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Film Discussion => Digital Streams & Criterion Dreams => Topic started by: aurora on March 17, 2003, 03:46:53 PM

Title: A Nightmare On Elm Street Boxset
Post by: aurora on March 17, 2003, 03:46:53 PM
I got this the other day

Its so awesome!

I use to watch all the movies when I was 8 so when I watched them the other day it reminded me of the good old times!

Anyway... has anyone got it? I've been going through 'The Labyrinth' on the 8th disc. Fuck its hardcore! I was in it for like 2 hours and still didn't get to see everything!

Anyone know if there is a guide for it or something available ? I can't find one
Title: Re: A Nightmare On Elm Street Boxset
Post by: MacGuffin on March 17, 2003, 05:34:56 PM
Quote from: DionySuSAnyway... has anyone got it?

Yes, and it's an awesome box set.

Quote from: DionySuSAnyone know if there is a guide for it or something available ? I can't find one

Haven't found one, but did find this:

Part of the frustration with the "Labyrinth" surrounds the fact that much - but not all - of the information is available in the "Index." The DVD's case claims that the "Index" offers "an unabridged, clickable listing of the disc's contents," but that's not the case; many of the clips can only be found in the "Labyrinth." Compounding this decision is the fact that most of the "Labyrinth" exclusive pieces are fairly brief - usually about ten to fifteen seconds at most. These means that one has to exert a lot of effort for little reward.

One semi-solution to this problem is to explore the "Labyrinth" first. That's what I did, so all of the clips were fresh to me. When I finished - I wasn't able to find everything - I checked out the "Index" for the parts I missed. This method seems much less frustrating to me than watching the "Index" materials PRIOR to entering the "Labyrinth." Had I done it that way, I'm sure I would have been much more irritated at all of the times I accessed materials I'd already viewed. It's not a terribly efficient way to watch the clips, but I thought it saved me some aggravation; some of the clips I activated in the "Index" were ones I'd already seen in the "Labyrinth," but since the "Index" lists titles for all the pieces, I could much more easily skip them.
Title: A Nightmare On Elm Street Boxset
Post by: bonanzataz on March 17, 2003, 09:06:20 PM
I got this for xmas 2 years ago and watched all the movies within the week. that was the week i went on my cat skinning rampage.