Started by cowboykurtis, April 04, 2003, 09:56:02 PM

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if he can make another film like dogma im with the guy. but i will never see copout.


that means everyone's seen this video right?
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


Someone deserves a huge prize if they can get through more than 30 seconds of that video. 


Kevin Smith Developing Reality Show For AMC About "The Comic Book Lifestyle"
Source: ThePlaylist

AMC, home to such acclaimed programs as "Mad Men," "Breaking Bad," "The Killing"....and a Kevin Smith-produced show about comic nerds? That appears to be case. IGN reveals that Smith is prepping a reality show centered around his New Jersey comic store Jay And Bob's Secret Stash. So, want to be a part of it? A casting call has gone out on Facebook and it reveals Smith's exacting standards: "He's not looking for actors, he's looking for real people who live and breath the comic book lifestyle. Must be funny outgoing and have a knowledge and passion for comics, superheroes, movie memorabilia and everything that goes with it." We have no idea what what "the comic book lifestyle" is or what that phrase actually means, but we're pretty sure the show will be populated by folks who are not unlike Simon Pegg and Nick Frost's characters from "Paul." Auditions are happening this month and we presume production on a pilot will get underway soon. There is a point to be made here about a reality show centered around people obsessing about fantasy worlds but we'll leave that one alone.... And since we're talking about Kevin Smith, here are a couple of other morsels of info. The director recently tweeted "Via @bdkreviews "any word on RedState coming out earlier than October?" What're you doing Labor Day weekend? Details this month..." which seems to indicate his divisive horror film "Red State" may be hitting sooner than the previously announced Halloween wide release. He also recently told (via Bleeding Cool) that he might publish the "Hit Somebody" script online before making it in order to make sure the full scope of the hockey film is understood. Here's that excerpt: I have a new plan for Hit Somebody. I'm going to publish the script way before I make the movie. It's so much more difficult to explain your intentions to people or to open up your head and let them see what the plan is or how you connect the dots. It's so much easier to just say here and cut to the chase. So much of film, if you're a writer or director, is predicated on keeping it secret. It's my currency, right? But ... it feels stupid to be working on something in the dark that you just want to share. The only reason we do it is because we want people to see it, want people to share in the feeling, the emotion.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Good Luck With That: Kevin Smith Plans 'Hit Somebody' As A Two Film Hockey Saga
Source: Playlist

So the "Red State" tour rolls on and over the weekend, it made its way north, hitting Montreal (with a kind of staggering price of $50 for a ticket) where Kevin Smith presented his horror film with the customary Q&A following the screening. And the filmmaker who keeps stressing he wants to retire from directing is set to make his final bow an ambitious outing. According to Hour Community (via /Film) who attended the event, Smith revealed that his hockey dramedy "Hit Somebody" is now going be a two-film saga with the first part about a player's youth in Canada and the latter half about his journey into professional hockey.

To refresh your memory, the film is inspired by a Warren Zevon song, focusing on a rising hockey player named Buddy McCracken, and has a script Smith has been working on for a while. He's already slotted (somewhat unofficially) much of his "Red State" cast for roles with Michael Parks to play a French Canadian coach, John Goodman as Buddy's first coach Blue Jay Jennings, Melissa Leo in an unspecified part, and Nicholas Braun in the lead role of Buddy McCracken with Kyle Gallner also slated to make an appearance in the film as a Wayne Gretzky-like character. The scope of the project isn't too much of a surprise with Smith revealing earlier this year that he was 110 pages into his script and only half done—the story spans three decades from 1950 to 1980—and despite bitching about the studio system for most of last year, he was contemplating going that route to get financing.

So, will anybody step up to the plate to finance an extensive period hockey film, starring a roster of much smaller names in a genre that has been uneven at best at the multiplex? Yeah, that might be a very hard sell considering the very few hockey movies out there have only really come in a couple of flavors: biopics/inspirational stories or broad comedies. That said, there is one place a hockey drama could theoretically work: television. If Smith can keep the budget down and if the story is in that rags to riches vein, as a cable movie it would make the most sense. But even then, convincing execs that a movie saga about hockey is a worthwhile endeavor when the sport itself lags easily behind football and basketball in popularity is a difficult pitch, even for more adventurous indie or cable outlets. Our advice to Smith? Give CBC a ring (but just don't expect Hollywood sized dollars from the Canadian national broadcaster).

It's yet another twist in the development of "Hit Somebody" that was mooted to start filming around this time, though at this point, 2012 is looking more realistic. As for Smith, he's remained surprisingly silent thus far though he did retweet the Hour story. But we're sure he'll have a very lengthy and wordy explanation posted soon enough.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


so I guess no one is really quitting


Kevin Smith Reveals Details of His Final Film, 'Hit Somebody'
Source: THR

The filmmaker announced via Twitter that he hopes to debut his hockey movie at Sundance 2013.

Kevin Smith is sharing details about his next -- and final -- film via Twitter, telling fans that he hopes to unveil Hit Somebody during Sundance 2013.

The auteur had initially planned to create the movie in two parts, but wrote on Jan. 5 that he is currently "Writing script two, but now gonna make one big movie instead... Makes more sense anyway: the movie's about taking one, good shot." Smith revealed that he hopes to begin shooting in June.

In response to another follower, Smith noted that the film's total running time could reach 150 minutes with credits.  

Last January, Smith told reporters that Hit Somebody would be his last film. "I feel good about that," he said while promoting his most recent film, Red State. "I feel like my critics are probably saying 'Oh, good, he's leaving."

Smith clarified that while he is closing the curtain on theatrical films, he is "willing to try other directing projects."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin on January 05, 2012, 02:45:47 PM
Kevin Smith Reveals Details of His Final Film, 'Hit Somebody'

Quote from: MacGuffin on January 05, 2012, 02:45:47 PM"the movie's about taking one, good shot."

Quote from: MacGuffin on January 05, 2012, 02:45:47 PMthe film's total running time could reach 150 minutes with credits. 

I cannot contain the excitement.


Kevin Smith wants Michael Parks and Quentin Tarantino to star in Tusk, his "walrus centipede" horror film
Source: JoBlo

All right, so I'm sure you've come here for the crazy, so let's jump in shall we? Apparently, Kevin Smith dropped the news that while perusing the news one day (and likely high) he came across a story that intrigued him so much that the turned it into a horror script called TUSK. So, what in the hell is TUSK? I'm glad you asked. TUSK is described by Smith as "a cuddly HUMAN CENTIPEDE" which will take the true-life story of a man stranded on an island with a walrus, whom he misses so much after returning home that he puts an ad in the paper for a roommate...a walrus roommate. No, not a real walrus, mind you, but an actual human being who will "dress like a walrus" for 2 hours a day and basically play the part. What, you don't believe me? Take a look at the original ad and then come on back.

Smith called this "the most f**ked-up, absurd movie ever" during his panel in Hall H during Comic Con. Smith also said that he has sent the script out to his RED STATE star Michael Parks and that he wants Quentin Tarantino to play the walrus roommate. And, according to Twitter, Smith is wasting no time with the film set to shoot in September.

So, it appears that, as many of us suspected, Kevin Smith is far from retiring anytime soon. With CLERKS 3 on the way and his long-in-development hockey project floating around somewhere, the writer/director isn't showing any signs of quitting. It also appears that he may be smoking too much weed while reading the news. That said, a human centipede-like horror flick with Michael Parks and Quentin Tarantino? Man, if that happened I wouldn't be able to resist the absurdity.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Hm, remember when he was relevant?

Frederico Fellini

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