Xixax Film Forum

The Director's Chair => The Director's Chair => Topic started by: Xixax on February 08, 2003, 10:38:42 PM

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Xixax on February 08, 2003, 10:38:42 PM
OK, I know I'm completely uncultured as a movie fan because of my lack of knowledge of film history. So, I netflixed "Alphaville" by Godard.

All I can say is WOW!

Great story, great cheeseball 60's effects. This is classic.

I enjoyed how Godard was doing so many hand-held shots. This was way, way before the steadicam was invented, yet he still did a lot of long, flowing (albeit jerky) shots. And visually it was great, too. Not too contrasty for a black and white film, although the dvd transfer - even being a criterion collection disc - was realy terrible. You could see definite distracting keyframing in the dvd compression.

But all in all, I have to say this one is a winner. I now desperately want to see some of Godard's other films.

Four phat stars for Alphaville.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Cecil on February 08, 2003, 11:22:04 PM
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Gold Trumpet on February 08, 2003, 11:25:09 PM
For the movies I've seen of Godard's, this always was the lesser one. I bought it through Criterion because I realized that would be the only way I would ever see it. I saw it and saw a movie bent on ideas that try to grapple big questions but really are children's versions only. The sad thing is though, is that the movie rides on these outdated ideas and I found no experimentation in any other way with the film. Yes, some things are done of experimentation like use of camera and technology for that one character, but compared to the experimentation of how to shoot a film in My Life To Live, I thought this movie was rather dull. The thing that kept me entertained is the fact Anna Karina may have one of the most beautiful faces in all of movies.

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Xixax on February 09, 2003, 12:39:16 AM
I wish my parents were hipsters and would have given me a cool name like "Lemmy Caution"!
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Duck Sauce on February 09, 2003, 12:40:53 AM
I expected more from a site admin


My first redirect

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Cecil on February 09, 2003, 12:59:18 AM
Quote from: Duck SauceI expected more from a site admin


My first redirect


there can never be too many godard threads
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Cecil on February 09, 2003, 07:47:36 AM
oh and xixax, arent the fight scene and shoot out scene towards the end funny as hell?
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Xixax on February 09, 2003, 12:13:19 PM
How embarassing. An admin double-topic-dipping.

The only time I've been more humiliated is the time on the old board when I went on and on about how much I liked a particular movie and had it all mixed up (having watched two movies consecutively, and getting them confused).

I should not post in the wee hours of the morning. I regret it the morning after.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: soixante on February 09, 2003, 02:03:35 PM
Now that you've seen Alphaville, move on to My Life To Live, Breathless and Pierrot Le Fou.  Hopefully Weekend will appear on DVD soon.

I'm posting an article about Godard on ptanderson.com, as one of PTA's influences, so maybe that will get more folks into John Luke.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Xixax on February 09, 2003, 06:44:59 PM
I just added all of those to me Netflix Queue.

I wonder if the Alpha60 light inspired Hal's red eye in any way?
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Ernie on February 16, 2003, 07:13:42 PM
Quote from: XixaxI just added all of those to me Netflix Queue.

I wonder if the Alpha60 light inspired Hal's red eye in any way?

Holy shit man, I was wondering the same thing.

Yeah, I just caught this movie today on the sundance channel and all I can say is...WOW! What a weird, fucked up and ultimately VERY cool movie. I'll buy it soon. Anna Karina is beautiful. I can't wait to buy it, it will be my third godard gem, Breathless and Band of Outsiders being the other two.

I still have to see My Life to Live.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Xixax on February 16, 2003, 10:50:27 PM
Quote"Sundance is weird. The movies are weird, you actually have to think about them when you watch them." - Britney Spears (Sundance Film Festival 2003)
God, Beaman. I LOVE that!
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Ernie on February 16, 2003, 11:09:38 PM
Quote from: Xixax
Quote"Sundance is weird. The movies are weird, you actually have to think about them when you watch them." - Britney Spears (Sundance Film Festival 2003)
God, Beaman. I LOVE that!

LOL! I know, isn't it great? My mom read it in her People magazine, I'm so glad she told me about it. It's a perfect signature quote.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: MacGuffin on February 16, 2003, 11:15:35 PM
Pop diva Britney Spears made herself very unpopular with Robert Redford at the Sundance Film Festival last week by her rude behavior. Spears, who was at the independent film event in order to make more cinematic contacts to boost her big screen career, attended a screening of the new Holly Hunter movie "Levity" and made her presence felt. During the film, Britney and her huge entourage chatted loudly and talked on cell phones and committed the ultimate faux-pas - they left before the movie ended. An eyewitness, who observed Redford scowling at the star, says "If looks could kill. Britney would be the deadest pop star in the world."
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Cecil on February 16, 2003, 11:37:12 PM
Quote from: MacGuffin"If looks could kill. Britney would be the deadest pop star in the world."

god i wish looks could kill.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Pwaybloe on February 17, 2003, 10:53:56 AM
What a dumb bitch.

Why is she even going into these movies?  Don't stars like her just wander the halls?
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Ernie on February 17, 2003, 01:42:20 PM
I guess she thinks this will help her big screen career like Macguffin's article said. I don't see how the fuck that makes any sense though, Sundance is for filmmaker's and actors that haven't broken into hollywood yet. Why can't she just leave the film geeks alone? Seriously, we need at least one entertainment medium that is a sanctuary from that bitch. Too bad that medium can't be film. It looks like porn will be obsolete soon enough as well. She's bound to infect that business sometime in the next 5-10 years.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: MacGuffin on February 17, 2003, 02:16:54 PM
Quote from: ebeaman69I don't see how the fuck that makes any sense though, Sundance is for filmmaker's and actors that haven't broken into hollywood yet.

It's supposed to be, but the festival itself has become 'Hollywood'.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Xixax on February 17, 2003, 02:29:21 PM
Xixfest, anyone?

:-D  :-D  :-D
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: RegularKarate on February 17, 2003, 02:54:46 PM
Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: ebeaman69I don't see how the fuck that makes any sense though, Sundance is for filmmaker's and actors that haven't broken into hollywood yet.

It's supposed to be, but the festival itself has become 'Hollywood'.

Sho' nuff... we still got SXSW though... comin' up next month too... I'm so fuckin' psyched.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Ernie on February 17, 2003, 09:27:25 PM
Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: ebeaman69I don't see how the fuck that makes any sense though, Sundance is for filmmaker's and actors that haven't broken into hollywood yet.

It's supposed to be, but the festival itself has become 'Hollywood'.

Nah, not really man. I know what you mean but it's not completely Hollywood yet. It's still cool.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Ernie on February 17, 2003, 09:29:11 PM
Quote from: RegularKarate
Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: ebeaman69I don't see how the fuck that makes any sense though, Sundance is for filmmaker's and actors that haven't broken into hollywood yet.

It's supposed to be, but the festival itself has become 'Hollywood'.

Sho' nuff... we still got SXSW though... comin' up next month too... I'm so fuckin' psyched.

That festival sounds cool. I saw those hilarious ads for the upcoming one with the two burger place employees. Where can I find more information about it?
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: RegularKarate on February 17, 2003, 09:31:48 PM
Title: What the fuck?
Post by: Plagiarhythm on March 06, 2003, 01:44:18 PM
how did discussions of Godard turn into Brittney Spears and South by Southwest Frest talk?
Godard is the fucking man! Show some respect!  I just watched Weekend for the first time last night it was an amazing "fuck you" of a movie.
next to Godard along with Griffith and Eisenstein make up the holy trinity of cinematic inovators.
Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Ernie on March 06, 2003, 04:06:30 PM
Quote from: Plagiarhythmhow did discussions of Godard turn into Brittney Spears and South by Southwest Frest talk?
Godard is the fucking man! Show some respect!  I just watched Weekend for the first time last night it was an amazing "fuck you" of a movie.
next to Godard along with Griffith and Eisenstein make up the holy trinity of cinematic inovators.

I hate to tell you but....these things get off topic ALL the time around here and your going to have to get used to it man. I love Godard with all my heart but there will never be an excuse not to bash Britney Spears.
Title: Re: What the fuck?
Post by: Duck Sauce on March 06, 2003, 05:08:35 PM
Quote from: ebeaman69

I hate to tell you but....these things get off topic ALL the time around here and your going to have to get used to it man. I love Godard with all my heart but there will never be an excuse not to bash Britney Spears.

Well for one she is hot. Just leave her alone
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: abbey road on May 20, 2003, 06:29:40 PM
gogards my 2nd favorite director after kubrick, and i say breathless is his best, and even thoguh underrated i really loved my life to live, i thought it was so spectacularly original.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on July 03, 2003, 03:57:37 PM
So, I went ahead and ordered the shit-pie version of A Woman Is A Woman on Fox Lorber dvd. It's only $12, so no biggie, and I love the flick. But then I found out it has been remastered in some new print that went to a couple theatres last month. Does this mean we might actually get a new version of the dvd, with a hint of quality?

Anybody hear anything?

Oh, also, anybody know if we can get any post-First Name:Carmen Godard films on dvd? I think Keep Your Right Up might be available...
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on July 28, 2003, 03:08:03 PM
funnily enough, I just thought of posting this exact message... then saw I had already done so way back when.

so anybody know anything yet???

I get In Praise Of Love next week!
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Ravi on July 30, 2003, 08:12:25 PM
I watched Breathless last night for the first time.  What a great film.  Looking forward to listening to the commentary and seeing more Godard films.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: ShanghaiOrange on July 30, 2003, 08:56:29 PM
Jean-Luc Godard was good, but everybody knows that Kirk was the better captain. :(
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 14, 2003, 11:53:04 AM
So, I was just at the Godard=Cinema website, reading a great interview which was a debate between Godard and a camera designer, and the article mentioned that Godard had debated Pauline Kael before that. Does anybody know where I could get a transcript of that?
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: cine on August 17, 2003, 01:06:19 AM
I dunno if you found this but the best I could find is that it was called "The Economics of Film Criticism: A Debate" in Camera Obscura 8/9/10, Fall 1982.

If you find anything on it.. let me know.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 17, 2003, 10:50:06 AM
Thanks. I'll have to try and look it up. Maybe a university article search thing... my friend is always doing them...
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Ravi on August 18, 2003, 12:04:15 AM
Quote from: SoNowThenSweet.
Thanks. I'll have to try and look it up. Maybe a university article search thing... my friend is always doing them...

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 18, 2003, 09:02:53 AM
I dunno.

But your av rocks!!
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Pubrick on August 18, 2003, 09:23:35 AM
Quote from: SoNowThenBut your av rocks!!
get one.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 18, 2003, 09:33:03 AM
must I?
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Pubrick on August 18, 2003, 10:16:42 AM
nah, but it'd be nice. adds personality.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 18, 2003, 10:22:39 AM
Yeah, I gotta find one I really like. But I'm a little stupid about these things. I know there's a size limit and all, and I'd have to do work re-sizing... sounds like too much...

Oh, as to the topic: I watched In Praise Of Love twice last week. A gem of a film. Old JLG still has it.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: AlguienEstolamiPantalones on August 18, 2003, 11:33:50 AM
Quote from: MacGuffinPop diva Britney Spears made herself very unpopular with Robert Redford at the Sundance Film Festival last week by her rude behavior. Spears, who was at the independent film event in order to make more cinematic contacts to boost her big screen career, attended a screening of the new Holly Hunter movie "Levity" and made her presence felt. During the film, Britney and her huge entourage chatted loudly and talked on cell phones and committed the ultimate faux-pas - they left before the movie ended. An eyewitness, who observed Redford scowling at the star, says "If looks could kill. Britney would be the deadest pop star in the world."

at least she was being honest , is it better for her to try and lok all deep and shit

fuck that , and maybe the film was a preteniouce bore

and yes in a ideal world she wouldnt be there, but the sundance of yesterday is dead folks now its like the hamptons

i hate cassavetties films, i find them to be as boring as a dog's ass to quote the great mel gibson

so someone now will read this and think i worship 2 fast 2 furious

no im just setting the new standard at xixax we shouldnt be scared to look un hip we can be honest

and fuck yeah britney that film i bet did bore you, as some films i love may bore you guys

so back the fuck off
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 18, 2003, 11:41:44 AM
I agree about cassavettes (sp?), except that Chinese Bookie and Husbands look pretty good, and i haven't seen those yet, but the stuff with his wife (just like mamet) I can't stand. especially the script that he wrote that his no talent hack son directed, She's So Lovely.

but ANYway...
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Alethia on August 18, 2003, 12:12:18 PM
Quote from: SoNowThenI agree about cassavettes (sp?), except that Chinese Bookie and Husbands look pretty good, and i haven't seen those yet, but the stuff with his wife (just like mamet) I can't stand. especially the script that he wrote that his no talent hack son directed, She's So Lovely.

but ANYway...

husbands is good, i highly recommend you see it, right now.  go!
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: MacGuffin on August 18, 2003, 12:17:35 PM
Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalonesat least she was being honest , is it better for her to try and lok all deep and shit

fuck that , and maybe the film was a preteniouce bore

and fuck yeah britney that film i bet did bore you, as some films i love may bore you guys

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on August 18, 2003, 12:21:23 PM
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 18, 2003, 12:22:46 PM
she's just soooooo hot.....
she also needs to pose for playboy soon
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: (kelvin) on August 18, 2003, 12:40:59 PM

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: MacGuffin on August 18, 2003, 12:43:42 PM
Quote from: SoNowThenshe's just soooooo hot.....
she also needs to pose for playboy soon

Maybe as close as she'll get:

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 18, 2003, 12:56:25 PM
good sweet holy lord


(and in the Godard thread, too -- this has been one of the best Xixax days ever!)
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: cine on August 18, 2003, 01:09:18 PM
Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalones
Quote from: MacGuffinPop diva Britney Spears made herself very unpopular with Robert Redford at the Sundance Film Festival last week by her rude behavior. Spears, who was at the independent film event in order to make more cinematic contacts to boost her big screen career, attended a screening of the new Holly Hunter movie "Levity" and made her presence felt. During the film, Britney and her huge entourage chatted loudly and talked on cell phones and committed the ultimate faux-pas - they left before the movie ended. An eyewitness, who observed Redford scowling at the star, says "If looks could kill. Britney would be the deadest pop star in the world."

at least she was being honest , is it better for her to try and lok all deep and shit

fuck that , and maybe the film was a preteniouce bore

and yes in a ideal world she wouldnt be there, but the sundance of yesterday is dead folks now its like the hamptons

i hate cassavetties films, i find them to be as boring as a dog's ass to quote the great mel gibson

so someone now will read this and think i worship 2 fast 2 furious

no im just setting the new standard at xixax we shouldnt be scared to look un hip we can be honest

and fuck yeah britney that film i bet did bore you, as some films i love may bore you guys

so back the fuck off

I think Spears was a fucking idiot yesterday, she's a fucking idiot today, and she'll be a fucking idiot tomorrow. And she was lucky that the movie was Levity because I bet she would've done it for a movie like Magnolia too. Spears was disrespectful and rude during the film and it doesn't matter if she's Britney fuckin' Spears or not; she shuts her fucking mouth while she's in a fucking theatre to be respectful to NORMAL, CONSIDERATE people watching the same damn movie. Maybe she found it boring.. but just MAYBE the whole rest of the crowd didn't. So maybe she should just shut up and go out for a smoke. Or.. doesn't she just hold them for other people? Right. I always forget that.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Alethia on August 18, 2003, 01:44:22 PM
Quote from: Cinephile
Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalones
Quote from: MacGuffinPop diva Britney Spears made herself very unpopular with Robert Redford at the Sundance Film Festival last week by her rude behavior. Spears, who was at the independent film event in order to make more cinematic contacts to boost her big screen career, attended a screening of the new Holly Hunter movie "Levity" and made her presence felt. During the film, Britney and her huge entourage chatted loudly and talked on cell phones and committed the ultimate faux-pas - they left before the movie ended. An eyewitness, who observed Redford scowling at the star, says "If looks could kill. Britney would be the deadest pop star in the world."

at least she was being honest , is it better for her to try and lok all deep and shit

fuck that , and maybe the film was a preteniouce bore

and yes in a ideal world she wouldnt be there, but the sundance of yesterday is dead folks now its like the hamptons

i hate cassavetties films, i find them to be as boring as a dog's ass to quote the great mel gibson

so someone now will read this and think i worship 2 fast 2 furious

no im just setting the new standard at xixax we shouldnt be scared to look un hip we can be honest

and fuck yeah britney that film i bet did bore you, as some films i love may bore you guys

so back the fuck off

I think Spears was a fucking idiot yesterday, she's a fucking idiot today, and she'll be a fucking idiot tomorrow. And she was lucky that the movie was Levity because I bet she would've done it for a movie like Magnolia too. Spears was disrespectful and rude during the film and it doesn't matter if she's Britney fuckin' Spears or not; she shuts her fucking mouth while she's in a fucking theatre to be respectful to NORMAL, CONSIDERATE people watching the same damn movie. Maybe she found it boring.. but just MAYBE the whole rest of the crowd didn't. So maybe she should just shut up and go out for a smoke. Or.. doesn't she just hold them for other people? Right. I always forget that.

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: chainsmoking insomniac on August 18, 2003, 01:51:24 PM
That stupid bitch.  
God I hate her.  
Sorry guys.  But I really can't stand her...I can think of ten other chicks I'd rather sleep with than her, yes you heard me, I wouldn't sleep with Britney Spears.
Laugh all you want.  But that Sundance debacle's set me off....
I'll stop ranting now.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 18, 2003, 01:55:58 PM
oh, I'm not talking about her intellect or film knowledge... plus in my experience the only girls i've found with decent film know-how i wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

but c'mon, she's a piece of prime meat. you telling me you wouldn't use and abuse that hot body given the chance???
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: AlguienEstolamiPantalones on August 18, 2003, 01:56:32 PM
Quote from: Ghoulardi GoonThat stupid bitch.  
God I hate her.  
Sorry guys.  But I really can't stand her...I can think of ten other chicks I'd rather sleep with than her, yes you heard me, I wouldn't sleep with Britney Spears.
Laugh all you want.  But that Sundance debacle's set me off....
I'll stop ranting now.

dude what you said is like me saying " i will never ever walk on the sun, just because i fucking hate its shape and color"

and if britney spears said to you " i want you to fuck the shit out of me" and you said no, you should be beaten

your a liar here or just trying to sound cool

yeah lets all go and try anf fuck emily watson now instead  :roll:
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: chainsmoking insomniac on August 18, 2003, 01:57:42 PM
I don't think so.  Sorry man, she just bothers me.  I have to be interested in the girl before I bang her.  
Just a slight personality quirk.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: chainsmoking insomniac on August 18, 2003, 02:00:31 PM
Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalones
Quote from: Ghoulardi GoonThat stupid bitch.  
God I hate her.  
Sorry guys.  But I really can't stand her...I can think of ten other chicks I'd rather sleep with than her, yes you heard me, I wouldn't sleep with Britney Spears.
Laugh all you want.  But that Sundance debacle's set me off....
I'll stop ranting now.

dude what you said is like me saying " i will never ever walk on the sun, just because i fucking hate its shape and color"

and if britney spears said to you " i want you to fuck the shit out of me" and you said no, you should be beaten

your a liar here or just trying to sound cool

yeah lets all go and try anf fuck emily watson now instead  :roll:

Then you guys better break out the crow bars.  
Oh, and how is that sounding cool?  It sounds pathetic, and I admit that, but that's just how I feel.  

Now Emily Watson, that's the fucking ticket!  :wink:
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: AlguienEstolamiPantalones on August 18, 2003, 02:01:24 PM
Quote from: Ghoulardi GoonI don't think so.  Sorry man, she just bothers me.  I have to be interested in the girl before I bang her.  
Just a slight personality quirk.

ohh you were punchdrunk23, now that makes sense

your a fag
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: chainsmoking insomniac on August 18, 2003, 02:02:44 PM

God forbid I don't bang everything in sight.  There's no reason to get hostile just because my opinion differs from yours.

Yeah, I find Watson infinitely more sexier than Britney Spears.   :roll:
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 18, 2003, 02:05:08 PM
alright boys, be nice...

i don't mind when other people hate hot chicks i like, just means that's one less person to compete with when i try to make them (as if that's ever gonna happen). but still, maybe i will be casting, and brit will try out, and i'll get to feel her up at least, then say "...naw... you're not right for the part"
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: chainsmoking insomniac on August 18, 2003, 02:07:43 PM
Heh-heh.  That's alot more plausible than meeting her at a club and taking her home.  Along with her "gigantic entourage".......
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: AlguienEstolamiPantalones on August 18, 2003, 02:10:12 PM
Quote from: Ghoulardi Goon:lol:

Yeah, I find Watson infinitely more sexier than Britney Spears.  

because your fake and she is hip and neighter one would fuck you, but for you to say that even if britney asked you, you would say no , says that you are a liar or worse just someone really fucking stupid, how else would you explain the handle punchdrunk23

what was Punchdrunkrules101 taken ??? now go hug your philop seymore hoffman poster
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 18, 2003, 02:10:50 PM
one roofie in drink, one small background distraction provided by helper, and i'll wisk her away from her security and entourage...
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Ghostboy on August 18, 2003, 02:14:59 PM
I've got a thing for sexy pop stars with emotional problems. Thus I am fascinated by Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears.

What? This is a Godard thread?
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: chainsmoking insomniac on August 18, 2003, 02:16:50 PM
Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalones
Quote from: Ghoulardi Goon:lol:

Yeah, I find Watson infinitely more sexier than Britney Spears.  

because your fake and she is hip and neighter one would fuck you, but for you to say that even if britney asked you, you would say no , says that you are a liar or worse just someone really fucking stupid, how else would you explain the handle punchdrunk23

what was Punchdrunkrules101 taken ??? now go hug your philop seymore hoffman poster

Yep, I'm lying. :lol:
BTW, when did you become so annoying?  Does the fact that I don't agree with you piss you off so much that you call me "phony" and a "liar" and a "fag"?

Jesus man, grow up.

Now Alguien, why don't you start a thread that deals with your preference in pop whores so the rest of us can talk about this thread's original intention, k?
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 18, 2003, 02:17:39 PM
Quote from: GhostboyI've got a thing for sexy pop stars with emotional problems. Thus I am fascinated by Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears.

What? This is a Godard thread?

Firstly, agreed, 100%.
Oh, and stick Jessica Simpson in there for sure, as well. But leave that boring ass Mandy Moore off the list.

Yeah. Somehow I'll bet this would make JLG proud.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: AlguienEstolamiPantalones on August 18, 2003, 02:48:39 PM
do you think britney ever gets bummed out that people never talk about how beautiful her ass is all they do is talk about her tits
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: AlguienEstolamiPantalones on August 18, 2003, 02:51:39 PM
Quote from: Ghoulardi Goon
Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalones
Quote from: Ghoulardi Goon:lol:

Now Alguien, why don't you start a thread that deals with your preference in pop whores so the rest of us can talk about this thread's original intention, k?

i take threads where ever i want them, we could lead this  to a chat about the Byzantine Empire , the thread title to me is mearlly a suggestion

my mind leads me to where i want to go not a thread title
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: chainsmoking insomniac on August 18, 2003, 03:04:24 PM
Whew. Profound.  Well maybe someone else can start another thread Godard.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: AlguienEstolamiPantalones on August 18, 2003, 03:11:09 PM
Quote from: Ghoulardi GoonProfound.  .

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on August 18, 2003, 03:17:18 PM
Biggest redirected thread ever.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: MacGuffin on August 18, 2003, 03:21:08 PM
Quote from: Ghoulardi GoonWell maybe someone else can start another thread Godard.

Why? This first one has been redirected to twice in this thread.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Pubrick on August 18, 2003, 03:25:23 PM
Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalonesdude what you said is like me saying " i will never ever walk on the sun, just because i fucking hate its shape and color"
i just wanna say, that is the smartest thing u've said in all ur over-posting days.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: AlguienEstolamiPantalones on August 18, 2003, 03:27:23 PM
just scroll past the britney stuff and you will be fine , why so uptight

see why socialisum is bad it leads to dictatership which leads to " everything must be clean and neat and in perfect order"

your ethnic cleansing my ideas  slobodan blackman

no for real this website is for fun , and you never seem to have much fun relax and if britney spears talk bugs you just scroll down till you get yet another thread saying

" Raoul Coutard ROCKS !!!!!!!!!"
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on August 18, 2003, 03:29:57 PM
Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalonesyour ethnic cleansing my ideas  slobodan blackman

I try.

That reminds me though, I haven't edited a Pantalones post in months... I miss the sweet taste of genocide...
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 18, 2003, 03:30:36 PM
Quote" Raoul Coutard ROCKS !!!!!!!!!"

He does though, doesn't he? One of my fav DP's. Proves he can do it on the fly in b&w, then kicks studio ass with widescreen and color in A Woman Is A Woman and Contemp.

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: AlguienEstolamiPantalones on August 18, 2003, 03:36:04 PM
Quote from: Jeremy Blackman
Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalonesyour ethnic cleansing my ideas  slobodan blackman

I try.

That reminds me though, I haven't edited a Pantalones post in months... I miss the sweet taste of genocide...

see what socialisum leads to ? all great artists like myself have to bear the pain of censorship

be proud that your role in history was to try and make me all sweet and nice
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Cecil on August 18, 2003, 06:00:16 PM
spears is fucking hideous
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Fernando on August 18, 2003, 07:01:28 PM
Int. At the theater in the NY film festival is shown newest film by controversial filmmaker Cecil B. Demented, show just begun and the theater is packed with A-List celebrities.

Everything is running smoothly with the showing, until a cell phone rings.

Britney Spears: (Loudly) Hello?. Hi dear, how are u? Oh yeah, just bought some Manolo's they're gorgeous.

Annoying stupid chat continues when another cell phone rings.

Spears Manager: Chewy here. I told you those towels must be pink or light blue Henson!

Cecil: Hey people, we are trying to see a film here.

Cecil's being ignored by Britney and and her staff.

Cecil: That's it. (To the projectionist) Stop the film damn it! STOP THE FUCKING THING. NOW, either you shut the fuck up or...on a second thought GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!

Spears Manager: Hey you can't talk to us like that!
Britney: (in a frighten tone) Who's this guy?!

Cecil: Shut up and leave.

Spears Manager: Fuck you asshole!

Joe Pesci takes his shoe off and starts beating the shit out of Spears Manager.

JP: What the fuck did you say!, You don't talk to him like that you fucking faggot, fuck you and your fucking staff, get the fuck out the here you fucking pussies...(Swearing and shouting continues)

Britney and staff leaves the theater in mad panic.

Cecil: Ok, roll the damn thing.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: chainsmoking insomniac on August 18, 2003, 09:09:41 PM
That scene brought tears of joy to my eyes.

Fucking fucking beautiful.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Ravi on August 18, 2003, 10:51:32 PM
What if Godard made a movie about Britney Spears?
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Cecil on August 18, 2003, 11:00:37 PM
Quote from: RaviWhat if Godard made a movie about Britney Spears?

"godard is strange. acting in a godard film is strange. you actually have to concentrate during the scene"
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: cine on August 18, 2003, 11:22:45 PM
Quote from: Cecil B. Demented
Quote from: RaviWhat if Godard made a movie about Britney Spears?

"godard is strange. acting in a godard film is strange. you actually have to concentrate during the scene"

"when we're all taking a break, godard and me would sit back and have a smoke. well, he would have a smoke. not me. i don't smoke. i'd hold his smoke, at most. so like, we'd talk about stuff and he'd say how his breath inspired my music videos... which i didn't understand at first, but then i thought 'wow.. this guy is, like, SO artsy!' i'm having lots of fun. heehee."
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Ghostboy on August 18, 2003, 11:30:54 PM
I think Britney started smoking. So she'd actually be back there smoking with him, nodding and blowing smoke and trying to understand what he's saying. But he'd be speaking French,  and so she just keep saying 'oui' and 'merci.'
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Gold Trumpet on August 19, 2003, 12:08:13 AM
For SoNowThen.........who loves this film and hates this critic:


by Stanley Kauffmann

Jean-Luc Godard made Pierrot Le Four six features ago (at this writing), far back in 1965. I saw it at the New York Film Festival the following year and disliked it. It's now released here, and after La Chinoise and Weekend, I like it even less.

A Parisian TV writer (Jean-Paul Belmondo) is suffocating in his marriage to a rich, pretty, dull Italian girl. (Godard likes to kid foreign accents in French: Jean Seberg in Breathless, the Italian girl here.) Belmondo suddenly runs off one night with the baby-sitter, Anna Karina. Complications of murder and torture follow from her previous involvement with gangsters and gunrunners. The pair flee to the Riveria and try to have an idyll; the gangsters follow. It all ends with Belmondo shooting her, then committing suicide by tying dynamite around his head after painting his face blue. Why waste the resources of color film?

The story would be trite - a mod Elvira Madagin - it if asked for any attention as such. It would also be incredible. That this mousy little baby-sitter is also involved with killers and is undisturbed by a corpse in the next room on the night that she and her lover first go to bed - all this would be ludicrous if we were meant to take the narrative seriously. But in a frantic way Godard is deliberately fracturing story logic, using narrative only as a scaffolding for acrobatics, cinematic and metaphysical. The question is whether those acrobatics are consistently amusing and/or enlightening. I think not.

There is the usual Godard barrage of devices, standard even by 1965: verbal-visual puns (VIE in neon turns out to be part of RIVERIA); editing that goes backward, forward, and sideways in time; saturation in film references. Water torture is reprised from Le Petit Soldat. There are anticipations: close ups of comic strip violence, which prefigure A Chinoise; a ghastly auto accident used un tableau mort, which prefigures Weekend - as does a 360-degree pan when the lovers debark from a small boat. In short, more grist for the movie-buff mills.

For me, the film is a function of three boredoms. (I exclude my own.) The hero is bored by his Parisian life, which precipitates the story. The girl is soon bored by the tranquil island where he takes her, which brings about their deaths. And, principally, Godard is very soon bored. I think that the whole film after they flee the girl's Paris appartment is a series of stratagems to keep Godard himself from falling asleep: improvisations, high-school philosophizing, grotesqueries, and supersanguinary violence. His quick mind seems to have flown ahead to his next film while he is faced with the need to finish this one. Boredom has been a (one may say) vital element in art for Gogol and Musset to Beckett and Ionesco, but in their cases, boredom has been the subject, not the artist's own reaction to the making of his art. The first half of Weekend, which is Godard's best work to date, is brilliantly about certain boredoms; but in the second half he was bored.

His contempary, Truffaut, seems to be running out of interests and is becoming a body of film-making skills more or less for hire. Godard, a man of larger and more desperate hungers, keeps snatching at themes to nourish his interest. He has gobbled at blood ( a midget with scissors in his neck in Pierrot), alienation, the Vietnam war, Maoism, fantasy youth revolt, real youth revolt. If anything ever gripped him profoundly, even if for a couple of months, what a film we might get!

and to combat any criticism, I have not seen the film. Just a gift wrapped present.

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 19, 2003, 12:45:13 AM
Die Stanley Kauffmann.

"Who are you talking to?"

-- "The audience." --


Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Gold Trumpet on August 19, 2003, 12:48:57 AM
Can't you at least see some validity in his review? Just validity, even if you still disagree.

And this wasn't even the harshest of the negative reviews by Kauffmann on Godard that I got.

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Ghostboy on August 19, 2003, 02:31:47 AM
And now it's all come full circle.

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: MacGuffin on August 19, 2003, 02:42:44 AM
Now someone needs to Photoshop Britney's face on that poster for the circle to become an ouroboros.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Ghostboy on August 19, 2003, 02:55:17 AM
Take a closer look, Mac...compare and contrast...
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on August 19, 2003, 03:14:51 AM
Quote from: The Gold TrumpetCan't you at least see some validity in his review? Just validity, even if you still disagree.

And this wasn't even the harshest of the negative reviews by Kauffmann on Godard that I got.


well, what's trite and boring to Kauffmann is interesting and amazing to me. i'll admit, i had to watch godard films a few times to make it through them, but once i started reading them just as godard films, and not expecting anything like i had seen before, it opened up this fucking wonderful new movie watching world so that i can barely stand other movies, and crave his meandering mise en scene almost daily.

it's a fix, man. dig it.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Pubrick on August 19, 2003, 06:29:13 AM
that cover looks like the bum from mulhol drive.

and spears is hot, fyags.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Gold Trumpet on August 20, 2003, 01:46:26 PM

He arrives (a) and then bang (b) a refinery (c) explodes. The Americans (d) make love.(e) Cannibals (f) armed with bazookas (g) fire (h) on the railroad.(i) She falls (l) riddled with bullets (m) from a rifle.(n) At mad speed (o) to Vincennes (p) Cohn Bendit (q) catches the train (r) and speaks.(s) Two men (t) kill her.(u) He reads sayings of Mao.(v) Montesquieu (z) throws a bomb (w) at Diderot.(x) He kills himself.(k) He peddles Le Figaro.(j) The redskins arrive.(y)


(a) Is already there reading the sayings of Mao. Lies dead on the superhighway with brains spattered. Is killing himself. Harrangues a crowd. Runs along the street. Jumps out a window.

(b) Splash. Splat. Wham. Rit-tat-tat. Mumble mumble.

(c) A kindergarten. Notre Dame. Communist Party headquarters. Houses of Parliament. The Parthenon. The offices of Le Figaro. The Elysee. Paris.

(d) The Germans. French paratroopers. Vietnamese. Arabs. Israelis. Police.

(e) Do not make love.

(f) Indians. Hordes of accountants. Dissident Communists. Crazed truck drivers.

(g) Yagatan. Copies of Le Figaro. Pirate's sabers. Submachine guns. Cans of red paint. Cans of blue paint. Cans of yellow paint. Cans of orange paint. Cans of black paint. Picasso paintings. Little red books. Picture postcards.

(h) Throw rocks. Bombs. Empty cans of red paint, blue paint, yellow paint, black paint. Pour some slippery stuff.

(i) On the Elysee. On the University of Nanterre. In Piazza Navona. All over the road.

(l) Is thrown out the window by CIA agents. Is raped by paratroopers. Is killed by Australian aborigines.

(m) With a gaping wound in the belly. Spewing forth streams of yellow (red, blue, black) paint. Making love with Voltaire.

(n) Loquat.

(o) Unsteadily. Very, very slowly. Remaining still while background (process shot) moves.

(p) Nanterre. Flins. Place de la Bastille. Clignancourt. Venice.

(q) Jacques Servan-Schreiber. Jean-Paul Sartre. Pier Paolo Passolini. D'Alembert.

(r) Misses the train. Goes on a bicycle. On roller skates.

(s) Bursts into tears. Shouts Viva Guevara.

(t) A band of Indians.

(u) Kill everybody. Kill nobody.

(v) Quotations from Brecht. The Declaration of the Rights of Man. Saint-John Perse. Prince Korzybski. Eluard. Lo Sun. Charles Peguy. Rosa Luxemburg.

(z) Diderot. Sade. Restif de la Bretonne. Pompidou.

(w) A tomato. Red paint (blue, yellow, black).

(x) Daniel Cohn-Bendit. Nixon. Madame de Sevigne. Voltaire. Van Vogt. Einstein.

(k) Goes away. Kills all the others. Throws a bomb at the Arc de Triomphe. Blows up an electronic brain. Empties onto the grounds various cans of yellow (green, blue, red, black) paint.

(j) The sayings of Mao. Writes a ta-tze-bao. Reads verses of Pierre Emmanuel. Watches a Chaplin movie.

(y) The paratroopers. The Germans. Hordes of starving accountants brandishing sabers.  Armored cars. Pier Paolo Passolini with Pompidu. The Bank Holiday traffic. Diderot selling the Encyclopedie door to door. The Marxist-Leninist Union on skateboards.

I forgot I had this in one of my books.

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: cine on August 20, 2003, 02:05:36 PM
That's great. What book??
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Gold Trumpet on August 20, 2003, 04:59:32 PM
"Misreadings", by Umberto Eco.

Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: ShanghaiOrange on September 10, 2003, 05:51:44 PM
According to the trivia section of on IMDB for "Bonnie and Cylde" Godard might have potentially directed the movie, but was stopped because he allegedly "planned to change Bonnie and Clyde to teenagers and relocate the story to Japan, prompting the film's investors to force him off the project."

I've never seen "Bonnie and Clyde" or any of Godard's films but that would have been the best movie ever. :(
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: Find Your Magali on September 10, 2003, 06:02:58 PM
Quote from: ShanghaiOrangeAccording to the trivia section of on IMDB for "Bonnie and Cylde" Godard might have potentially directed the movie, but was stopped because he allegedly "planned to change Bonnie and Clyde to teenagers and relocate the story to Japan, prompting the film's investors to force him off the project."

I've never seen "Bonnie and Clyde" or any of Godard's films but that would have been the best movie ever. :(

Actually, if you think about it, many, many movies would have been great if you had:

(1) changed the main characters to teenagers
(2) moved the setting to Japan
(3) and directed in the style of the French New Wave

Just a few examples:

-- Star Wars
-- Do The Right Thing
-- Goodfellas
-- Cocoon
-- Seabiscuit
-- Evil Dead
-- Long Day's Journey Into Night
-- Tron
-- Gone with the Wind
-- Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo
-- The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-up Zombies

These are just a few of the splendid possibilities.... :wink:
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: ShanghaiOrange on September 10, 2003, 06:11:33 PM
What about Battle Royale? :(
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: modage on October 13, 2003, 12:37:09 PM
X3: British magazine New indicates Britney Spears has been eagerly eyeing a role in the next installment of the X-Men franchise.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: ShanghaiOrange on October 13, 2003, 01:38:02 PM
HOLY SHIT  :shock:  (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093349/)
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: ono on October 13, 2003, 03:14:33 PM
Quote from: themodernage02X3: British magazine New indicates Britney Spears has been eagerly eyeing a role in the next installment of the X-Men franchise.
Quote from: ShanghaiOrangeHOLY SHIT  :shock:  (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093349/)
Best.  Non-sequitur.  Ever.

Hehe, I came across that King Lear flick a while back when doing research on Norman Mailer.  Curiosity makes me want to see how bad it really is.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: godardian on October 13, 2003, 05:00:30 PM
Quote from: Onomatopoeia
Quote from: themodernage02X3: British magazine New indicates Britney Spears has been eagerly eyeing a role in the next installment of the X-Men franchise.
Quote from: ShanghaiOrangeHOLY SHIT  :shock:  (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093349/)
Best.  Non-sequitur.  Ever.

Hehe, I came across that King Lear flick a while back when doing research on Norman Mailer.  Curiosity makes me want to see how bad it really is.

I consider Woody Allen and Molly Ringwald both more interesting than cranky Mr. Mailer (who did most for pop culture by being the butt of an excellent joke in the "Shari Bobbins" episode of The Simpsons); they're both in King Lear, too.
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: tpfkabi on October 17, 2003, 06:58:09 PM
i watched the Fox Lorber DVD of My LIfe to Live last night.
it was great.
first time i've seen Anna Karina and i'm in love.
i have breathless and contempt as well.

how is Band of Outsiders?
i want to see A Woman is a Woman so badly. the description sounds so interesting. it's a musical......music starts and stops suddenly......first color for Godard /Coutard.........hopefully the re-release means Criterion next year!
Title: A Godard thread about Britney Spears
Post by: SoNowThen on October 17, 2003, 09:04:26 PM
It does, for almost certain.

Band Of Outsiders is amazing. Buy it!!!