Xixax Film Forum

Non-Film Discussion => Real-Life Soundtracks => Topic started by: Xixax on December 26, 2003, 05:57:24 PM

Title: Jet
Post by: Xixax on December 26, 2003, 05:57:24 PM
Anyone heard the full CD?

Their new single is pretty hot. Wonder if the rest of the disc is worth cehcking out...
Title: Jet
Post by: cron on December 26, 2003, 06:17:20 PM
i heard one song and did not like it .     it's like retro rock is following the same pattern  nü-metal did back in its early years
Title: Jet
Post by: anakin_e on December 26, 2003, 10:18:55 PM
Ugh, don't get me started on Jet. I've been digging the "indie rock" kinda thing that'd been getting popular (Strokes, White Stripes etc.) but fearing this. this is the complete commercialization of this music, it's become too popular, and while this was apparent for a while, this is the end. Jet feels so contrived and marketted, i may be wrong, i don't know enough about the band, but that's the vibe i get, their single is always on certain radio stations, and once they were on SNL i really was upset. I liked the use of the single in the iPOD ads, but that just cheapens the band even more. Their single is just a complete rip off of Iggy Pop, and it's so bloody addictive, arg. My mind may change with time, but I am skeptical.
Title: Jet
Post by: mister mister on December 26, 2003, 11:23:59 PM
#Dun Dun Dun, Dun Dun Dun..... I-gotta-LUST-FER-LIFE....#
Title: Jet
Post by: GoneSavage on December 27, 2003, 12:25:49 AM
Mister mister got it spot on, the song is a complete ripoff of Lust For Life, the riff and drums.  Iggy's a great artist to rip off but damn, don't be so blatant.
Title: Jet
Post by: Ghostboy on December 27, 2003, 12:29:12 AM
The first time I ever heard it, I was like Holy Shit, they're playing Lust For Life on a commercial radio station!

I was pretty much tired of this indie rock movement after the fifth time I heard the first Strokes CD. In a row. That is not a good CD to have on repeat while you're too preoccupied to press stop. But it is and always will be vastly preferable to nu metal, as far as I'm concerned.

Also, the cover to Jet's album is cool, so if you buy albums based on their cool covers, this would be one to pick up.
Title: Jet
Post by: Sigur Rós on December 27, 2003, 03:26:55 AM
I have their album and it's definately quality but not quite food. It's has some average rock 'n' roll songs but also some great ones. The best tracks are: Get What You Need, Get me Outta Here, Take it or Leave It and Are you Gonna be my Girl.

Quote from: GoneSavageMister mister got it spot on, the song is a complete ripoff of Lust For Life, the riff and drums.  Iggy's a great artist to rip off but damn, don't be so blatant.

I agree.
Title: Jet
Post by: Xixax on December 27, 2003, 07:40:26 PM
Well there you have it, then. A purchase I will pass on.
Title: Jet
Post by: Rudie Obias on December 29, 2003, 05:34:34 PM
jet sucks ass!!!
Title: Jet
Post by: Pwaybloe on December 30, 2003, 12:55:50 PM
You guys are nuts.  Jets totally kick ass.

"Baby, I can rocket 2 u"
