Xixax Film Forum

Creative Corner => Filmmakers' Workshop => Topic started by: ReelHotGames on July 08, 2003, 04:14:14 PM

Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: ReelHotGames on July 08, 2003, 04:14:14 PM
Hey all, I am in pre-production on a feature to be shot in late august early September and am giving a shout out for any of you san francisco bay area xixaxers who might be interested in coming aboard and crewing this boat.

Title: Asylum Alcatraz
Synopsis: Alcatraz has been turned into an institute for the criminally insane and the inmates have taken over the asylum... But the former inmates want it back.

It's your age old psychos hunt doctors who flea for their lives on an isolated island in the middle of the bay all the while our crazies are being killed by what may or may not be ghosts of inmates past.

It's my take on the ghost thriller horror genre and should be a hectic but fun shoot. The ENTIRE shoot is takign place on Alcatraz, and this will be the first feature to ever shoot in its entirity on the island. So it should be somethign to be a part of.

As typical there will be serious commitment required while no pay offered, but credit, copy and deffered payment is availabel as we will be shooting under the SAG experimental agreement.

Email me for more details. Thanks.
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: BonBon85 on July 08, 2003, 04:22:35 PM
I hate Washington more and more every day.  I really wish I could help you out but you're a month too late.
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: Xixax on July 09, 2003, 01:38:53 AM
Michael, how long is the shoot? ie. What kind of time committment would we be talking about if someone were to, say, hop a plane out west?
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: ReelHotGames on July 09, 2003, 02:01:10 AM
The plan is to do a roughly seven day shoot. We're somewhat limited on the time we can have on "the rock", so I am trying to make it an exhaustive shoot, but that will work for the characters.

I am in the midst of doing some finalizing, as I try and pull a quality crew together I am meshign schedules with some actors and all, so I am trying to say a 7 day shoot (a little wham bam thank you ma'am)

So when I get more solid details (AND THAT SHOULD BE SOON) I will email or post for all, because anyone who wants a jaunt to lovely SF will find tight but open accomodations and a truly uniques film experience.

You all know the dream, get it in for Sundance submissions, three picture deal with Miramax or the like and off we go.... :wink:
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: bonanzataz on July 09, 2003, 02:21:42 AM
seven days for a feature!? AAAH! good luck. i hope you pull it off and i would love to see how the final product turns out.
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: ReelHotGames on July 09, 2003, 11:22:04 AM
Biggere things have have been built in less, but yes... Crazy.

7 days is for principal photography, and that's going to be hell, but it will be seven mad work days of 14+ hours at a time, and we should have at least one night where we are staying overnight on the island with no one else around, so that will be like a marathon 30 hour shoot day(s) with sleeping quarters in Al Capone's cell (not really - no really... not... yes... no)

Anyway, the madness has begun.
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: Pubrick on July 09, 2003, 11:27:13 AM
my, this sounds serious.  :(
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: sexterossa on July 13, 2003, 01:09:48 PM
no offense, but that plot summary made me laugh.
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: ono on July 13, 2003, 02:11:40 PM
I think that's what they were going for.  At least, it seems rather campy.  Hope it's the good kind of camp.  If it is, it could be classic.
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: ReelHotGames on July 13, 2003, 02:21:55 PM
Well, as I like to say it's going to be a truly scary-thriller or it's going to be a dreadfully awful camp peice, we shall see.

The premise is sort of laughable, I make no excuses for it, it's people trapped on an island being hunted down by murderers and psychotics who in turn may (or may not) be being hunted down themselves by the ghosts of former inmates. Only the psychotics actually "see" the "Ghosts" and it may be part of a group delusion or a side effect of psychotropic drugs being tested by one of the doctors.

Anyway, if it is camp, I hope for camp in the best of the word.
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: ono on July 13, 2003, 03:26:25 PM
I hope you have some really good actors, and a really good musician to score the film.  That'll make or break it from what I can tell.  Can't ever stop taking things seriously or it will break down and become laughable.
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: ReelHotGames on July 13, 2003, 04:08:04 PM
If you've seen any of my web series I think you will see some of the quality of the actors in my bullpen.

As for musician, I was lucky enough to hook up through xixax's posting to a phenom, so I think all will come together pretty amazingly, and a friend who is a cinematographer and I are hoping to work out the schedule to get him on board. (adakin.com) he is AWESOME!

I think if you check out my website you'll see what we're trying to do as far as serious filmmaking goes on a $0 budget.

My whole web series Smoke & Mirrors was shot for $1200, and I'm pretty proud of what it turned out to be.

This film has a little backing as well as my own $$$, plus we're going to be selling shares, we're in talks to bring on some actors I really admire, though few people will really know them. So we'll see.
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: prophet on July 14, 2003, 07:03:09 PM
i live 1 hr away with traffic :)
Title: CREW CALL in San Francisco
Post by: ReelHotGames on July 14, 2003, 08:38:07 PM
Cool, drop me an email or PM if your interested in doing some work with us.