I only saw the end credits (because I work at a movie theater) but during them there's a big "We Are The World"-esque song thing with a bunch of child stars. ANYWAY, Marsha from the Brady Bunch says the best single-f-word in a PG-13 movie ever, I think. :(
Quote from: ShanghaiOrangeI only saw the end credits (because I work at a movie theater) but during them there's a big "We Are The World"-esque song thing with a bunch of child stars. ANYWAY, Marsha from the Brady Bunch says the best single-f-word in a PG-13 movie ever, I think. :(
i second that ohh god was that fucking funny and the movie was his best work but thats not saying much , since well he fuckin made joe dirt, after that peice of shit matty rich could of out done him
but that marsha line will go down in pop culture history i wont out it yet
I don't think this even looks like David Spade. Looks more like Kid Rock.
This movie contains one of the best pieces of bad acting ive ever witnessed. When the little dude asks that girl to go to the movies and she replies "yes sam i will go to the movies with you"
oh shit. i lost it there. cracked up til i cried, seriously. it's worth seeing just for that delivery.
Quote from: RaviI don't think this even looks like David Spade. Looks more like Kid Rock.
..looks like kid rock+micheal jackson's infamous glitter glove+fedora wearing pimp...
the tagline is cheese
Slip'N Slide Makers Sue Over Use in Movie
The makers of the Slip 'N Slide filed a lawsuit Monday over a scene in the hit movie "Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star" that shows actor David Spade skidding to a painful halt on the summertime water toy.
Wham-O is asking a judge to order the film out of theaters as long as it contains the Slip 'N Slide scene, or for a disclaimer to be added urging viewers not to try the maneuver made by Spade.
In the movie, Spade jumps belly first on the yellow plastic sheet without first inflating it with air and water. He then coats the slide with oil and crashes into a fence.
The scene has been used heavily in television and theater ads to promote the film, which was No. 1 at the weekend box office.
The lawsuit, filed against Paramount Pictures and Happy Madison Productions, charges the filmmakers violated its trademark by using the product without permission.
Wham-O also claims the scene violates the product's safety guidelines, which limit the use of Slip 'N Slide to children between the ages of 5 and 12 weighing less than 110 pounds and under 5 feet tall.
Guidelines also state the slide must first be inflated and wet and that users should also be wet before diving on the plastic. The company is concerned that the scene might prompt adults to imitate Spade's action, which could lead to injury and lawsuits.
"Paramount believes the claims are entirely without legal merit," said studio spokesman Rob Friedman.
The product was taken off store shelves in the 1990s after a series of adult accidents. When the product was reintroduced in 1997, the new owners added an inflatable bumper and other safety features, Wham-O said.
Monday's lawsuit mentions one legal action brought by a Wisconsin adult who became paralyzed after diving onto the slide while intoxicated. The plaintiff in that case was awarded $12.3 million in damages, according to Monday's lawsuit.
Quote from: MacGuffin
Wham-O also claims the scene violates the product's safety guidelines, which limit the use of Slip 'N Slide to children between the ages of 5 and 12 weighing less than 110 pounds and under 5 feet tall.
Spade fits the bill.
so should I see this movie, or what? cause I'm a huge Spade fan...
but Joe Dirt, for fucks sake, I want my $3 back for the rental...
Quote from: SoNowThenso should I see this movie, or what? cause I'm a huge Spade fan...
but Joe Dirt, for fucks sake, I want my $3 back for the rental...
i thought that Joe Dirt was pretty funny actually.
this is the hottest character in the history of film
She was hot, but Jaime Pressley was hotter.
Quote from: SoNowThenShe was hot, but Jaime Pressley was hotter.
thats bullshit, the shot where she gets off the horse is so classic. I do like presley.
they slip and slide people are trying to pull this movie from the theather so they can remove that scene , can they just cut the whole film and leave that last part with marsha swearing
i saw this the other day, and i have to agree, the credits were classic. For me though, it was the only funny part of the movie.