Xixax Film Forum

Film Discussion => The Vault => Topic started by: fayetroma on February 16, 2005, 10:49:41 AM

Title: The TROMAdance FILM FESTIVAL comes to NEW YORK!!!
Post by: fayetroma on February 16, 2005, 10:49:41 AM
The TromaDance Foundation is proud to announce the formation of the first TromaDance New York City, this year being held at Rafifi, 332 East 11th Street. This premiere event will be taking place on Saturday February 26th and Tromadance New York City Application Committee is looking to spotlight the talent and creativity that the New York Area breeds and inspires. TromaDance New York City is now selecting films to be shown in their premiere event, which will also include panel discussions by some of independent cinemas greatest trailblazers. This is a film festival that is dedicated to the art and spirit of independent filmmakers and features no application fee. Tromadance New York City is looking for any movie that is willing to experiment, go out on a creative limb, it doesn't have to be funny or horrific, cross boundaries, break rules, independent filmmakers answer to no one! This is for the people and by the people! You don't have to be a New Yorker to be involved, as the city is, this festival will be an international event. Tromadance New York City is determined to show a city that their dreams are attainable.


For more information on TROMAdance: http://troma.com/tromadance/newyork2005/
Title: The TROMAdance FILM FESTIVAL comes to NEW YORK!!!
Post by: Pubrick on February 16, 2005, 10:54:57 AM
can u please keep all your spam in one thread?


thanks, the administration.