Started by cowboykurtis, April 04, 2003, 09:56:02 PM

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Quote from: MacGuffinSince the other thread has turned mainly about Jersey Girl:

Kevin Smith to Write & Direct The Green Hornet
Source: Variety

Kevin Smith (Jersey Girl) will write and direct The Green Hornet for Miramax Films, reports Variety. Smith expects to have a script ready in time to begin shooting scenes of the masked Hornet and his kung-fu-fighting chauffeur, Kato, by late summer. The film will be based on the venerable character created by Fran Striker and George Trendle for a radio serial that launched in 1936.

"I dig the fact that he kicked off a run of billionaire playboys who decided to put on a mask and fight crime, and that he was Batman before there was a Batman," said Smith.

While he never thought he would make a superhero film, Smith made an exception for The Green Hornet, for several reasons. Among them is the fact that the character has high name recognition but isn't shackled by the storyline, says the trade. Most people remember the title character and Kato, but cannot name their adversaries or even recall the tricked-out car they drove. For Smith, that leaves plenty of room for imagination.

"I always said I'd never do one, based on my limited experience writing on 'Superman' and having to answer to the studio, the producer, the comics company and eventually a director," Smith said. "Then there's a fandom that gets up in arms if you even try to stray from their character. Here, there is simplicity in the character and the situation.

"Equally important, the only person I have to answer to is Harvey [Weinstein], with whom I've made four movies. This is the only circumstance that led me to take on a comicbook movie, and something so big."

Smith hasn't gotten to the casting stage yet, but said he was intrigued by both actors who were linked to the film while it was at Universal. George Clooney had a pay-or-play deal for the title character before Steven Spielberg extricated him to star in DreamWorks' first drama, The Peacemaker. Jet Li once was linked to the role of Kato.

from his webboard

"Oh well. Cat's out of the bag. Yes – I've been handed Miramax's biggest movie to date
(unless you count "Gangs of New York", which was rumored to cost a hundred million or
something). It may not be big news to some here (or to any folks who aren't into comic
book movies). But it sure as shit's big news to me. Big, wonderful news. I still can't believe
"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"


why was banky's thread locked? re-open it please.

classical gas

I think it was locked because anything you could have posted on that thread you could just as easily have posted on this thread, no reason to take up room and, of course,  no offense to you or banky....


Posted on the VA board earlier today:
I'm gonna try to hit all the questions you guys have been asking. Forgive me if I forget a few.

We were in the editing room on "Jersey Girl" a few months back, swapping out a song, and Jon Gordon (friend and Miramax exec) was on the phone, talking about something comic-book sounding. When he got off, I asked him what he was talking about, and he said "Green Hornet." I said "You guys have 'Green Hornet'? Who's directing?" He said "Nobody yet. You
wanna do it?" I said "Harvey would never give me that movie." He said "You got a take on it?" I said "I've had a take on it that's been sitting on the hard drive of every computer I've had since '95, when I was asked to come up with a take on it while working on 'Rats' at Universal." So I told him about it, he said "I love that. Lemme run it past Harvey." Jon runs
it past Harvey, and Harvey says "I'm into it. Tell him to write up an outline." So I started an outline... 'til the feet started to get cold. "This is too big," I fretted. "I'm not an action director. I'm gonna pooch it if I try." So I wrote Jon an email, informing him that I was bowing out. He asked if I'd written any of the outline, and I told him I had two pages. He insisted I send them in. I did, and he gave them to Harvey, who read the pages, called me, and said "This is too good. I'm not letting you back out of this. It's time you grew up and pushed yourself by trying something different than all the talky flicks. You can do this. We'll surround you with an amazing support team. You're right to be scared – but it's a good fear. It's the kinda fear that's gonna make you try harder."

After that, how could I say no?

Sadly, no. After giving it serious thought, he felt he wasn't ready to go back to work this year. He wants to take '04 off and travel, learn to paint, master Maya (the animation program), and generally rest (i.e. – not produce). Scott's feeling was that after ten years, he wanted a long vacation. And since he's my friend first, producer second, I had to support
him in his decision.

It's gonna be tough going into this without Scott, but I've gotta respect my boy's wishes. He'll still read the drafts and give me notes and cut suggestions as always, but that'll be about it on "Hornet." I'll miss him something fierce.

Everything just gets pushed back a year. If it's any consolation, Harvey's insisting we go right into "Fletch" after "Hornet" wraps.

Yes. Some offers went out to actors this week. I'm meeting with the guy we all want for Britt Reid Monday night. If actors start accepting offers, I'll let you know.

Christ, yes. We're working on this now.

Working on this too. There are a few manufacturers we're talking to already (for me, though, the dream car is the Cadillac 16).

Me making a comic book movie? That's about the least selling-out move I could make, as far as I'm concerned. But that's just me.

I'm writing a part for Mewes, I know that. Beyond that, expect to see some other familiar faces pop up as well.

Very, very true. The story spans a few decades, though.

Can't. The Lone Ranger is owned by someone else. Legally, we can't refer to him without optioning that character as well.

Yes. I'm fifty pages in.

Too early to tell. But early guesses put it around seventy million.

Not a specific date, but we're due in theaters August '05.

It's serious. Granted, there will be some humor in it, but we're still playing it straight on this one.

Yes. We moved ahead one week. We now open on the 26th. Harvey decided he wanted to open the flick closer to Easter, so as to take advantage of the Easter break, during which time our weekday grosses would be stronger, as folks are off from school. Also, the additional week buys us some more press hits and promotional time. Yes, it means waiting
one more week, but what was I gonna do – argue with the guy? He just handed me "Green Hornet" for Christ's sake.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.


i think a super-hero film is good for smith. i like when directors work against theirselves and challenge their abilities as filmmakers. granted, smith doesn't have the 'healthiest' background for visual-fliar, i see this is a really good oppurtunity for him to experiment and push himself as a more visual director. nevertheless, the characters are going to be fun, but i'd love to see some visual texture in this film! c'mon smith, i know you can do it!
Guy with spoon: My spoon is too big. My spoon is too big. My spoon is too big.
Banana: I am a banana!



Quote from: classical gasI think it was locked because anything you could have posted on that thread you could just as easily have posted on this thread, no reason to take up room and, of course,  no offense to you or banky....

i understand that, but we all know sooner or later they are going to have to open a thread for the film itself. just seems a bit retarded to me. :?


Color Gyllenhaal 'Green'?
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Kevin Smith is zeroing in on an actor to jump into the "Green Hornet" suit. The filmmaker -- currently prepping for the March 26 release of Miramax Films' "Jersey Girl," starring Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler -- has met with Jake Gyllenhaal about taking the title role in the Miramax project, sources confirmed. Thanks to a positive chat with the actor about the famed character and the direction of the potential franchise, Smith is now interested in casting Gyllenhaal as the crime-fighting superhero who also doubles as Daily Sentinel publisher Britt Reid. Other names may still be in the mix, but sources said Gyllenhaal appears to fit Smith's current conception of the character. If all works out, it would be Gyllenhaal's second brush with a superhero suit: He had been put on standby to step in as Peter Parker/Spider-Man last year when, for a brief time, it looked as if Tobey Maguire might be exiting the Sony franchise. Gyllenhaal is next starring in "The Day After Tomorrow."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


haha, whoa thats a ways off of the old 'george clooney' rumor huh?  and i guess that smith saying he wanted an 'actor first' might be a bit of an insult to his usual leading man ben affleck not being considered for this part?  i dont see how he's a competely different 'type' for this sort of role?
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Well, I forget where it was I read it (thinking IMDb), but I think Affleck said he was through with action roles and wants to concentrate on drama and ... comedy.  Hehe.  Whoo.  We'll see.  We shall see.


Quote from: OnomatopoeiaWell, I forget where it was I read it (thinking IMDb), but I think Affleck said he was through with action roles and wants to concentrate on drama and ... comedy.  Hehe.  Whoo.  We'll see.  We shall see.

Ahh Ben Affleck, the boy who's had a bit of a rough time in the tabloids and at the box-office of late, is attempting a minor comeback with his mug appearing all over promoting "Jersey Girl". It's during these promos according to the IMDB, that Affleck revealed that he's vowed he'll never do a "Daredevil" sequel as he doesn't want to do more action movies - "I can't imagine doing another action movie. I'm not interested". Instead he's focussing on lighter fare such as the holiday release "Surviving Christmas" which he describes as "The kind of script you would normally expect someone like Mike Myers, Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell or Eddie Murphy to be in. Instead, it's me trying my hand at comedy".
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin"The kind of script you would normally expect someone like Mike Myers, Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell or Eddie Murphy to be in. Instead, it's me trying my hand at comedy".
Ok, wait. So it's material for former SNLers like Myers, Sandler, Ferrell or Murphy. But they gave it to you. Desperation move on their part, I guess. I'll pass, thanks.


according to an interview with Michel Gondry at AICN, he "worked on THE GREEN HORNET, which was supposed to be a big franchise film. I worked on it for two years; I designed the car, and we worked with a writer on the script, but the studio didn't see the possibility of it. They didn't believe in it. And I always wanted to do something like BACK TO THE FUTURE. But it's just the spirit that's important to me. If it's quirky and not taking itself too seriously, I like it."  wow, how did that happen?  Gondry loses Green Hornet to Smith?!
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

Chest Rockwell

Is anyone else watching Yes, Dear with special guest Kevin Smith?


What a whore... Yes, Dear?

Why doesn't he just start doing bits on Leno... oh, wait


Box office predictions for Jersey Girl everyone... I'll go with an opening take of 14.5 mill, total take of about 40-50 mill. I also predict that quite a few of the reviews are going to use words such as "cute", "funny",
"sweet",  and "charming."