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Film Discussion => The Vault => Topic started by: oakmanc234 on July 17, 2003, 12:05:42 AM

Title: Nurse Betty
Post by: oakmanc234 on July 17, 2003, 12:05:42 AM
I was watching this the other day and it's got me thinking what an oddity it is. It holds the appearance of a offbeat romatic comedy (what with Zellweger and that musical score) yet it's incredibly Tarantino-ish (the dialogue, the violence). Zellweger was adorable even if the syrupy mannerisms got a tad annoying. Morgan Freeman was great as the love-struck hitman, showing that he can play edgy characters as effectively as he plays heroes. Same with Chris Rock (who was the real eye-opener here) as Wesley, the loose-cannon son with a short temper. It's the only thing from LaBute that I've really enjoyed, I hope he does more flicks like this (not like 'Possession').
Title: Nurse Betty
Post by: godardian on July 17, 2003, 12:09:10 AM
I rember it being something of a letdown after the first two LaBute films, which I love. It just didn't have the zesty misanthropy of those, though I think he did try... wasn't his story, so. I'm sure I was much harder on it for being a LaBute film. I'd be willing to give it another go. Was not terribly impressed the first time. Chris Rock is worth seeing in something that at least tries to have a little meat on its bones, though.
Title: Nurse Betty
Post by: SHAFTR on July 17, 2003, 02:07:08 AM
I saw this movie a few years ago in theatres just because I was bored one night and it was playing...I knew nothing about it except for the cast.  The movie was completely what I wasn't expecting and I really did enjoy it.
Title: Nurse Betty
Post by: Ghostboy on July 17, 2003, 02:16:58 AM
I was already a huge LaBute fan when I saw this, and I was pleased to see him take this different direction. If he had followed up Your Friends And Neighbors with something like The Shape Of Things, I think he might have been pidgeonholed too quickly as a one trick filmmaker. With this (and to a lesser extent with Possession, which still did have some good points), he showed that he can -- and has interest in -- tackling different styles and subjects, adn that he can do it well too.

I'd like to see some more of his stage work.
Title: Nurse Betty
Post by: MacGuffin on July 17, 2003, 02:56:59 AM
I really loved this movie. LaBute sets a tone that is the right balance between the darkness and quirkiness of the story. And I thought Renee played this character perfectly, and I was so glad when she won the Golden Globe for this part. She deserved it and should have been nominated for an Oscar.
Title: Nurse Betty
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on July 17, 2003, 08:56:25 AM
I loved this movie too, and I wasn't really sure why. You're so right about the tone... it makes every scene with Zellwegger magical... and I don't think she can ever pull of something like this again. Chicago marks the end of her career, in an ironic way.