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Film Discussion => Digital Streams & Criterion Dreams => Topic started by: Thecowgoooesmooo on December 16, 2003, 05:28:21 PM

Title: Akira Kurosawa- 4 Samarai Classics
Post by: Thecowgoooesmooo on December 16, 2003, 05:28:21 PM
I've never seen any of Akira Kurosawa's films, but Ive always been meaning to get into them.

I was thinking about purchasing the box set with the 4 criterion films of his. Does anybody have this box set? And how are his films, especially Seven Samarai which I've heard is his best. How is the action also, realistic?

Title: Akira Kurosawa- 4 Samarai Classics
Post by: bonanzataz on December 16, 2003, 06:24:54 PM
seven samurai is awesome. the first hour is difficult to watch because i'm just not used to the way the story is told, but after that, the next three hours go right by. it's an amazing film. that's the only one i've seen from the boxed set. the other kurosawa i saw was dreams in which i had the same issue.

are they going to make a new seven samurai dvd? the old one is a pretty shitty print and since it's so long, it's got a really small bitrate to fit on the dvd. they need to spread that shit over two discs.
Title: Akira Kurosawa- 4 Samarai Classics
Post by: analogzombie on December 16, 2003, 07:52:01 PM
I've got the box set, its a really good way to explore Kurosawa's films. It's only $72 at deepdiscountdvd. As far as the action being realistic and what not, His movies, even the Samurai ones are not so much realistic action as epic storytelling. Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, and Sanjuro have some excellent sword play in them. Hidden Fortress is a great movie, but more of a 'on the run' sort of thing. Though it does have a great sequence between Toshiro Mifune's character and a pike wielding samurai. The movies in the set are his more 'convential' samurai films and easier to get into because of that. Something like 'Throne of Blood' or 'Rashomon' tend to be more polarizing.

I am a huge Kurosawa fan and love the box set, it's 4 of the greatest movies ever made and worth a look for sure. But you might wanna rent a couple of them first before buying.
Title: Akira Kurosawa- 4 Samarai Classics
Post by: Ravi on December 16, 2003, 10:30:20 PM
Seven Samurai is the most popular example of a Kurosawa film, but I don't think know that critics and film historians consider it his best.  It's a great film, but IMO some of his other works, such as Derzu Uzala and Ikiru, are better.

I recommend checking out his Ed McBain adaptations (The Bad Sleep Well, High and Low, what else?).  I hate turning this into a Kurosawa Appreciation Thread, but I have never seen better use of the frame, Academy or CinemaScope, than in Kurosawa's films.

I sure hope Criterion is planning on releasing a better DVD of Seven Samurai.  http://www.compare.dvdbeaver.com has a comparison between the Criterion and the superior Toho disc.
Title: Akira Kurosawa- 4 Samarai Classics
Post by: The Perineum Falcon on December 17, 2003, 12:50:39 AM
Quote from: RaviI recommend checking out his Ed McBain adaptations (The Bad Sleep Well, High and Low, what else?).  I hate turning this into a Kurosawa Appreciation Thread, but I have never seen better use of the frame, Academy or CinemaScope, than in Kurosawa's films.
I agree. While I LOVE his period epics, I ADORE his contemporary, especially High & Low. That's just a great fucking movie.
Title: Akira Kurosawa- 4 Samarai Classics
Post by: Gold Trumpet on December 17, 2003, 09:17:08 AM
While I have problems with Seven Samuari, I consider it a major work by Kurosawa and made with passion that I still recommend it. The other film in the box set really worth recommending is Yojimbo. Sanjuro and The Hidden Fortress are minor works. I don't know if I could recommend this box set. Yes, Seven Samuari is going to get a 2 disc rerelease in the next year or two and yes, the box set is already out of date. Since the box set has been released, two infinitely better (than Sanjuro and Fortress) samuari films have been released by Criterion, Rashomon and Throne of Blood.

I'd prolly hold off on buying them and start with buying the individual dvds of Throne of Blood, Rashomon, and Yojimbo and if happen to really like them, go to The Hidden Fortress and Sanjuro. Wait on Seven Samuari til the rerelease cause it will be huge.

Sanjuro is worth mentioning on the final scene alone, though. I dare someone to name a more badass scene than that.
Title: Akira Kurosawa- 4 Samarai Classics
Post by: socketlevel on December 17, 2003, 11:05:11 PM
i have this set and it's great shit!  is this box set getting re-packaged or something?  is the box art different then the previous one?
Title: Akira Kurosawa- 4 Samarai Classics
Post by: Gold Trumpet on December 18, 2003, 08:12:47 AM
Quote from: socketleveli have this set and it's great shit!  is this box set getting re-packaged or something?

No, the box set itself isn't getting re-packaged. The box set is just 4 dvds brought together and one of the films is getting re-released in a better dvd sometime soon. Its just since the release of the box set, better samuari films have been released so it is kinda out of date. The existence of the box set was just an easy way for Criterion to make money near the holidays last year.
Title: Akira Kurosawa- 4 Samarai Classics
Post by: Pwaybloe on December 18, 2003, 10:12:30 AM
Quote from: The Gold TrumpetI'd prolly hold off on buying them and start with buying the individual dvds of Throne of Blood, Rashomon, and Yojimbo and if happen to really like them, go to The Hidden Fortress and Sanjuro. Wait on Seven Samuari til the rerelease cause it will be huge.

Information from deepdiscountdvd.com (http://www.deepdiscountdvd.com/search.cfm):


YOJIMBO = $21.56
SANJURO  = $21.56
TOTAL = $93.44          

GT's Suggestion:
RASHOMON = $28.76
YOJIMBO = $21.56
THE SEVEN SAMURAI (2nd) = Undetermined

Just some information for those looking for Christmas gifts, budgeting, or trading in your kidney.
Title: Akira Kurosawa- 4 Samarai Classics
Post by: Gold Trumpet on December 18, 2003, 11:03:55 AM
Quote from: Pawbloe
GT's Suggestion:
RASHOMON = $28.76
YOJIMBO = $21.56
THE SEVEN SAMURAI (2nd) = Undetermined

In my recommendation, the first 3 would be bought and the fourth waited on til special edition release, so it would be $79.08 for the 3. But, as someone mentioned before, the Ed McBain films can produce great results and in my opinion, High and Low tops all these samurai films.
Title: Akira Kurosawa- 4 Samarai Classics
Post by: Thecowgoooesmooo on December 20, 2003, 05:49:12 PM
Thanks for the recommendations. Im gonna be picking these up soon.
