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The Director's Chair => Paul Thomas Anderson => Topic started by: Gamblour. on November 27, 2003, 11:52:28 PM

Title: Amelie and PDL
Post by: Gamblour. on November 27, 2003, 11:52:28 PM
I was watching Amelie today and at the end, I couldn't help but hear "He Needs Me" playing over and over in my head (with the French music on top of course). I realized that PDL has a lot in common with this movie:

Amelie and Barry are both sort of introverted, there is a definite distance between theirselves and their loves, Amelie is so full of compassion that she aims to help people, while Barry is so full of rage that he can't help but destory things around him. In this way, Barry needs Lena to calm his rage, while Amelie needs Nino...well I don't really know why. Can someone answer this?

Along other lines, the opening to Amelie can be related to the opening of Magnolia, in terms of coincidence, though this theme doesn't really play throughout Amelie.

Another interesting fact...I just read that Emily Watson was originally wanted to play Amelie...I think I've struck some oil here.
Title: Re: Amelie and PDL
Post by: Pubrick on November 28, 2003, 12:11:13 AM
Quote from: Gamblor the Manwhorewhile Amelie needs Nino...well I don't really know why. Can someone answer this?
conventional storytelling.

amelie always felt like the first 2 seasons of Ally McBeal. i think that'd be a more apt comparison. the first season definitely.
Title: Re: Amelie and PDL
Post by: phil marlowe on November 28, 2003, 02:05:42 AM
Quote from: Pamelie always felt like the first 2 seasons of Ally McBeal. i think that'd be a more apt comparison. the first season definitely.
haha yes! that's always what i thought and that 'feel' is my very problem with that movie.
Title: Amelie and PDL
Post by: aclockworkjj on November 28, 2003, 02:13:33 AM
I think both movies are about opening your heart...a do-gooder and a loner.  both at the lower end of the todem pole...but making ends meet.  and doing okay.  simple smiles and justified whiles.  

it's all what you get, but the reference is one i can see.  imagine audrey as lena?  yum...
Title: Re: Amelie and PDL
Post by: ElPandaRoyal on November 28, 2003, 04:47:17 AM
Quote from: Gamblor the ManwhoreAmelie needs Nino...well I don't really know why. Can someone answer this?

I don't know... like... attraction to his quirkyness (is this a word?) and because she also needs someone to actually love. I guess you could also ask why does Lena need Barry? For me, the reason is the same.
Title: Amelie and PDL
Post by: ᾦɐļᵲʊʂ on November 28, 2003, 10:16:37 AM
I don't know, but those two movies make me happy everytime I see them.
Title: Amelie and PDL
Post by: molly on November 28, 2003, 12:09:17 PM
I admire you guys for watching Ally McBeal. I couldn't. YYYYyyyyyyyyyyyuck.  
Calista Flockhart babytalking and Ann Heche barking...I thought this is the end of TV.
Singing was nice though
Title: Amelie and PDL
Post by: Pubrick on November 28, 2003, 12:55:08 PM
Quote from: mollyCalista Flockhart babytalking and Ann Heche barking...I thought this is the end of TV.
Singing was nice though
yeah that was like season 4 or 5.

i was referring to the beginning when ally was a whimsical loon and always had her eyes open. any charm it had then grew irritating very quickly when the "games" she and the show played turned out to be severe psychosis. it sapped all the energy from the character and made the show really boring.

that's how i feel about amelie, i really liked the beginning, then the whole thing stretches itself out longer than it has to and her games end up being an annoying mental disorder. melvin udall faced the same problems when he found his love in As Good as It Gets, he pushed her away and in the end he gave in with care-free abandon. the difference is in that movie the crazy person's charm kept on growing, instead of diminishing.

the visuals are the only reason i would say i like amelie.
Title: Amelie and PDL
Post by: Gamblour. on November 29, 2003, 12:46:31 AM
Quote from: P
the visuals are the only reason i would say i like amelie.

Partially agree, I like the whole movie. But how did they do the shots of the elevated train going past, where it seems sped up, but shaky and frames seem to be missing? They repeat this at the end on the moped/scooter. I like this effect. And they actually make orange and green look good, very naturalistic.