Xixax Film Forum

Creative Corner => Filmmakers' Workshop => Topic started by: gjg 4 REEL on September 23, 2003, 01:51:12 PM

Title: have you ever been worried.....
Post by: gjg 4 REEL on September 23, 2003, 01:51:12 PM
that your shit is so original that youll post it and some college grad with big dough  writes a quick script , makes a movie , and then totally fucks up everything for you when you just had a rough paragraph idea. i guess this is something you have to overcome on this site , or maybe you could just stop being so selfish and realize that your ideas arent all that great ....... BUT MINE ARE .  and im sure that everybody thinks this of themselves, then they post shit and there let down , sometimes shit only sounds good to you , sometimes it appeals to everyone and gets YOINKED . but i guess theres no way to predict this is there?
Title: have you ever been worried.....
Post by: Weak2ndAct on September 23, 2003, 03:41:15 PM
I used to be pretty open about my ideas and would share them with anyone.  I was never really concerned about being ripped off or whatever b/c I would register/copyright all my scripts, blah blah blah.  BUT one time, I got ripped off by a very close friend.  I took a summer off to write, busted out a script.  Sent it to many friends for notes.  The C.F. I sent it to was sitting on his ass that summer, and called me 3 weeks later saying he had a movie for me to read, now inspired to get something done.  And the guy pretty much ripped off the structure, tone, some-character-stuff, and the climax of my movie.  It was blatant.  We got in a big fight and he ended up throwing his script out.  Now, I'm pretty darned critical of who I give what to, only a very small group.  

As for getting feedback on ideas, I've found that new/bad writers are often the first ones to tell you how great their idea is and tell you beat by beat, their whole story.  Good ones hesitate to tell you anything.
Title: have you ever been worried.....
Post by: The Perineum Falcon on September 23, 2003, 09:54:12 PM
Quote from: Weak2ndAct
As for getting feedback on ideas, I've found that new/bad writers are often the first ones to tell you how great their idea is and tell you beat by beat, their whole story.  Good ones hesitate to tell you anything.

I'm the exact opposite, I think. I hesitate to talk too openly about my ideas because I'm afraid (for lack of a better word) they just won't fly. That and my idea of what I want the film to be changes too often to keep up with who has which ideas or summaries.
I have a severe lack of confidence sometimes. I think that may be a problem.
Title: have you ever been worried.....
Post by: Cecil on September 23, 2003, 10:32:01 PM
i used to be like that, but then i got older, and wiser, and realized that i suck and that no one wants my ideas anyway
Title: have you ever been worried.....
Post by: nix on September 24, 2003, 09:06:47 AM
I pretty much begin every script thinking that my idea is weak and unoriginal. So I don't mind sharing them, because that's what I expect to hear.

I do, however pride myself on being pretty good with character and dialogue, so I'm  careful about posting scripts. But ideas, I could care less.