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Film Discussion => The Vault => Topic started by: Jeremy Blackman on November 29, 2004, 09:24:28 PM

Title: Tarnation
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on November 29, 2004, 09:24:28 PM
I'm surprised there's no thread on this. It's playing right now!

The trailer is here (http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/tarnation.html) if anyone's interested.

I was pretty impressed... it was what I expected. It has all the disturbing elements of Crumb, but it's unique because it's a long-term autobiography.


Some scenes are amazing, some scenes are gut-wrenching, some scenes are absolutely perfect... but some scenes are a little too self-conscious. The closer he gets to the present, basically, and the more he realizes he's making an actual movie, the more contrived and ambiguous things get. But I guess I could learn to love that ambiguity.

My biggest complaint is with the text. It just looks ugly, cheap, and awkward, and it's there throughout the whole thing.
Title: Tarnation
Post by: Ghostboy on November 29, 2004, 10:26:39 PM
I absolutely loved this movie, and I'm upset that it won't be elligble for the Best Doc award at the Oscars this year.

I think posted this link in another thread, but here's (http://www.road-dog-productions.com/tarnationinterview.html) the interview I did with Jonathan Caouette.

About those fonts...I think they maintained them to preserve the iMovie aesthetic of the whole thing.
Title: Tarnation
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on November 29, 2004, 11:12:35 PM
I'm jealous...

QuoteJC: Yes. I can't say who it is, but there are three major motion pictures in the 70s, all starring this big 70s star, who actually assumes the same aesthetics throughout all of the films, right down to her hair length. So she could conceivably be the same character in all three of these films, um, she sort of is that person in all three of these films.
So can you guess who it is?
Title: Tarnation
Post by: Ghostboy on November 30, 2004, 03:13:44 AM
It can't be someone who's still really big or who still has a lot of clout. I'm guessing it might be someone like Karen Black.
Title: Tarnation
Post by: Ernie on November 30, 2004, 09:15:46 AM
yea, i wanna see this really bad. still hasn't shown up at any theatres within a 6 hour drive unfortunately.
Title: Tarnation
Post by: xerxes on November 30, 2004, 03:43:38 PM
i really loved it, and i also enjoyed your interview quite a bit too ghostboy.
Title: Tarnation
Post by: Pedro on November 30, 2004, 05:29:39 PM
it's one of the best films i've seen in a long time.  it's like a collection of incredible montages and moments that all end up being strangely moving.  i wish more people could see it.
Title: Tarnation
Post by: pete on January 09, 2005, 11:57:09 PM

I was totally unmoved save like two scenes (the one with his dad and the pumpkin scene), the rest of them were just totally cliched uses of "experimental" techniques coupled with folk music and subtitles.  The guy was not very honest nor open (and he admitted that in the end)--instead of letting scenes run he just referred to himself in third person and tried to analyze everything that went wrong, in some kinda attempt to be objective.  It ended up being narcisstic and recycled, and took away from the tragedy.
If you liked this movie then you should check out either Joe Gibbon's "Confession of a Sociopath", which is also a documentary in the experimental video diary vein covering 30 years of a man's life.  Check it out if you can find it.  Also check out Jon Jost's "Six Easy Pieces" which contained a lot of the same experimental techniques in Tarnation but used to a better effect, in my opinion anyways.
Hell, I've seen my friends making better, more intimate and honest documentaries than this one.
Title: Tarnation
Post by: cine on February 23, 2005, 03:52:22 AM
Tarnation is coming to DVD May 17th.
Title: Tarnation
Post by: A Matter Of Chance on February 23, 2005, 07:18:12 AM
i really want to see this. . .

he looks kind of like pta :oops:
Title: Tarnation
Post by: ono on March 26, 2005, 07:21:52 PM
I noticed the PTA similarities too.  Just saw this this afternoon, and was totally let down, unenthused.  Basically, what pete said.  This was a self-indulgent, self-loathing mess.  From the beginning it lost me because it broke the fourth wall when he cried into the camera.  Contrived, contrived, contrived.  This guy embarassed his family and dug up a past we don't care about for all to see, just so he could have some sort of catharsis.  Saying this, it may seem like I hated the flick.  Not so.  I just didn't care.  Everyone has problems.  But everyone's problems aren't fit for revealing documentaries.  I did admire some of the editing in some points.  Near breathtaking, but amateurish in other parts.  iMovie screamed through.  I tried making a movie in iMovie once.  Took hours.  Poor sap.
Title: Re: Tarnation
Post by: Ghostboy on March 26, 2005, 08:08:39 PM
Quote from: Jeremy BlackmanThe closer he gets to the present, basically, and the more he realizes he's making an actual movie, the more contrived and ambiguous things get.

JB seems to have summed up one of the biggest problems with the film (also mentioned by Pete and Ono), and one that could probably have been better clarified: all the stuff in the NY apartment that feels staged and faked feels that way because that's what it is - the'yre part of a short film Cauoette was making; his home movies were going to play a small part in a fictional story. His intentions changed, obviously.

That won't make anyone like the movie anymore, but it may explain why those scenes seemed so contrived (especially the ones towards the end of the film).
Title: Tarnation
Post by: analogzombie on May 29, 2005, 12:11:41 PM
Couette mentions in the commentary, in a round about way, that those scenes in the apartment are 'acted' for what he thought the film would end up being. While it definately disturbs the flow of the documentary feel to the earlier parts of the film it didn't take me out of it. It kind of added to my understanding of the person he grew up to be, and the issues he was still grappling with concerning his family.

I really enjoyed the film. I think it was successful at telling the story of the ruining of a person (his mother), and Couette's subsequent phoenix-like escape from a dead-end life. Certain parts felt like a less precious Gummo with heart.
Title: Tarnation
Post by: MacGuffin on June 01, 2005, 02:37:36 PM
RE-RUN INTERVIEW: The Messiah of Bargain-Basement Filmmaking Arrives: Jonathan Caouette and "Tarnation" Source: indieWIRE

He shares his initials with Christ, and there's no doubt Jonathan Caouette's life until now has been one cross to bear. With sadistic grandparents, an Electro-shocked mother who was raped in front of him, coming out of the closet in Texas, bad drug experiences, and suffering from a condition known as depersonalization, you wouldn't be surprised if Jonathan had turned out a serial killer, a homeless person, or a Morgan Fairchild imitator.

Luckily for both him and us, this young man has been filming every aspect of his existence since age eleven, and now he's made a feature out of that footage. Cost: just over $200.00. Verdict: a small masterpiece.

Roger Ebert has called "Tarnation" "remarkable... powerful and heartbreaking."

Owen Gleiberman: "...a deathless swan dive into the fractured memories of [a] strange, tormented, beautiful life."

Sundance's Shari Frilot: "brutal and spellbinding."

I was to interview Jonathan in his distributor Wellspring's offices. When I got there, I wound up having to follow the highly attractive, dyed blond director out a window so he could smoke several cigarettes on a makeshift terrace high above Manhattan's East side streets, with a strong wind blowing.

indieWIRE: Was there more sex in the original cut of "Tarnation"? One would think from your monologues and your personality that there was.

Jonathan Caouette: Oh, man! There certainly is nudity and sex that does exist, but it never existed in this film, because I love the idea of evoking the precociousness of it all and leaving certain things up to the imagination. There were sort of a few sort of dick shots here and there, ass shots or whatever, but nothing that would exude like full-on sex. One thing I wanted to do was hold back from the sex to allow it to sort of denote its own sense of sensuality and really leave it up to the imagination of the viewer. I think it's more interesting like that.

iW: Now you're wearing a Lynyrd Skynyrd T-shirt which really isn't a group that has gay followers. Is that because you have an atypical musical taste?

JC: No. I actually just like their song "Sweet Home Alabama," even though it's very anti-East Coast, and Neil Young doesn't like them, and I love Neil Young. Just to wear this shirt... It sort of emulates a sort of Southern attachment that I have. Although I was never really in this world, it's sort of like has to do with maybe the same sort of fixation I have about putting multitudes of Tabasco sauce on things.

iW: You might get a Tabasco sauce endorsement out of this interview.

JC: Yes, I would love one. Or a T-shirt.

iW: I was chatting to Lincoln Center's Richard Pena about your film, which he adored. His one hesitation was that because of your success, he might start receiving thousands of films edited with iMovie. Do you think you're a visionary or the Tarantino of iMovie?

JC: I hope so. If anything I hope I can be... I thought you were going to say something even scarier. Like thousands of people are going to stalk me or try to kill me or something. But I hope at the end of the day this movie can be an inspiration to people who never thought they could make a film for whatever reason: money or... Gus Van Sant said not too long ago that there should be no more excuses. Everything you need to make a film is within arm's length. I mean the latter part of this film was shot on a consumer-based camera that I got from Best Buy, via Firewire just into my computer. So I really think it might be sort of a lesson to all people to forget CGI, and forget all these productional things about films, and try to get back to the element of telling stories. I hope that's where we go cinematically-wise.

iW: "Tarnation" opens in New York [this week]?

JC: The film will open officially at the New York Film Festival. It will have the New York premiere of this version. The day after that is the unofficial official opening at the Film Forum. Then in L.A., it's opening simultaneously I think the next day or something after that. Then we've sold twenty territories around the world. Twenty countries which is amazing. Amazing.

iW: So you'll be touring?

JC: I'll be going all over the world. The only problem is that I need to get over my fear of flying very quickly. I hate flying. So does Kate Bush. So does Lars von Trier. So do all these other people, and I wish I didn't have to go. But I guess being the first time filmmaker... It's really amazing the responsibility you have to endure as a director.

I just want to say for the record that I'm very much available as an actor because it would seem like it would just be a solace compared to this, having to promote the film to this magnitude. I really thought the hardest part of the film was over when I made it. I mean it's been glorious, too, but it certainly is very exhausting. Having to say the same thing over and over again but keep being interesting for other people and myself, and keeping it fresh.

iW: I remember researching Al Pacino. He's started off his career giving all these interviews, then he stopped. I realized Al must have tired of everyone asking the same old questions.

JC: Yeah. Yeah. But you're not asking the same questions. You're asking really good questions.

iW: Oh, you're too kind.

JC: No, seriously.

iW: Now your syndrome is called depersonalization?

JC: Yeah, which has actually subsided. If I have it, I'm so acclimated to it that I don't even notice it any more.

iW: So you know you're just going to be a normal person who's going to be a serious director, and you're not going to be making the tabloids or anything?

JC: No. Tabloids for what?

iW: For stealing clothes or having sex with the Olsen twins.

JC: No nothing like that any time soon. Not this year anyway. No, I hope to move on to make narratives almost immediately. I'm going to embark on my DIY (project) pretty much after the life of "Tarnation" is over, and I finish promoting it. Actually, I'm going to be doing a double whammy.

I'm going to become bicoastal in the sense that I'm going to go to the Gulf Coast. I'm going to go back to Houston and take care of my family. My grandfather and my mother. Just get them sort of situated in one of the most stable scenarios that either of them could ever be in. I'm not saying I'm going to lock them up or anything. I'm going to make sure that they're taken care of and looked after. That their house is clean. That their taxes are paid. That the State isn't going to come in and assume guardianship over them. Anything like that.

At the same time, I'm going to be working on a new film. Actually it's an old film. Old films. I'm taking three films that were made in succession consecutively over the years of 1973 to 1977, and they all starred this one actress. I can't say who it is. She actually assumes the same aesthetic throughout all of the films, even right down to her hair length and her accent. I basically want to get all three of these films free of music and underscore, and re-augment them and remix them into a new two-hour film that's going to tell and evoke a completely different story.

I was sort of inadvertently pitching this to David Lynch's producer at the Cannes Film Festival, telling him I wanted to do this as a one-day-for-fun-thing as a way to get back to the MIX Film Festival for kick-starting "Tarnation" as a kind of a Superstar-Todd-Haynes-Karen-Carpenter story thing. He actually said that he wants to like make this happen... So that's going to be my next thing.

iW: So now the David Lynch people have approached you. You must be so secure, especially because most people don't have the great reviews you do before their film opens.

JC: They don't???!!!

iW: No.

JC: I don't know. See, I'm a neophyte at this. I don't even know what's going on. I have no idea sort of what the monsters might have created. I didn't know that. I really don't. I'm not just...

iW: Do you know the German director Rosa von Praunheim?

JC: I've heard of him.

iW: I've been with him while he's waited for the newspapers to come out with the reviews of his latest effort. Freaking out is a term to describe his behavior mildly.

JC: Really. So what's happening to me is...

iW: You've already got an Ebert rave and a dozen others. People are usually waiting on pins and needles for such feedback.

JC: Oh, I didn't know that. I thought this was typical, and I thought the publicists get their cronies together to hype the movie up, and then... it's amazing.

iW: So are any designers throwing free clothing at you?

JC: I wish. I wish Agnes B. (Laughs) Or Tom Ford. Or who's the other one on Mercer that I love. I can't think. I just wore his outfit the other day.

iW: After you finish the next film, do have dreams of working in 16mm or 35?

JC: Somebody was asking me yesterday if I was given half a million dollars to make a movie, what would I do with it? I told him I'd pocket 3/4 of it and make the movie because I really don't think you need a whole hell of a lot of money to make a movie. I really don't. It's an illusion.

iW: Some watching those clips of you at age 11 playing a femme fatale would have expected you to turn into a drag queen. Like you'd be a new Holly Woodlawn. But you're very butch in front of me.

JC: Yes. I guess testosterone tapped in somewhere along the way. I never wanted to be a drag queen. Never wanted to be a cross dresser. Nothing like that. It was really a performance. I mean I always hung out, you know, with drag queens. Punk drag queens. The whole mill. And I still love drag queens, but I never wanted to be a drag queen.
Title: Tarnation
Post by: RegularKarate on July 24, 2005, 11:31:16 AM
Yeah, I finally watched this last night.  It could have been worse, but it really could have been better... like it could have been half as long... easily.

It was good for an amateur diary a friend might show you at thier house, but not as a theatrically released movie.

It didn't feel honest at all... it just felt like "look at me, look at what I've gone through and how rough I've got it... oh, also take a look at my acting skills".
Title: Tarnation
Post by: hedwig on July 26, 2005, 08:36:05 PM
Quote from: RegularKarate
It didn't feel honest at all... it just felt like "look at me, look at what I've gone through and how rough I've got it... oh, also take a look at my acting skills".

Oh come on
Title: Tarnation
Post by: pete on July 26, 2005, 08:46:06 PM
it's so true though.  it's not a very well made movie by too many standards.  seriously, check out mvoies by jon jost or joe gibbons or even capturing the friedmans for some good experimental videos or some good video diaries.  it's not well-crafted and it's not genuine.  what is it there to like about this movie?  I have pity for it, which is like the opposite of admiration.
Title: Tarnation
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on July 26, 2005, 10:12:41 PM
Yeah. I like this movie less the more I think about it.

It gave me this constant unsettling feeling throughout that I continuously tried to reject... the feeling that something big is missing...

And the titles don't help. Really, anyone who wants to win an argument against this movie, just mention the titles.

That said, Jonathan Caouette has some very good ideas and I'm sure he'll make great movies when he gains some distance/maturity.