his ego. The empire he built is being stole out from under him. After the phone call with Flynn, He's realized his meth empire is all he has now. If he's gonna go down it's gonna be as a king on his throne rather than in exile in Elba.

He's returning to get his empire back even if it's his last act. So how could he use a large gun and ricin to do that? His plan will probably involve killing people but it's not his focus. Walt's plans have never been straight forward and have always played to his strengths. Him showing up with force to confront a compound of well armed Nazis doesn't seem like a Walt plan. Walt would try to out smart them. I don't think we will fully know what Walt has planned until it's done. We had no idea what was going on when Walt walked into Tuco's office.

Poisoning Lydia's tea is a good prediction but why is he doing that? I need some help figuring out his motivation for that since all he's trying to do is get back his empire. If he was getting revenge, he still wouldn't have a reason to kill her. It's gonna be very difficult to do it too. She would never meet Walt. It would be a lot more difficult to poison her than it was to poison Brock. Also, If he defeats the Nazis, then Lydia is now insignificant. She has no power.

If Walt were to go back and kill Gretchen and Elliot, that would be the biggest holy shit moment of the entire series. They took Mr. Chips further than Scarface and took him into Chris Dorner territory. I didn't think Walt was planning to kill Gretchen and Elliot while watching the episode and I still don't.
If you think this is going to have a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.



Source: TMZ

The writer/director of "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium" tells TMZ ... he harbors no grudges against "Breaking Bad" for trashing his movie, because he also thinks it's a piece of crap!

In case you didn't see Sunday's "Breaking Bad" ... STOP READING HERE.

In the episode, Walter White was taken into a secluded home in the woods, with no Internet or cable.  The only entertainment was "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium" -- and there were TWO copies.

Zach Helm, the writer/director of "Magorium" tells TMZ ... "Having myself endured the ignominy of watching the Technicolor train-wreck that is 'Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium' multiple times every day for over a year, I can attest to it being the perfect Kafka-esque Hell for a character of such moral ambiguity as Walter White."

Zach also said as good as "Breaking Bad" is ... the plot line of ANYONE having 2 DVDs of that movie is simply unbelievable.  As he put it, "That is exactly two more copies than are allowed in my house."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Jeremy Blackman

Re: Brando

When you say "get his empire back," do you mean conceptually? Like, defeating the Nazis and taking back his money would conceptually restore his empire? If so then I think I agree, but beyond that there's nothing he can possibly salvage.

I see his motivations being of a more destructive nature. Even if he gets the money, it's been thoroughly established that he can't get it to his family. He might as well burn it. I think this will be about restoring his dignity through destruction. Trying to have some kind of desperate victory before he dies.

Quote from: Brando on September 25, 2013, 02:41:49 PMWalt's plans have never been straight forward and have always played to his strengths. Him showing up with force to confront a compound of well armed Nazis doesn't seem like a Walt plan. Walt would try to out smart them. I don't think we will fully know what Walt has planned until it's done. We had no idea what was going on when Walt walked into Tuco's office.

I totally agree, which is why another shootout with the Nazis has not been ringing true for me. One last clever plan would be far more satisfying.

I also agree that he lacks motivation to take out Lydia. She hasn't particularly wronged him, and he doesn't know about her wanting Skyler dead. (But of course he might figure that out via logic.)

Quote from: Brando on September 25, 2013, 02:41:49 PMIf Walt were to go back and kill Gretchen and Elliot, that would be the biggest holy shit moment of the entire series.

I know, that's why it would be so great. Maybe I'm a sick person, but I want it to go there. We have the setup and the motivation. Depends just how angry he is, I guess. At this stage I don't think we should underestimate his rage; remember how little it took for him to kill Mike, and now he has nothing left to lose.

I'm reminded of when he told Jesse earlier in the season that if there's a Hell, they're both already going there. (He also told Jesse about Gretchen and Elliot in this season.)

I also still hope Walt is punished a little bit more. I feel like this (below) needs to be taken a step or two further, to its conclusion:

Quote from: Jeremy Blackman on September 09, 2013, 12:14:10 AMWalt will have to win and lose in some combination that really eats away at his soul

He has probably been punished enough, but I think he could use one more nudge.

If the cold open is a Gray Matter flashback, I'm going to be so freaking excited.


Quote from: Jeremy Blackman on September 25, 2013, 05:20:55 PM
Re: Brando

When you say "get his empire back," do you mean conceptually? Like, defeating the Nazis and taking back his money would conceptually restore his empire? If so then I think I agree, but beyond that there's nothing he can possibly salvage.

Yeah, I would see that as a win for Walt. I don't think he's going there to take back the methylamine and start up a new cook. I think he's going there to cement his legacy as Heisenberg. He doesn't want the Nazis to be able to succeed so they can eventually write him off like Gretchen and Elliot was able to write him off. He also probably wants credit for the cook the Nazis have been doing. That could be a good thing or a bad thing for Jesse. Walt gets there and lets Jesse go cause he wants to take credit for the cook or he could kill Jesse cause he can do his cook.
If you think this is going to have a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.


'Breaking Bad' Creator Vince Gilligan Books Detective Drama at CBS
'House' creator David Shore to exec produce and showrun the series
Source: Variety

The man who brought you "Breaking Bad" has lined up a new drama at CBS.

Vince Gilligan's "Battle Creek" has nabbed a series production order for the 2014-15 TV season. CBS did not offer details on the specific episode order, but sources indicate that the Eye has offered 13 segs to the project.

"House" creator David Shore will showrun the series, and exec produce alongside Gilligan and "Breaking Bad" alum Mark Johnson. Gilligan is interested in helming the project, should his schedule permit.

Michigan-set "Battle Creek" centers on two detectives with very different world views. As they team up, they must figure out if cynicism, guile and deception will help clean up the streets of Battle Creek, Michigan in the face of lack of resources, or, if naivete and trust will get the job done.

Sony Pictures TV, the studio behind "Breaking Bad," will produce "Battle Creek" along with CBS TV Studios.

Project was created by Gilligan and developed at CBS in 2002 with Johnson's involvement, fresh off Gilligan's tenure writing and producing "The X-Files" for Fox. While Gilligan was a buzzed-about scribe thanks to his time on the popular scifi horror series, "Battle Creek" wasn't ordered to pilot at the Eye and eventually shelved.

Gilligan went on to create AMC's smash hit "Breaking Bad" and soar to notoriety, claiming the best drama series win at this year's Primetime Emmys ceremony and doing several rounds on the press circuit for coveted interviews regarding "Breaking Bad's" final season.

CBS order for "Battle Creek" continues a strong week for Sony Pictures TV, with victories including the studio's high profile Emmy wins on Sunday and a promising premiere for "The Blacklist" on NBC.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


I don't think we'll see Gretchen or Elliot again.

I also don't think Todd loves Lydia that much. It seems like more a perverse sexual attraction. Besides, dude is a sociopath who has no empathy. If Jesse killed Lydia in front of his face part of me thinks he might just start laughing or shrug it off.

Ricin or not, I still think Walt kills Lydia. She's the one who wanted Skyler dead to save her own ass. If Walt catches wind of this somehow, there's no way he's not wasting her.


Breaking Bad' scene fulfilled dying boy's wish

The pivotal moment in last Sunday's penultimate "Breaking Bad" episode came when Walt saw his two ex-colleagues on TV, denouncing his contributions to their company's research. We saw our protagonist transform from willing surrender to the egomaniacal Heisenberg alter ego, bent on revenge.

That twist came thanks to one of the show's biggest fans, 16-year-old Kevin Cordasco, who died this spring after a six-year battle with cancer. The "Breaking Bad" cast and the creator, Vince Gilligan, visited the boy toward the end of his battle with neuroblastoma and dedicated the first of the final eight episodes to him.

Gilligan offered to disclose how the show ends, but Cordasco refused, hoping to stick it out to the end. Sadly, he didn't make it. But his contribution to the plot did, Gilligan explained in the "Breaking Bad Insider" podcast.

"Kevin, who was our wonderful, No. 1 fan ... he told me that first day I spent with him, visiting him, he told me what he liked about the show and I said, 'Is there something you feel is missing from the show? He said, 'You know what, I want to know more about Gretchen and Elliott. I want to know more about Walt's backstory with them. I want to know what happened.'"
Gilligan obliged and had his writers weave into that pivotal final scene during the "Granite State" episode, when Walt sits at a New Hampshire bar, ready to turn himself in, but sees his former business partners being interviewed by Charlie Rose (a bit of a stretch, but oh well). They tell Rose that Walt contributed next to nothing to their success, when in fact his research helped them make millions. Being slighted so infuriates Walt that he decides to head back to Albuquerque for a revenge involving an M60 and a vial of ricin. And that's where they presumably will pick up in Sunday's much-awaited final episode (9 p.m., AMC).
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Had to wait a few days to watch this because I was camping with no cell or wifi.  Luckily nothing was spoiled.

It was awesome, made me wish there had more episodes, etc etc.

Useless Prediction:  Lydia insists if they're going to continue then Skyler needs to die so Todd decides why not just kill everyone left in Walt's family.  Then he's like hey Lydia how bout we go on a date and she says no, they're just business partners nothing more, so he kills her too.  He goes back to his Uncle/Nazis and is like hey guys, the whole Lydia thing didn't work out so lets just take our millions of dollars and call it a day.  They're like yeah, all right.
Walt shows up ready to go out in a blaze of glory only to find his family is dead, and the Nazi's went on their merry way.  He's left with nothing, not even an enemy.  Until Jesse emerges from his hole.  Walt produces the ricin and is like here Jesse, just kill me.  And Jesse is like go fuck yourself and walks away.  The end.

Also, just for the record, I really hope that ricin isn't for Gretchen and Elliot, that would be silly. Unless they manage to do it in a way that shows just how much Walt has lost it, without seeming like the writing staff has lost it.


Quote from: ©brad on September 25, 2013, 08:24:03 PM
Ricin or not, I still think Walt kills Lydia. She's the one who wanted Skyler dead to save her own ass. If Walt catches wind of this somehow, there's no way he's not wasting her.

that's the key, how would Walt know that? maybe he gets in touch with Skyler..

my predictions:

Jesse wont have his revenge, although id love to see that.

the one thing i see Walt doing to the grey matter couple is to tell Elliot: I Fucked Gretchen

Walt will have a stand off vs the Nazis and there he will have his revenge and death

Lydia has to pay right? or will she be the one that gets away clean?


Watch writers.

They're writing 504 and they have some cards for 5B on the wall.