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Film Discussion => Digital Streams & Criterion Dreams => Topic started by: ©brad on March 06, 2003, 04:59:47 AM

Title: Your DVD rotation
Post by: ©brad on March 06, 2003, 04:59:47 AM
In a given week, how many dvds do you watch, and in what order? I only have about 40 dvds so my rotation is not as extensive as some of you who have a lot of dvds. In a given week or two what dvds of yours do you watch? Which ones can you watch over and over? How often do you listen to commentaries? And last but not least how often to you watch BN and Magnolia?

My dvd viewing habits are quite erratic. Last fall I was going on different directors, i.e. a week of Soderbergh stuff and then Altman for another week, then Spike Lee, etc. I usually watch the film first then the commentary shortly there afterwards.

JFK, Nixon, Goodfellas, Amelie, Big Lebowski, Royal Tennenbaums, Being John Malckovich, Any Given Sunday, Thelma and Louise, A Clockwork Orange, Mulholland Dr., The Graduate, Wonder Boys, L.A. Confidential, Annie Hall-- these are the main dvds that I watch over and over and over again. As far as Boogie and Magnolia, I can't remember the last time I watched Boogie Nights all the way through w/o the commentary. I took one last look at Magnolia in one sitting right before I came here to england.
Title: Your DVD rotation
Post by: Redlum on March 06, 2003, 05:28:44 AM
I'd say Wonder Boys gets played the most with me. That, Lebowski, Grosse Point Blank, Oh Brother and The Graduate. Mostly 3/4 dvd's a week.

With Boogie Nights and Magnolia I know them so well I tend to watch them in stages, so when I put them back in the player I just carry on from where I left off.
Title: Your DVD rotation
Post by: Victor on March 06, 2003, 06:57:02 AM
sometims ill go on jags where ill watch Do The Right Thing or Wonder Boys or Sydney like, six times in one week. Usually just in the background, but. Like the last three days i watched se7en and the commentaries like fourteen times. i need help. serious fucking extensive mental help. im gonna go watch fight club again.
Title: Your DVD rotation
Post by: Ernie on March 06, 2003, 03:52:47 PM
During the school year, I only watch movies on Fridays and Saturdays usually. So only like 2 or 3 DVD's a week. I can't enjoy movies on school nights and so...it gives me something to look forward to. Now, if it's a long weekend or especially a week off I watch a lot more of course.

During the summer, I'd say I watch like 4 or 5 a week.

I watch all kinds of movies...I can't really think of any habits. I sometimes have something on the background...sometimes I'm completely and totally focused on it...it depends on my mood. I'm always in the mood for something, there's never a mood that a movie isn't fit for.

Lol, I love how everybody mentioned Wonder Boys...that's so funny. I haven't seen it in its entirety yet.
Title: Your DVD rotation
Post by: av8raaron on March 06, 2003, 04:10:15 PM
Counting VHS, the usual favorites are the PTA films, Pulp Fiction, Ronin, Se7en, The Right Stuff, and what just might the funniest film that nobody but me likes: The 'Burbs.

That, and I usually manage to rent 2-3 DVDs per week.
Title: Your DVD rotation
Post by: life_boy on March 06, 2003, 06:39:53 PM
Depends on my mood.  Somtimes I'll just be in a Kubrick mood (2 weeks ago) or PTA mood (4 weeks ago) or a certain year (this week I'm in a 2001 mood).  It probably only makes sense to me.
Title: Your DVD rotation
Post by: Duck Sauce on March 07, 2003, 12:44:31 AM
I dont have a standard rotation really, now that I have netflix I try to get in one a day. Sometimes I will watch 10 a week and sometimes none. I go on streaks like that. I hardly ever watch the DVDs I own though for some reason/