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Creative Corner => Filmmakers' Workshop => Topic started by: ©brad on September 02, 2003, 05:15:15 PM

Title: here's something fun we can all do
Post by: ©brad on September 02, 2003, 05:15:15 PM
im sure everyone has done this in english or creating writing or whathaveu, but its always good for a laugh.

i start out by writing two pages of a script, and then the next person continues w/ two more pages, and so on...

first off, a few rules:

1. u can only write 2 pages. now if u r writing sumthing amazing and u feel the need to go beyond 2 pages, do as u must. but don't write the whole thing- the whole point of the game is to give other ppl a chance to write and to see where the story goes.
2. u can write more than once, however u cannot post 2 consecutive times. so since i've started it off, i can't write anymore unless sumone else goes. after that i can continue. (try to let a few other ppl go before u go again)
3. and finally... well that's all i can think of as of now. feel free to add characters, change up settings, flashbacks, whatever floats ur boat.

ok, here we blow. ill try to keep the first one simple.

to begin:


BETTY WINGLEFIRE, 48, stands at a bus top in downtown Dredton, a small community just outside of Charlotte. She wears an ensemble from Ann Tayler- a proper tan blouse with matching silk pants. Wrapped around her neck is a black&white silk scarf. She wears several gold rings on each of her fingers, save her thumbs. An enormous green duffle bag lays next to her. She reaches into her purse and pulls out a small mirror, primping herself and reapplying lipstick. She takes out a tissue and wipes her forehead.

STUART LEVY, 35, stands across the street on a yellow, 10 speed Huffy with a matching helmet. He writes a parking ticket for a Toyota that has wrongfully parked in a handicap zone. After putting it on the windshield, he makes way on his bike towards his next victim- an SUV that has illegally double-parked in front of a hot dog stand. He stops at the bus stop, recognizing Betty.

STU: Mrs. Winglefire? Is that you?
BETTY: Oh hey Stuart!
STU: Mrs. Winglefire, what a surprise seeing you here.
BETTY: Yes I know, I don't usually ride buses.
STU: How have you been?
BETTY: Oh good, good. Busy, very busy. Very good and busy.
STU: Oh yeah?
BETTY: You wouldn't believe. How are you doing?
STU: Same old, same old. I've been thinking about taking Ben to the Orient.
BETTY: Oh you got to go! You just got to! It's wonderful.
STU: You ever been there?
BETTY: No but I hear good things.
STU: I love oriental food, and oriental people seem nice, so I figured it would be a nice place to travel to.
BETTY: Yes I enjoy oriental people too. Well lots of luck. How's your cop school going?
STU: It's tough. Really tough. I'm still truckin along though. We'll see what happens. I'm just doing this parking lot attendant thing to make ends meet until the cop thing picks up.
BETTY: Well that sounds great.
STU: Say, let me ask you something between you and me. Are you familiar with the internet?
BETTY: I think I heard something about it on the television.
STU: Yes, yes, I heard the same thing. Listen Mrs. Winglefire, I think it's in your interest to look into investing into it. I'm already looking into it myself. I don't want to say anything too soon, but I think within the next couple of years this internet thing is going to be big. Really big.
BETTY: Is that so?
STU: I think so, Mrs. Winglefire. I'm talking thousands, maybe millions of dollars. If you want I could come over sometime and we could talk about it more.
BETTY: Sure, that would be fine.

A bus approaches the stop. Betty looks up only to find that its not the right one. She continues to stand next to her bag.

Two teenage girls walk in front of Betty and Stuart, smoking cigarettes and laughing. One of them presses the button on her keyless entry. The SUV lights up and chirps. They get in. Stuart starts to walk towards them.

STU: Excuse me ladies. I'm sorry to disturb you but you're not allowed to park there. Maybe you didn't see the sign right there, its perfectly understandable. But just for future reference, if you could-
Oneofthechicks: GO FUCK YOURSELF.

They both slam the doors, laughing. The SUV takes off, peeling out. Stu walks back over to Betty.

BETTY: Well that was uncalled for.
STU: Happens a lot. Where you headed to?
BETTY: Dr. Minchstein's office.
STU: Oh yeah? Are you sick?
BETTY: No. I have something to drop off.
STU: Oh.

Stu looks down at the duffle bag. Another bus comes to the stop, this one is Betty's.

BETTY: Well this is my bus. It was a pleasure seeing you again Stuart.
STU: You too, Mrs. Winglefire, you too. Here let me help you with this bag.

Stu lifts up the heavy duffle bag with a big grunt. Betty walks slowly behind, taking out her little mirror and primping herself yet again.

STU: Wow Mrs. Winglefire, this bag sure is heavy. What'd you got in here anyway?
BETTY: My husband.

Stu laughs as he boards the bus and puts the duffle bag in front of an empty row of seats on the floor. Mrs. Winglefire sits down next to the bag.

STU: Well take care, Mrs. Winglefire. I'll keep you updated on this internet idea. Do me a favor though and try to keep it between you and me. We don't want too many people finding out, you know.
BETTY: Of course I will. Thank you Stuart. Bye bye.

Stuart gets off the bus and returns to his bike. The bus doors shut promptly as the bus drives away. He puts his ticket pad and pen into his yellow fanny pack. He zips it up and gets on his bike. Just as he is about to pedal away he notices something on the ground in front of the bus stop, exactly where Mrs. Winglefire's duffle bag was.

A rather large puddle of blood.
Title: here's something fun we can all do
Post by: NEON MERCURY on September 14, 2003, 01:42:02 AM
..sounds like fun .I have never tried this before and don't know the formality of screenwriting...but here goes.....

fade to black..and the titles appear.the film is called.American family suicide

after titles are done betty sits alone in bus w/a certian smirk on her face that resemble relief.  but she stares blindly at the back of the female bus driver's head.

flashback sequence begins>

small house with three bedrooms, one and a 1/2 baths , living roonm, dining room, den, porch, and a tool shed out back.  the house is modest middle income and houses betty(mother, wife), michael(father,husband, age 44), daughter(claire,age 19), son(greg, age eighteen).

alarm clock wakes betty and michael at 7:30 to the sound of talk radio.  betty gets up and wakes up a reluctant michael.

BETTY:mike you told me to set the alarm for 7:30 now get up.  you got to  take greg to school, i can't do so today.

michael asks why but she doesn't answer.

MICHAEL: fine, just ignore me.  I 'll show you the same treatment when wanting  money for something new and decorative for the house.(he say s this sarcastically)

betty goes into the restroom looks at her face in marvel of its beauty. she believes that God has made her unparalell to anyone  else and  she marvels at how good she looks at 7:30 in the morning when just waking up.  She jumps into the shower, bathes, brushes teeth, and does an obsessive "getting ready to face the public"  beauty routine.  She walks  out of the bathroom  to see michael still asleep.

BETTY: wake up !  Greg is going to be late for school mike!

mike lazily pulls the covers aside and readies himself for the morning(including brief shower and much  less time in the bathroom then his wife spends)..  

betty then walks into greg's room to make sure he is up and ready for his first day of his senior year in High School. Greg was already in the shower...Betty feels proud to have such an astute son.  Realizing it must be from her side of the family...

Well thats it sorry if it sucks but i got to run.....