Xixax Film Forum

Creative Corner => Filmmakers' Workshop => Topic started by: Dtm115300 on October 17, 2004, 10:16:01 PM

Title: need alittle help Lighting tips
Post by: Dtm115300 on October 17, 2004, 10:16:01 PM
Im shooting a short which has to do with a ghost. Im trying to create a really dark atmospher. but i need enough light to see my actor.

I need to put together a cheap lighting kit. I do't have a very good buget on this. I can spend up to $100. can and where do i go to put gether a lighting kit that will do what i need it to.
Title: need alittle help Lighting tips
Post by: metroshane on October 17, 2004, 10:21:19 PM
What are you shooting on?  video, film (what speed)?

$5  clamplights from wal-mart go a long way on video.
Title: need alittle help Lighting tips
Post by: Dtm115300 on October 20, 2004, 07:38:28 PM
im new to filmmaking teach me what you mean by speed.
Title: need alittle help Lighting tips
Post by: matt35mm on October 20, 2004, 08:03:11 PM
Um, so you're probably not shooting on film.

Either way, the "speed" is a number that, basically, corresponds to how sensitive the film is to light.  Higher numbers capture the image faster, so they take less time/light to expose each frame.  Lower numbers need more time/light to expose each frame.  So you could shoot on high speed film with low light, or low speed film with a lot of light, and theoretically you'd get the same amount of exposure.  However, the quality and texture of the image is different between the two.  So you pick a speed of film based on how you want the movie to look.

That's the very basic gist.  If you want to know more (and if you're even a little serious about filmmaking), try to find info on the internet or get a book on the subject.
Title: need alittle help Lighting tips
Post by: Dtm115300 on November 03, 2004, 11:51:15 AM
o alright. Thanks for the info. Yeah im shooting on video. Im gonna go for thous lights thou thanks