Xixax Film Forum

Film Discussion => The Vault => Topic started by: SoNowThen on October 21, 2003, 09:00:09 AM

Title: Round Midnight
Post by: SoNowThen on October 21, 2003, 09:00:09 AM
Just watched this beautiful, sad film last night. If any here are fans of jazz, I suggest you check this out (if you haven't already). I don't see many stories about 2 friends from different backgrounds that seem to have any authenticity anymore. If this film would've been made today, it would have tried to hammer home the race difference, and try to underline tensions that weren't there, but this flick just goes the classy way.

There's a scene (hopefully not to spoil anything), between the older jazzman and his best friend/fan young french guy, where the french guy has cried himself to sleep over the fact that the jazzman is a hopeless drunk. Feeling bad (more about putting his friend in a bad mood), the jazzman gets up early to make him breakfast. When he brings it to him, he says very gravely and softly "don't ever cry for me again". His young friend, exhasperated asks "what else can I do?". I dunno, something about that scene made the movie for me. It's at that point that the jazzman decides to make a go of being sober, and being that this is a movie, and that this happens at the 3/4 mark, you're pretty much sure of what it's gonna lead to at the end. So the tragedy and sadness of it just weighed down like crazy. Simply beautiful...

Also, Marty Scorsese makes a cameo in it which is quite interesting. Nobody makes fast-talking quite so natural as Marty.
Title: Round Midnight
Post by: coffeebeetle on October 21, 2003, 11:02:25 AM
This sounds great!  I don't think Blocksuckster's going to have it though...:(

Nothing like a great jazz soundtrack though, don't you agree?  Like Badalamenti and Lynch....bliss!