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Film Discussion => The Vault => Topic started by: SoNowThen on December 03, 2003, 12:40:12 PM

Title: L'Atalante
Post by: SoNowThen on December 03, 2003, 12:40:12 PM
saw this appear on almost every "best of all time" list, and I hadn't even heard of it.

just watched it last night. a very nice, very sweet little film. I'd say it's worth a watch

but I don't understand why it's considered such a classic of world cinema. what makes it have this status?
anybody know?
is it just because Vigo died soon after making it?
Title: L'Atalante
Post by: classical gas on December 03, 2003, 03:19:51 PM
I just saw this recently.  I really liked it; it's a nice, litle poetic film.  I can't really say why it's so high on many lists though.  I could be wrong but maybe for when it came out, it was different in that not much happened and it was simply a story of these two people in love.  I could be way off, but that's really the only explanation I can find.  It had nothing to drive it except for the characters.  No politics, murder, etc., etc.  it's just a nice little slice of life.  that's all i can figure.
Title: L'Atalante
Post by: godardian on December 04, 2003, 02:49:22 PM
It is a wonderful film. It is probably rated so high because it's the only manifestation of Vigo's unique talent, which probably would have led to a massive ouevre if he had been able to make more movies.

I have my own copy. It's a gem.
Title: L'Atalante
Post by: sensational brunette on December 06, 2003, 01:04:38 PM
I've seen "L'Atalante" once, but I don't think the mood was right.  A second viewing will probably take place soon.  However, I remember one magical sequence in which the heroine is underwater, no doubt aided by previously making a documentary on swimmer Jean Taris.  Despite Vigo's early death, his virtuosity is clear in all four films he released.  I'm reminded of this feeling when I watch "Perfect Eyes" by Chris Steele, which also features a girl in a shimmering, almost holy, white dress.
Title: L'Atalante
Post by: Gold Trumpet on December 06, 2003, 01:15:04 PM
I think a DVD of this is coming next year, but not Criterion. Some smaller company. New Yorker, maybe?

I've never seen the film, but of course have heard everything about it. Didn't Vigo make one other film like ten years later or so? Zero Conduit? (sp?) I'm too lazy to even look that up. Maybe if I join high society in a bigger city next year I'lll get around to seeing it. I'm just extending myself right now to see films like Red Desert and The Son now instead. So many films, so little time and money.
Title: L'Atalante
Post by: sensational brunette on December 06, 2003, 01:26:32 PM
"Zero De Conduite" was finished a year prior to "L'Atalante".  That one's very surreal too, with a midget playing a headmaster.
Title: L'Atalante
Post by: Gold Trumpet on December 06, 2003, 01:29:42 PM
Quote from: sensational brunette"Zero De Conduite" was finished a year prior to "L'Atalante".  That one's very surreal too, with a midget playing a headmaster.

OK, but in a book of 1940s film reviews, I have an official review of the film popping up there in the late 40s. Maybe just took an extended period of time to get over to the United States.
Title: L'Atalante
Post by: sensational brunette on December 06, 2003, 01:34:30 PM
It's been re-cut a few times, but the original was released in 1934.  Check out his others - "A Propos de Nice" and "Taris: La Champion de la Natation".
Title: L'Atalante
Post by: cine on December 06, 2003, 03:20:50 PM
Quote from: The Gold TrumpetI think a DVD of this is coming next year, but not Criterion. Some smaller company. New Yorker, maybe?

Title: L'Atalante
Post by: godardian on December 06, 2003, 10:03:04 PM
Yes, the DVD Cinephile posted- that came out within the past few months, and that's the one I have. It's very nicely done. If you have a DTS/digital sound system, though, it helps to turn the sound to regular stereo.
Title: L'Atalante
Post by: godardian on December 06, 2003, 10:08:33 PM
Quote from: The Gold TrumpetI think a DVD of this is coming next year, but not Criterion. Some smaller company. New Yorker, maybe?

I've never seen the film, but of course have heard everything about it. Didn't Vigo make one other film like ten years later or so? Zero Conduit? (sp?) I'm too lazy to even look that up. Maybe if I join high society in a bigger city next year I'lll get around to seeing it. I'm just extending myself right now to see films like Red Desert and The Son now instead. So many films, so little time and money.

Oh, Red Desert is remarkable. I think you'll like it. If you do, you'll also have to see Todd Haynes's Safe, which is a remarkable film in its own right, my favorite film of Haynes's (and of the nineties), and it has similarities to both Red Desert and 2001.