Xixax Film Forum

Creative Corner => Filmmakers' Workshop => Topic started by: Pas on March 20, 2005, 03:52:48 PM

Title: Characters and development...
Post by: Pas on March 20, 2005, 03:52:48 PM
I've been doing research for my first novel for half a year now, it's time I get to writing something. It's the first time I actually talk about this project to anyone, because I noticed as soon as I talk about one of my projects to people, it turns to shit. Anyway let's hope this won't happen.

As of now I have my setting really really drawn out, I do have some character ideas but they are one-dimensioned (is this an english expression or just mistranlated french ?) ... do you guys have some kind of sheet to fill in to deepen characters or something like that ? Any tricks, pointers ? Anything to help create vivid characters ? thanks a bunch
Title: Characters and development...
Post by: meatball on March 20, 2005, 04:15:29 PM
Don't systematically approach characters. The most common thing I see in writing is that characters usually end up as alter egos of the author, all pretty much identical in voice and mannerism.
Title: Characters and development...
Post by: kotte on March 20, 2005, 11:14:54 PM
I believe in really getting to know your characters.

Hang out with them, Talk to them. Imagine them in situations to even close to happening in the book. Write about one of the characters first heartbreak which was in fact his second. The first he denies...or whatever.

EDIT: and this process should'nt be boring. You feel for your characters. You hate them, you love them but you feel for them either way. Even the so-called boring characters shouldn't be boring to you. If there's someone you don't want to hang out with I'm sure the reader don't either.

I think there's one or a couple of threads covering this here.