Xixax Film Forum

The Director's Chair => The Director's Chair => Topic started by: NEON MERCURY on January 23, 2004, 04:54:46 PM

Title: Critics that turned into Directors..?
Post by: NEON MERCURY on January 23, 2004, 04:54:46 PM
....if i remeber correctly......wasn't truffaut ...and godard former film critics who went on to directing films.....?

are ther any more that i'm forgetting that are noteworthy??

are there any directors turned critics....???

when was the last time you had a milkshake.....??
Title: Critics that turned into Directors..?
Post by: rustinglass on January 23, 2004, 05:01:17 PM
Aren't we all critics in some way?
Title: Re: Critics that turned into Directors..?
Post by: MacGuffin on January 23, 2004, 05:30:37 PM
Quote from: NEON MERCURYare ther any more that i'm forgetting that are noteworthy??

Paul Schrader
Title: Critics that turned into Directors..?
Post by: Alethia on January 23, 2004, 05:46:50 PM
ummmm i may be wrong but i wanna say peter bogdanavich?  is that correct?
Title: Critics that turned into Directors..?
Post by: Weak2ndAct on January 23, 2004, 05:48:48 PM
Rod Lurie  :?

Now only if someone gave Earl Dittman a shot...
Title: Re: Critics that turned into Directors..?
Post by: socketlevel on January 23, 2004, 09:05:24 PM
Quote from: NEON MERCURY....if i remeber correctly......wasn't truffaut ...and godard former film critics who went on to directing films.....?

are ther any more that i'm forgetting that are noteworthy??

are there any directors turned critics....???

when was the last time you had a milkshake.....??

yeah they were critics in a mag called "Cashier du Cinema" in France.  They were more film theorists then critics.  critics just say if a movie is good or bad but they would analyze the social and political implications.

supposedly people would suggest that they make films.  There was a negative reaction to their critiques.  The readers took the stance that if they (godard and co.) believed that cinema could be more, they should do it themselves.  so they did, they made films that attacked perceptions of reality.

i'm doing the film student geek shit on you right now with the bazin refference but it all comes back to that (yo yo pro t-bono, do i have any dignity?  it just doesn't add up  :wink: )

John Waters was a critic, he was the first critic to make a call on "nightmare on elm street."  he was a critic at the same time he made films.

i haven't had a milkshake in a long time.  i could go for a choc one right about now.

Title: Critics that turned into Directors..?
Post by: soixante on January 23, 2004, 09:29:30 PM
Richard Schickel and Todd McCarthy have directed documentaries.  Does that count?

Jay Cocks, formerly of Time, and Paul Zimmerman, formerly of Newsweek, have written movies for Martin Scorsese.  Does writing but not directing count?  If so, add Roger Ebert.

Rex Reed appeared in Myra Breckinridge, which gave him an appreciation for the actor's process.
Title: Critics that turned into Directors..?
Post by: Chest Rockwell on January 24, 2004, 07:19:07 AM
Quote from: soixanteDoes writing but not directing count?  If so, add Roger Ebert.

What movie did he write?
Title: Critics that turned into Directors..?
Post by: cron on January 24, 2004, 07:22:05 AM
three  for Russel Meyer called Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, Up! and Bneath the Valley of the Dolls...
speaking of that,  when is Faster Pussycat Kill !Kill! going to be released on DVD?
Title: Critics that turned into Directors..?
Post by: Sleuth on January 24, 2004, 01:47:08 PM
Quote from: Chest Rockwell
Quote from: soixanteDoes writing but not directing count?  If so, add Roger Ebert.

What movie did he write?

It's that movie on IMDb
Title: Critics that turned into Directors..?
Post by: SoNowThen on January 25, 2004, 12:26:45 AM
I believe Tavernier did a bit of criticism before he started directing...