Xixax Film Forum

The Director's Chair => Quentin Tarantino => Topic started by: Something Spanish on October 12, 2003, 04:26:42 PM

Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Something Spanish on October 12, 2003, 04:26:42 PM
I went to see Kill Bill last night. I have not anticipated a film this much since Punch-Drunk Love, and that is a movie I KEENLY anticipated; counting down the days and all the other neurotic shit that movie-geeks suffer. Tarantino was GOD to me back in '94 when Pulp Fiction was released. Anyway, I saw Kill Bill last night with 2 friends equally obsessed with the hype and a packed crowd (midnight showtime) in a well-suited theatre.

The subject I really want to address is the fucking heart-attack I nearly had during the Crazy 88 battle...when the footage turns B&W. First off, never before have I been so pumped (I was shaking for christ's sake) for a movie sequence in film history. All was going well (The Bride calling O-Ren Ishii out...) until the B&W stuff kicked in. I felt gipped and deprived! It was like taking candy away from a baby. I could barely pay attention.
The movie just looked...so ugly. I WANTED TO SEE THE BLOOD, GODDAMMIT! I remember seeing little clips of this sequence from the trailers, which were in color, then seeing them in B&W and was so horrified and shocked it was difficult to revive from this coma.

I dunno. Maybe I'm making too big a deal of this. I'm seeing it again tonight. Hopefully my reaction will be different. We'll see...

I know BANKY, from the xixax forums, pointed this out somewhere. Am I over-reacting, or did anyone feel as I did?? Speak now motherfuckers, or forever hold your piece.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Sleuth on October 12, 2003, 04:28:41 PM
Yes, you're overreacting, and it's your fault that your expectations were so high
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: smash on October 12, 2003, 04:46:15 PM
I think I too would've preferred the scene to be color...but its not like that destroys the whole movie itself.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Something Spanish on October 12, 2003, 04:55:56 PM
I never said it destroyed the whole movie. I was saying that it was difficult to concentrate from that moment forth.

And tremolosloth, yeah. Maybe my expectations were a bit high for that sequence. I look forawrd to seeing it again tonight buddy.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: ©brad on October 12, 2003, 05:11:23 PM
u don't know what ur talking about. the b&w rocked.

Quote from: Shaun DigiI never said it destroyed the whole movie, you stupid faggot. I was saying that it was difficult to concentrate from that moment forth.

u kiss ur mother w/ that mouth? we got sum nasty ass ppl up in here, geez.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: smash on October 12, 2003, 05:12:20 PM
Whoah, calm down their buddy.  Sorry, I just assumed since you made a topic about it that it disrupted your overall enjoyment of the film.  Hot damn.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: ᾦɐļᵲʊʂ on October 12, 2003, 05:15:26 PM
Quote from: ©badu don't know what ur talking about. the b&w rocked.

Quote from: Shaun DigiI never said it destroyed the whole movie, you stupid faggot. I was saying that it was difficult to concentrate from that moment forth.

u kiss ur mother w/ that mouth? we got sum nasty ass ppl up in here, geez.

I concur, the B&W was totally appropriate, IMHO.  B&W overused, many could agree, is a little cheap.  But it just pops into the fight and, for me, enthralled me more.  And then when the lights went off and it was blue in the background...MARVELOUS!

I enjoyed it all so much and can't wait to see it again.

I don't know why I kept your quote abuot faggot and the reply to it, oh well.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Alethia on October 12, 2003, 05:37:52 PM
i loved the b&w.   end of story.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Ghostboy on October 12, 2003, 05:41:54 PM
Please keep inappropriate slurs out of your posts, Shaun Digi. Anyway, I hope the DVD has the fight in color, just so we can see what it looks like -- but I think it was a good choice for the movie, just because it keeps the visual element fresh. It was in the script from the first place, too, so Quentin definitely intended it to be that way. Also, half the stuff in the b/w sequence would have had to be cut if it were in color.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: smash on October 12, 2003, 06:12:42 PM
Quote from: GhostboyPlease keep inappropriate slurs out of your posts, Smash.
I'm assuming you mean Shaun Digi, correct?
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Ghostboy on October 12, 2003, 06:15:53 PM
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: modage on October 12, 2003, 06:19:37 PM
Quote from: smashWhoah, calm down their buddy.
Quote from: smash
Quote from: GhostboyPlease keep inappropriate slurs out of your posts, Smash.
I'm assuming you mean Shaun Digi, correct?

no, he didn't.  better think twice before you go calling people "buddy" again.  sheez.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Ravi on October 12, 2003, 06:39:42 PM
Quote from: GhostboyAnyway, I hope the DVD has the fight in color, just so we can see what it looks like -- but I think it was a good choice for the movie, just because it keeps the visual element fresh. It was in the script from the first place, too, so Quentin definitely intended it to be that way. Also, half the stuff in the b/w sequence would have had to be cut if it were in color.

I would have preferred to see the blood flying everywhere.  If the MPAA was riding his ass for that scene, I understand, but if it was something he intended, I sort of question the decision. (what, I'm questioning the director?)

The MPAA should keep the target audience of a film in mind when rating a film.  If you are going to buy a ticket to Kill Bill, you probably won't be disgusted by rivers of blood.  Who do they think they are looking out for, the grandmother who takes her little granddaughters to see the next Tarantino film?

Quote from: themodernage02
Quote from: smashWhoah, calm down their buddy.
Quote from: smash
Quote from: GhostboyPlease keep inappropriate slurs out of your posts, Smash.
I'm assuming you mean Shaun Digi, correct?

no, he didn't.  better think twice before you go calling people "buddy" again.  sheez.

You mean b***y.  But that could also be "Banky."
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Gamblour. on October 13, 2003, 12:04:13 AM
I loved the black and white, I thought it was funny actually. Prior to it, you get to see what the blood's going to look like, you get a taste of how fucking cheesily awesome it will be. When it went black and white, it felt like it was saying, "You can't handle this. Even the film can't stand being this red." I dunno, maybe I have a weird way of thinking about this (I am having a lot of trouble describing what I felt). But overall, I loved it when that happened.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: bonanzataz on October 13, 2003, 12:19:01 AM
i just saw it tonight and i didn't really notice it was in black and white until my friend asked me if tarantino wanted it to be like that or if he had to to get the r rating. then i'm like, oh, black and white. but i thought it was cool.
in fact, the whole damn movie is fucking cool. i haven't enjoyed a movie like that in a long long time.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Banky on October 13, 2003, 08:29:39 AM
yeah i thought it was bullshit
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: cine on October 13, 2003, 10:32:39 AM
I had no problem with the black and white. I don't know.. it was Tarantino and I just went with the flow and didn't dare stop and say "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why are we in black and white now? That shit ain't right." I enjoyed all of it anyhow.. regardless if we didn't see the blood.. the visuals were all great.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: SHAFTR on October 13, 2003, 12:05:52 PM
I think the B&W and blue silhouette helped break a 20 minute action film up so that it seems fresh.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Teen Wolf on October 13, 2003, 12:13:51 PM
Didn't bother me. I noticed it, but it didn't take me out of the movie.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: modage on October 13, 2003, 12:21:04 PM
nobody thought it was cool how she blinked and it made a camera shutter noise and returned to color?
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Fernando on October 13, 2003, 12:36:57 PM
Quote from: themodernage02nobody thought it was cool how she blinked and it made a camera shutter noise and returned to color?

That was very cool indeed.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Duck Sauce on October 13, 2003, 05:06:53 PM
Quote from: ewardi loved the b&w.   end of story.

i love when people say this....   :roll:

B&W did it for me
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on October 13, 2003, 09:43:41 PM
The B&W was brilliant. I felt like I slipped into a Kurosawa movie.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: neatahwanta on October 13, 2003, 10:05:53 PM
B&W  8)

Thos against B&W  :shock:
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: MacGuffin on October 13, 2003, 10:42:01 PM
I thought the use of B&W in the opening was more effective than it's use in the fight.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: edison on October 13, 2003, 10:46:51 PM
but just think that when the dvd comes out it will probably be in color, or have an option for color, so all this bitching is pretty much for nothing.
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: SHAFTR on October 13, 2003, 10:52:20 PM
Quote from: EEz28but just think that when the dvd comes out it will probably be in color, or have an option for color, so all this bitching is pretty much for nothing.

I doubt it
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: edison on October 13, 2003, 11:04:10 PM
Wanna bet?
Title: KB B&W Trauma
Post by: Gold Trumpet on October 13, 2003, 11:04:58 PM
I loved the black and white. Felt like a step back into vintage samuari movies when the blood really was flying without it being too distracting for the audience. Its just too handle all the blood without it feeling really exploitive, if possible. And just a fresh idea.
