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Film Discussion => The Vault => Topic started by: dufresne on July 18, 2003, 02:55:37 AM

Title: American Splendor
Post by: dufresne on July 18, 2003, 02:55:37 AM
judging from the trailer, this one looks pretty good.  it won the grand jury prize at Sundance...anyone heard any buzz? opens in a month.  i'd like to see how they portray Robert Crumb's character...


Title: American Splendor
Post by: Ghostboy on July 18, 2003, 02:56:36 AM
The buzz is fantastic. I can't wait to see it.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: chainsmoking insomniac on July 18, 2003, 07:41:07 AM
Oh yeah, I saw a trailer for this.  This looks fantastic.  Has any seen the documentary on Crumb?  I believe (and don't quote me on this) it was on Sundance....
Title: American Splendor
Post by: rustinglass on July 18, 2003, 07:55:27 AM
It does look good

I can't wait
Title: American Splendor
Post by: modage on July 18, 2003, 08:47:35 PM
yeah i want to see this.  but doesnt it kind of seem like its been covered by terry zwigoff?  crumb meets ghost world?
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Alethia on July 18, 2003, 09:55:33 PM
i cant fucking wait!!!!!!!!!!
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Ghostboy on July 18, 2003, 10:32:35 PM
Crumb is one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. American Splendor may have some similarities to it in subject matter, but since this is a different person, and since the movie is partially a dramatic narrative, I think there won't really be much of a sense of been-there-done-that.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Rudie Obias on July 18, 2003, 10:53:22 PM
this film was made in cleveland i was lucky enough to intern for it.  yep, answering phones, filing and cleaning toilets, what a glamorous life it is to be part of movie magic!
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Pubrick on August 08, 2003, 02:59:27 PM
am i the first to see this? looks like it..

first thing i thought of, i've found the perfect depiction of budgie on film:


fantastic performances, after this paul giamatti will never be "that pig guy from howard stern movie". amazing, how they cut back to the real footage of his first letterman appearance, and then his last. wow. it helps that i'm too young or uncool to know most of this, and there's plenty of great one liners like when joyce/budgie (above) goes "Why does everything in my life hav to be such a complicated disaster?!", u really believe her frustration. it's a film about little things, which is what i understand the comics were about, little things that make life real. the performances are perfectly nuanced. kudos to ted hope, it's a labor of love that actually keeps the love intact and doesn't translate to sweetness.

budgie and lover.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Pas on August 08, 2003, 03:10:50 PM
Can't wait for this now...
Title: American Splendor
Post by: snaporaz on August 11, 2003, 01:32:50 AM
looks very rad. very doubtful it will play in my area, though.  :(

they could've gotten a guy that looks more like a pussy to play crumb, but his voice is dead-on.

also, it's cool to finally see giamatti playing a critical performance. if he wasn't the main chareacter, i bet his talent in this picture would be worthy of the academy. even though i haven't seen the movie, i just have that feeling.

oh yeah, i'll probably be in austin in a couple weeks, so i might see it there.  :-D
Title: American Splendor
Post by: filmcritic on August 11, 2003, 02:47:35 PM
I heard an interview yesterday on Fresh Air interviewing the real Harvey and Joyce. Very interesting...
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Pubrick on August 12, 2003, 12:04:02 PM
Quote from: filmcriticI heard an interview yesterday on Fresh Air interviewing the real Harvey and Joyce. Very interesting...
yeah dude, they appear in the movie. he narrates the damn thing.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: mutinyco on August 17, 2003, 02:01:14 PM
The movie's excellent. I interviewed everybody. Go to:

Title: American Splendor
Post by: Pubrick on August 17, 2003, 02:13:43 PM
Quote from: TOBY RADLOFFAnd a third film which I did that's available through Lurid.com called Townies, where I play an eccentric bum who finds a dead woman's body in a Dumpster. And I make love to the corpse. I do it in a tasteful manner."

also, 'everybody' minus hope davis. weird pic of her. sum nice quotes tho. would be so cool if Giamatti got oscar recognition for it. now i'm off to find that bootleg letterman footage.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: SoNowThen on August 17, 2003, 02:30:25 PM
Just watched trailer. Looks fucking great. Can't wait to see.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: modage on August 17, 2003, 07:32:06 PM
yeah im a little upset.  i had free passes to see this in philadelphia on tuesday, but unfortunately im in wash dc so i couldnt go.  the worst part is, i thought it was supposed to come out on friday.  but its not playing here.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: mutinyco on August 18, 2003, 06:57:44 PM
This is the one to see until Lost in Translation comes out in September.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: chainsmoking insomniac on August 18, 2003, 09:14:25 PM

I'm dying to see both of these films.  Both trailers look great, but Lost in Translation looks the best.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: mutinyco on August 19, 2003, 10:29:50 PM
Totally different films. American Splendor is like a cross between Errol Morris and Terry Zwigoff's Ghost World. Lost in Translation is as if David Gordon Greene went to Tokyo and found a sense of humor.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: ono on August 23, 2003, 01:36:16 PM
Roger Ebert's four-star review. (http://www.suntimes.com/output/ebert1/wkp-news-american22f.html)  Things are looking great for this film.  It comes to my town September 12th.  Definitely looking forward to it.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: pete on August 28, 2003, 10:07:07 PM
I saw it, I think it tried to hard for that woody-allen cuteness thing.  The guy's neuroticism comes from a legitimate cause--anger at corporate america and towards the system, but the movie just kinda dismisses him as some cute cuddly angry man with a sweet side--father, lover, victory over cancer...etc. etc.  It tries too hard to be moving and purposedly detaches itself from a lot of serious incidents and emotions in his life, I feel it's a disservice, especially to someone who is still very much alive and who partakes in the film itself (meaning it can't have the typical bioepic excuse that the film doesn't have to resemble life at all because it's just a studio picture).
Title: American Splendor
Post by: mindfuck on August 30, 2003, 05:07:47 AM
Caught the opening night in San Diego tonight and I loved it. What a great example of a post-structuralist film done right. The mixing of the "story" elements, the "real" people and the comic book theme was handled excellently. At the beginning I was pretty worried about how the film narration was referring to the movie itself, but it all seemed to fall into place.

And man, the performances. The dialogue stuck to an even tone and was often hilarious in that twisted, dark kind of way. And godamn, what a showcase for Paul Giamatti. He absolutely nailed the role. I loved how he seemed to resemble the the cartoon versions of Harvey more than the actual man himself. In one of the later scenes with him looking at himself in a mirror he looks EXACTLY like the standard cartoon Harvey with the one eye open bigger than the other. What a great job.

Anyway, go see this ASAP.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: modage on September 05, 2003, 04:15:47 PM
finally got around to seeing this today.  pretty underwhelmed.  interesting story, but not an interesting movie.  they did try though, blending the reality and movie elements, but overall, this sort of thing is better suited to Bravo or IFC or something.  if they wanted to make a documentary they should have done that.  but by taking you out of the reality of the movie, it made it less effective to have any drama in the story.  it would have been an interesting biopic on tv, but it didnt hold up as a satisfying theatre experience.

(anyone know why they didnt show the interesting letterman appearance?  couldnt get permission?)
Title: American Splendor
Post by: mutinyco on September 05, 2003, 04:36:48 PM
Yep. It was about rights. Apparently, NBC vaulted the shows right after they aired. The filmmakers got permission for the early episodes, then found a bootleg of the controversial appearances. The reenactment in the film was based on what happened, but it couldn't be exact.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: SHAFTR on September 06, 2003, 12:04:49 PM
I was invited to a free screening of it on wednesday, I'm going to try and go.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Cecil on September 06, 2003, 12:06:58 PM
i liked it
Title: American Splendor
Post by: ono on September 11, 2003, 09:39:07 PM
Quote from: Cecil B. Dementedi liked it

Saw it last night at a free sneak preview sponsored by HBO Films and stuff.  I laughed, I laughed, and I laughed some more.  So did the packed house it played to.  Best film of the year so far.  Really had that Crumb-esque feel to it, which was understandable, and it was a nice little touch for those who've seen Crumb when he was represented in the film and had that little scene where he got a piggyback ride from a girl.  Great film, not your average flick by any means.  Definitely, if you only see one film this year, see this one.  ****
Title: American Splendor
Post by: SHAFTR on September 11, 2003, 10:31:14 PM
Free Screening at 8, I got there at 7:30 and it was already sold out.  So it's doing great in Madison, buzz is good.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: RegularKarate on September 13, 2003, 05:06:58 PM
I thought this was a pretty damn good film.

Really refreshing after so much shit coming out lately.  

Dave should invite Harvey back on the show now... or has that already happened?
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Ravi on September 13, 2003, 11:09:16 PM
At first I didn't like the segments with the real Harvey Pekar, but after a while I accepted it as part of the film's style.  The performances by Giamatti and Davis were excellent.  What can I say?  I liked this film a lot.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: SoNowThen on September 25, 2003, 09:54:42 AM
Just saw last night. Fucking great. Loved the loose form and structure, loved the reality-fiction overlap. Busted open the audience-movie gap. Awesome. Different than I expected, and I was happily surprised. Saw with only two other folks in the theatre, so a good theatre experience as well.

:-D  :-D  :-D

3 out of 3 big smile faces.

-- James Urbaniak is way underrated, imo. --
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Ravi on September 25, 2003, 01:41:28 PM
Quote from: SoNowThenSaw with only two other folks in the theatre, so a good theatre experience as well.

Same here.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: MacGuffin on October 15, 2003, 11:48:00 AM
Warner and HBO have announced the release of American Splendor on DVD on February 3rd. Extras will include audio commentary, Easter eggs, an 8-page comic insert entitled My Movie Year, the theatrical trailer and more.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: SoNowThen on October 15, 2003, 11:49:28 AM

I think, in a dead heat for my favorite movie of the year, with All The Real Girls.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: MacGuffin on October 21, 2003, 01:05:03 PM
More details:

Warner Home Video will release the Harvey Pekar biopic, American Splendor, on February 3rd. Presented in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen and Dolby Digital 5.1, extras include audio commentary with directors Robert Pulcini and Shari Springer-Berman and selected cast members, additional interviews with the real Harvey Pekar and Joyce Brabner, an isolated music-only track, the "My Movie Year" six-page comic insert, theatrical trailers, hidden easter eggs and exclusive ROM content including the original website and screensavers. Retail is $26.95.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: modage on October 21, 2003, 01:21:32 PM
poster art preserved...

Title: American Splendor
Post by: SHAFTR on October 21, 2003, 01:49:32 PM
I really liked this movie, too bad it only made around 5 million at the Box Office.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: modage on October 21, 2003, 01:52:02 PM
but its budget was only $2 million.  so it more than doubled its budget back.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: MacGuffin on January 28, 2004, 12:50:36 AM
"We intended to sleep through (the nominations)," said Robert Pulcini, who with partner Shari Springer Berman racked up a nomination for best adapted screenplay for Fine Line Features' "American Splendor." "But one of the publicists called us at 5:30 a.m. to say that it was starting." Pulcini said that he reluctantly watched the noms on television, while Springer Berman camped out in her PJs in the hallway of their Los Angeles hotel so she wouldn't be able to see the television. So does "Splendor's" one nomination mean that the film's subject -- ever-crabby Cleveland cartoonist Harvey Pekar -- will be in the house on Oscar night? "He would make a great presenter," Pulcini said. "But he'd probably fall asleep because he doesn't stay up past a certain time." Added Springer Berman: "People kept telling us (an Oscar nomination) was a possibility. But we couldn't believe it. We've been astounded by the life of this film. It's funny if you look at all the nominations in this category because we adapted our film from a comic book. That will really excite Harvey."
Title: American Splendor
Post by: MacGuffin on February 04, 2004, 01:14:58 AM
The Bride of Frankenstein is Alive!
Source: Variety

American Splendor team Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini are in talks to rewrite and direct a remake of Bride of Frankenstein for Universal Pictures, produced by Imagine Entertainment's Brian Grazer. Variety says Berman and Pulcini join the project with a mandate to re-imagine the 1935 Universal horror film, originally helmed by James Whale starring Boris Karloff and Elsa Lanchester in the title role.

Berman and Pulcini would start from scratch and script a character-driven horror film more akin to Rosemary's Baby. Their concept for "Bride" is set in contemporary Gotham, centered on a young woman attending college. After being haunted by someone else's memories, she gradually discovers that she died and was then unnaturally brought back to life.

There will be no connection between this film and the studio's Van Helsing, due out May 7, though the Frankenstein character makes an appearance in that film.

The duo have also written Family Planning at New Line, which they are attached to direct, and Brother Sam at Universal with Tom Shadyac attached to direct.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: NEON MERCURY on February 04, 2004, 09:58:52 AM
Quote from: Cecili liked it

me too.

and crumb has a funny laugh........
Title: American Splendor
Post by: modage on February 04, 2004, 11:08:33 AM
Quote from: MacGuffinAmerican Splendor team Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini are in talks to rewrite and direct a remake of Bride of Frankenstein for Universal Pictures, produced by Imagine Entertainment's Brian Grazer.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: godardian on February 04, 2004, 04:40:51 PM
Quote from: SoNowThen

-- James Urbaniak is way underrated, imo. --

Have you seen Hal Hartley's Henry Fool (he stars) or Sweet and Lowdown (small part, but noticeable)? He also does a cameo in Hartley's Book of Life)...
Title: American Splendor
Post by: SoNowThen on February 04, 2004, 04:43:22 PM
Henry Fool is the first movie I saw him in.

He's the man. I wanna use him in my movies.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Chest Rockwell on February 05, 2004, 07:04:37 PM
Just saw this tonight (on DVD), and I loved it! I actually really liked the real Harvey Pekar scenes, and how they incorporated him into the movie at spots, namely the David Letterman interview segments. Overall a very nice movie. Probably my second favorite Comedy of the year.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: modage on February 05, 2004, 07:12:50 PM
Quote from: Chest RockwellOverall a very nice movie. Probably my second favorite Comedy of the year.
was it really that funny?  or just sundance indie funny?
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Chest Rockwell on February 05, 2004, 08:08:10 PM
I suppose the latter. There weren't many moments when I laughed out loud, but I decided it's more of a comedy than anything else....assuming 'comic movie' isn't a genre.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: SoNowThen on February 05, 2004, 10:33:59 PM
Quote from: themodernage02
Quote from: Chest RockwellOverall a very nice movie. Probably my second favorite Comedy of the year.
was it really that funny?  or just sundance indie funny?

Funny kinda in the same way that Wes Anderson is funny.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: NEON MERCURY on February 05, 2004, 10:48:44 PM
Quote from: themodernage02
was it really that funny?  or just sundance indie funny?

here is the laugh o' meter= :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  with some of this   :|

the most "chuckle inducing" scene is da part when he looks in the mirror and the caption goes 'now theres a reliable dissapointment'..... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: isnn't that phucking funny :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

and the pina colada jellybean sh*t  a "laugh riot"....or a knee slapper, or funnny.....
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Chest Rockwell on February 06, 2004, 05:33:54 AM
Quote from: SoNowThen
Quote from: themodernage02
Quote from: Chest RockwellOverall a very nice movie. Probably my second favorite Comedy of the year.
was it really that funny?  or just sundance indie funny?

Funny kinda in the same way that Wes Anderson is funny.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: MacGuffin on February 08, 2004, 12:05:43 PM
Kind of disappointed. It certainly didn't live up to the overwhelming praise. It was a fine film, but nothing that blew me away or captured me. I don't think the film really fleshed out Pekar and Joyce. I never really found out much about Joyce, what really attracted her to Pekar and about their relationship overall (and she is hardly what I'd imagine budgie to be). Pekar's life experences just seemed to be all about the comic books, but not relaying much of his feelings. The battle with cancer, for example, just seemed passed over just to get to the resulting comic book and any hint of what he went through is shown in a brisk montage. The film seemed like a connect-the-dots kind of storyline, and just played out to compare to the comic book panels. It was like the art was initiating the life rather than other way 'round. The 'real-life' interludes with the real people seemed to stick out as 'Look, here are the real people. Now, compare them to our actors playing them and you can see we're not making this up.'

But there are some gem scenes that are worth mentioning. The phone book speech was very moving and Toby explaining Revenge Of The Nerds had me laughing.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: SHAFTR on February 09, 2004, 11:37:11 PM
Harvey Pekar was here today (University of Wisconsin) for the Distinguished Lectured Series and I couldn't go.  I REALLY wanted to but I couldn't miss my Classical Film Theory Lecture (3 hrs long).
Title: American Splendor
Post by: meatball on February 10, 2004, 02:46:11 PM
I'd agree that it was somewhat disappointing, though it had a lot of good moments. I just wish the whole movie was a good moment.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Find Your Magali on February 24, 2004, 08:36:26 AM
Did anyone pick up the CD soundtrack to American Splendor? What do you think of it?
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Gold Trumpet on March 05, 2004, 08:48:44 PM
Dissapointing. It makes the same mistake that Memento made with its gloss tricks in that it didn't incorporate the tricks to make a better film, but a better looking film that still had the same film underneath. The first half hour of American Splendor seemed to revel in what it could do so cleanly so cheaply, incorporating the techniques for display only. To lose consistency, the film then dropped most of it and went to an average film, throwing the techniques back in every now and then. I was interested by the idea of a fictional film offsetting a documentary profile, but the level it seemed to examine that idea was having mainly a fictional film with a couple of interviews with the regular guy. Hardly the exploration. An enjoyable film, but I was more interested by Pekar himself and the odd ball characters around him.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Ghostboy on March 05, 2004, 10:29:51 PM
Quote from: Find Your MagaliDid anyone pick up the CD soundtrack to American Splendor? What do you think of it?

I loved it, but for some reason it will only play in my computer and not my CD player, which is kinda annoying.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: SHAFTR on March 05, 2004, 10:59:28 PM
Quote from: The Gold TrumpetI was interested by the idea of a fictional film offsetting a documentary profile, but the level it seemed to examine that idea was having mainly a fictional film with a couple of interviews with the regular guy. .

I have to defend this film since it might be my favorite of the year.  I think the movie was "a mainly fictional film with a couple of interviews" and I don't think it was trying to be anything else. If you are looking for a documentary first, and film second...I would suggest (from what I've heard) Eroll Morris's The Thin Blue Line.  With that said, I still think everything in this film is top notch.  Also, very emotionally.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Gold Trumpet on March 06, 2004, 09:15:41 AM
Quote from: SHAFTR
Quote from: The Gold TrumpetI was interested by the idea of a fictional film offsetting a documentary profile, but the level it seemed to examine that idea was having mainly a fictional film with a couple of interviews with the regular guy. .

I have to defend this film since it might be my favorite of the year.  I think the movie was "a mainly fictional film with a couple of interviews" and I don't think it was trying to be anything else. If you are looking for a documentary first, and film second...I would suggest (from what I've heard) Eroll Morris's The Thin Blue Line.  With that said, I still think everything in this film is top notch.  Also, very emotionally.

My criticism was for it being something it was not but the reason I did that is because I didn't see much value in what it was. Is there something to this film I am missing?
Title: American Splendor
Post by: SHAFTR on March 06, 2004, 12:29:52 PM
Quote from: The Gold Trumpet
Quote from: SHAFTR
Quote from: The Gold TrumpetI was interested by the idea of a fictional film offsetting a documentary profile, but the level it seemed to examine that idea was having mainly a fictional film with a couple of interviews with the regular guy. .

I have to defend this film since it might be my favorite of the year.  I think the movie was "a mainly fictional film with a couple of interviews" and I don't think it was trying to be anything else. If you are looking for a documentary first, and film second...I would suggest (from what I've heard) Eroll Morris's The Thin Blue Line.  With that said, I still think everything in this film is top notch.  Also, very emotionally.

My criticism was for it being something it was not but the reason I did that is because I didn't see much value in what it was. Is there something to this film I am missing?

I don't think there is.  It's a simple film, nothing complex.  Either you like it or you don't.  I doubt more viewings will change your mind.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Chest Rockwell on March 07, 2004, 07:20:53 AM
Quote from: The Gold TrumpetThe Gold Trumpet
I think your name would flow much more smoothly if you changed it to "The Golden Trumpet." Just saying...
Title: American Splendor
Post by: Gold Trumpet on March 07, 2004, 05:09:32 PM
Quote from: Chest Rockwell
Quote from: The Gold TrumpetThe Gold Trumpet
I think your name would flow much more smoothly if you changed it to "The Golden Trumpet." Just saying...

I've realized correct english is on your side, but I've had it too long to change it now.
Title: American Splendor
Post by: MacGuffin on March 09, 2004, 10:55:26 PM
Pekar doing graphic novels for Ballantine
Source: Hollywood Reporter

NEW YORK -- Harvey Pekar, the cult comic book hero and inspiration for the acclaimed film "American Splendor," has agreed to write three graphic novels for Ballantine Books, an imprint of Random House. Pekar's first work for Ballantine, a "sequel of sorts" to "American Splendor," will come out this fall. "People have been frustrated for the last 10 years or so. They've known Harvey's around, they've known he's alive, but they can't find his stuff anywhere," Pekar's wife and collaborator, Joyce Brabner, said in a statement Tuesday. "Now, publishing with Ballantine, the work will have a much wider distribution and Harvey will find a much broader audience." "American Splendor" starred Paul Giamatti as Pekar and Hope Davis as his wife. The real Pekar and Brabner, along with foster daughter Danielle and some family friends, also appeared in the 2003 movie as themselves.