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Creative Corner => Filmmakers' Workshop => Topic started by: Recce on January 30, 2004, 06:07:28 PM

Question: Good or bad?
Option 1: Awesome!!! Good luck with the shoot votes: 1
Option 2: Awesome, but I'm crazy jealous so I hope you get hit by a car on your shoot votes: 0
Option 3: Not bad. Needs some work, though votes: 4
Option 4: It's terrible! Don't quit your day job votes: 0
Title: Untitled Project
Post by: Recce on January 30, 2004, 06:07:28 PM
Here's a short I plan to shoot sometime before the summer. I'm starting to think its pretty solid, but I wanted to get everyone's feedback, opinion and ideas. Feel free to poke holes in it.

Untitled Project
By David Di Francesco
Tom drives his car on a cold and rainy evening. He pulls up to his street and attempts a parallel park, turning towards the camera to look behind him, revealing his face.
Tom unlocks his front door and steps into his darkened apartment. He places his keys on a small hook by the door and steps into the living room. He reaches for a light switch on the wall. He switches it on, but nothing happens.
TOM #2
It's burned out.
Tom, a bit surprised, reaches for a baseball bat laid against the wall. He holds the bat up. A man sits in Tom's living room, his face shrouded in shadow. Beside him, a cigarette burns in a small plate used as an ashtray.
Who are you? How did you get in here?
TOM #2
Your landlord let me in.
Tom calms down slightly. He has lived here for four years and has never known his landlord to do something like this. Consequently, there must be a good explanation. Nevertheless, he holds the bat ready for action.
Do I know you?
TOM #2
You could say that.
Tom hesitates for a moment longer.
Well, are you going to tell me why you're here?
TOM #2
I have a favor to ask...It's Not going to be easy, but its something that needs to be done...for both our sakes.
Who are you? Really. Either tell me that or get the fuck out of here.
Tom raises the bat even higher.
I don't believe my landlord let you in.
TOM #2
Oh, he let me in all right. I told him I had lost my keys.
The man stands up out of the shadow and walks towards Tom. Tom grips the bat even harder.
Don't come any closer!
TOM #2
I'm not going to hurt you, Tom. In fact, I'm here to help you.
The man's face is finally revealed. It is Tom. The resemblance is unmistakable. Tom is obviously shocked by this development.
Now listen. I know this must be difficult for you. I still have trouble understanding it myself, but...I'm you.
TOM #2
I'm you. It's not important how its possible, but you have to believe me when I say, I'm you...do You understand?
Yea...yes. I think so.
TOM #2
Good. Now, you're seeing Stacy, right?
Stacy? What about her? Why do you want to know about Stacy?
TOM #2
Listen, Tom, I know you think you love her. Remember, I was you once. But she's no good.
NO!!! Get the fuck out of here!
TOM #2
Listen to me, Tom. She's no good for you. She will only hurt you.
Get out.
TOM #2
You will regret having ever met her.
Get out.
TOM #2
Are you listening to me, Tom?
TOM #2
You have to kill her, Tom. You have to kill her before she is allowed to hurt you.
Tom pushes his counterpart out the door, still clutching the baseball bat. He slams the door in his face and locks it securely.
If you can't trust yourself, who can you trust? I've told you what you have to do. Now its up to you.
Tom sits against the door, panicked.
Tom lays in bed, awake. He obviously didn't get much sleep. An alarm clock begins to ring. Tom's hand comes into frame and turns it off. He sits up in bed, rubbing his head as though he had a headache. He stands up and walks to the kitchen.
Tom begins to make himself a bowl of cereal. He is obviously still disturbed by what he has seen. He turns towards the refrigerator, opens it and finds a carton of milk. He raises it and shakes it. It is empty.
Fuck (under his breath).
The phone suddenly rings, catching Tom by surprise. He answers.
TOM #2
You want proof, don't you? I can't say I blame you. It's a lot to take in.
Who is this?
Tom closes his eyes, feeling stupid because of his question, having known the answer. Tom #2 sighs.
TOM #2
Listen. Tonight, Stacy will have a present for you. A cell phone. When you see that, you will believe me.
Assuming I would even buy this load of crap, I refuse to believe I would ever turn into you. I'm no murderer. And how is it even possible? You're me?! WHAT THE FUCK!!!
TOM #2
I told you it didn't matter how it was possible, it only matters that it is. Now, I told you what...
No, this is bullshit. So we look alike. I think you're some fucking whack job trying to manipulate me.
TOM #2
I've told you what you need to do. I'll call you later tonight...have you're answer ready.
Tom #2 hangs up. Tom hangs up the receiver. He stands, staring at the phone for a moment. He suddenly grabs the it and throws it on the ground. We hear a severe cracking sound.
A woman's voice is heard.
So what happened to you today?
Tom and Stacy are sitting in a restaurant. Stacy is looking right at Tom, waiting for an answer to her question. Tom is not paying attention. Obviously, the developments of the last couple of days are weighing heavily on him.
Tom suddenly snaps out of it.
Sorry? What?
What happened to you today. I kept trying to call you, but you never answered. Where were you? You told me you were staying home.
Tom hesitates to answer.
What...are you cheating on me? (jokingly)
Tom forces a laugh.
No, no, my phone is just...broken.
Stacy accepts the answer, but hides a slight sign of doubt. He's not telling her everything. She knows this. But it's not important. She pulls a small box from her purse.
Anyways, I have something for you.
She places the small box in front of Tom. She smiles at him, proud of herself. Tom looks shocked.
What...what is it?
Open it and find out.
Tom unwraps the small box very slowly. He doesn't want to see what is inside.
Come on...faster.
Stacy reaches over and helps him unwrap it faster. Tom finally opens the box and finds a cell phone.
You like it? This way you don't have to worry about your broken phone.
Tom tries to force a smile.
Thanks, Stacy.
From his reaction, Stacy is disappointed. Tom looks at her suspiciously. He tries to imagine what she could have done to make him want to kill her.
If you don't like it, I'll just take it back. You just kept saying you wanted to get a cell phone.
No, Stacy, its great. Really...thank you.
He smiles sincerely for the first time. Stacy smiles back.
Ok, come on, we have to go. We're going to miss the movie.
Tom puts the cell phone in his pocket and they both stand up. He drops two twenties on the table and they begin to walk out of the restaurant.
Tom stands in the dark on the phone. The phone is duct taped together.
How did you know she was getting me a cell phone?
TOM #2
I already told you that. No more wasting time. You have to kill her. Trust me.
I won't do it, you fucking psycho.
TOM #2
She doesn't love you, Tom. You're a distraction to her. Nothing more. She's using you. Go into the kitchen and take a knife. Slit her fucking thr...
Tom hangs up on him. He carefully places the phone down, trying not to make too much noise. He walks towards his bedroom.
Tom stands in front of his bed. Stacy lays sleeping. He waits for a moment, then slips into bed beside her. He slowly closes his eyes and goes to sleep.
Tom slowly wakes up. He lays in bed, properly waking himself up. He turns to face Stacy. She lies dead, covered in blood. Tom screams and jumps out of bed. He stands speechless for a few seconds. His clothes are also stained with blood. He moves towards her and attempts to wake her.
STACY!!! Stacy, wake up! Oh, god, please don't be dead.
He runs into the living room.
Tom picks up the phone and dials '911'. An operator answers, but his phone suddenly gives out. He panics further and runs towards the front door. He opens it to find a police officer about to knock on his door. Tom stands, shocked. The police officer begins to form a sentence, but sees Tom's blood soaked clothing. He looks him straight in the eyes.
Title: Untitled Project
Post by: OmegaSlacker on March 02, 2004, 12:02:56 PM
Maybe I don't get it, but it seems like it's got a lot of holes. I'm figuring this is probably a "leave it open for interpretation" ending, but who killed her? And why did Tom#2 want her dead?

I realize there's always a place to let the audience use their imagination to fill in some of the holes, but I think the "it doesn't matter how it's possible" scenario is either lazy story telling or you were just so excited to write that you didn't take time to use your imagination to figure out a way to make it interesting and possible for there to be two Toms in the same place.

And you better hope Doc Brown doesn't stumble on to your set. He'd kick your ass for putting the space-time continuum in jeopardy.
Title: Untitled Project
Post by: Cecil on March 06, 2004, 04:19:08 PM
i think its because shes pregnant. thats why i would kill a woman anyway (or one of the reasons why)

heres a suggestion to make it better: shoot it in a different language and add subtitles. that will make the film good no matter what. its a scientifically proven fact
Title: Untitled Project
Post by: Recce on March 06, 2004, 04:32:50 PM
Anyways, as far as the not explaining how two of them are in the same place at the same time, I didn't want it to revolve around that. Obviously, its got a sci-fi edge to it, but I don't wanna concentrate it on that. If I were to explain it, how could I go about it without making it too sci-fi?