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Film Discussion => News and Theory => Topic started by: russiasusha on May 04, 2003, 03:45:18 AM

Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: russiasusha on May 04, 2003, 03:45:18 AM
People talking during a fucking movie.  Just finished watching Rushmore w/ some friends, and they couldn't fucking shut up for a second!

Just because there aren't explosions every five seconds and tits the, uh, other remaining seconds!!!

I hate people.....

They wanted to watch top gun.....
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Sal on May 04, 2003, 03:49:18 AM
I have a friend who's got an annoying laugh, so whenever he wants to go see a comedy, I'm really relunctant.  I limit him to dramas 'cause I just can't take that shrilly laugh.  It makes whatever's funny less so.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: cowboykurtis on May 04, 2003, 10:12:58 AM
Have you ever had people talk during a film YOU made. it's like a stake through the heart. Showing it to a large festival crowd and seeing people talking or shuffling around is agonizing.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Keener on May 04, 2003, 11:47:58 AM
I can't watch a movie with my family because my mom likes finishing obvious quotes and telling us what she thinks is going to happen next.
Title: Re: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Duck Sauce on May 04, 2003, 12:51:05 PM
Quote from: russiasusha
Just because there aren't explosions every five seconds and tits the, uh, other remaining seconds!!!

If i had a dime for everytime ive heard this. If you knew they thought this way going in, why did you watch it with them?

At home, I watch movies by myself.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Just Withnail on May 04, 2003, 04:09:48 PM
QuoteAt home, I watch movies by myself

Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: EL__SCORCHO on May 04, 2003, 05:42:57 PM
Quote from: cowboykurtisHave you ever had people talk during a film YOU made. it's like a stake through the heart. Showing it to a large festival crowd and seeing people talking or shuffling around is agonizing.

I know what you're saying except I've never had anything I've done at a film festival. Anytime someone asks to see my shorts I'm a little reluctant about their intentions. Some people while they watch start talking to me during the thing and asking how I did certain things or telling me it's funny. I dont get it, why do they tell me its funny when I obviously thought it was funny enough to put it in a film in the first place. So I always leave when they watch it.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Ravi on May 04, 2003, 06:21:18 PM
Quote from: EL__SCORCHO
I know what you're saying except I've never had anything I've done at a film festival. Anytime someone asks to see my shorts I'm a little reluctant about their intentions.

Soon after people ask to see my shorts, they ask me to put my pants back on.

QuoteSome people while they watch start talking to me during the thing and asking how I did certain things or telling me it's funny. I dont get it, why do they tell me its funny when I obviously thought it was funny enough to put it in a film in the first place. So I always leave when they watch it.

I had the opposite experience once.  I entered one of my early comedy films in a film fest among the 3 senior high schools in my district and it was met with a chilling silence for most of the running time.  Nobody liked my film.  That was the worst feeling in the world.  The film was terrible, so I don't blame the audience for not laughing.  A few of the jokes at the end got pretty big laughs, though.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: MacGuffin on May 04, 2003, 10:36:04 PM
Cell phones. 'Nuff said.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: russiasusha on May 05, 2003, 03:08:53 AM
QuoteIf i had a dime for everytime ive heard this. If you knew they thought this way going in, why did you watch it with them?

i'm a college kid and they're college kids.  General Rule:  Every college kid likes Rushmore!  So when they said they never seen it, i shit my pants and insisted they do.....You know the rest of the story.   :cry:
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: bonanzataz on May 05, 2003, 04:45:36 PM
whenever my friend sees any movie not in theaters, he always asks questions. "how did that happen?" "wait, what's going on?" "i don't understand." because he tunes out occassionally. if we're watching a funny movie, he'll laugh, and then repeat the line that he just laughed at. it's actually quite bizarre.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Tiff on May 06, 2003, 03:43:39 AM
Quote from: bonanzatazwhenever my friend sees any movie not in theaters, he always asks questions. "how did that happen?" "wait, what's going on?" "i don't understand." because he tunes out occassionally. if we're watching a funny movie, he'll laugh, and then repeat the line that he just laughed at. it's actually quite bizarre.

all my friends are like that. sorry mate, but i think your friend's secretly a chick.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: snaporaz on May 06, 2003, 11:25:30 AM
Quote from: bonanzatazif we're watching a funny movie, he'll laugh, and then repeat the line that he just laughed at. it's actually quite bizarre.

god fucking damnit i hate that shit.

jesus christ. i know a shit load of people who do that. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM.

and my special lady-friend does that shit too. christ. and i'm too much of a pussy to tell her it's annoying. she doesn't do it that bad though. she's not as much as this other guy i know. we were watching futurama the other night and...jesus. he wouldn't stop.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Sleuth on May 06, 2003, 02:02:24 PM
Quote from: snaporaz
Quote from: bonanzatazif we're watching a funny movie, he'll laugh, and then repeat the line that he just laughed at. it's actually quite bizarre.

god fucking damnit i hate that shit.

jesus christ. i know a shit load of people who do that. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM.

and my special lady-friend does that shit too. christ. and i'm too much of a pussy to tell her it's annoying. she doesn't do it that bad though. she's not as much as this other guy i know. we were watching futurama the other night and...jesus. he wouldn't stop.

This ties for the most annoying thing

Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: rustinglass on May 06, 2003, 02:54:42 PM
snaporaz:"...my special lady friend..."

"she's not my special lady, she's my fucking lady friend!"
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Alethia on May 06, 2003, 04:40:35 PM
i fucking hate it when people laugh at a movie when theyre not supposed to.  now granted, sometimes it is the movies fault and i recognize it then and thus - dont get mad.  but alot of the time its also somebody who's just a fucking douche bag and needs to be shot.  for instance, lets see here..........ahh, nice one.  when ET was re-issued, alot of little kids started laughing when he was dying -- now most were in tears, but just these few little mother fuckers had to ruin it for everybody else, i wanted to snap their fucking necks right there and laugh as they died.[/u]
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: MacGuffin on May 06, 2003, 04:46:16 PM
Quote from: ewardwhen ET was re-issued, alot of little kids started laughing when he was dying -- now most were in tears, but just these few little mother fuckers had to ruin it for everybody else, i wanted to snap their fucking necks right there and laugh as they died.

Those must have been the same kids (although these were teens) that were in my theater when I saw "The Exorcist" reissue and laughed at and imitated all the devil's rantings. The manager escorted them out and the audience cheered.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: ProgWRX on May 06, 2003, 04:58:27 PM
idiots/teenagers laugh at dramatic/scary moments to hide their true emotions and seem cool... ive "studied" this loosely every time I go to the theater and watch, and its always the same type of person who laughs at all the wrong moments, and it tends to be the type of people who are insecure about showing emotions and feelings other than macho-ness or plain idiocy...
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: bonanzataz on May 06, 2003, 09:59:20 PM

there was a lady who took her baby and her little kid to see the matrix when i went. the little kid was running down the aisles while the baby was screaming and crying, but it didn't bother me too much because matrix kicks fucking ass.

i had asshole kids laughing during the exorcist reissue and i was pissed because it ruined the experience for me (i actually saw jackie martling and fred the joke man at the theater that night, so it wasn't a total waste). at gangs of ny, these kids came in 20 minutes late and sat right behind me and my mom. they wouldn't shut up, wouldn't stop talking and movie and munching their popcorn. my mom decides she can't take it anymore, stands up, looks at the kids, and moves the the side of the theater. i go and join her and the screen was skewed and then the kids leave. an hour and a half later during the draft riots, they come back and continue talking! what the fuck!? who does that?
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Pedro on May 06, 2003, 10:11:49 PM
Quote from: bonanzatazwhat the fuck!? who does that?

Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: bonanzataz on May 06, 2003, 10:34:10 PM
yet another reason to hate mr. ratner.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Duck Sauce on May 06, 2003, 11:38:44 PM
I fucking hate it when people bring their babies on airplanes. They cry and the asshole parents dont even apologize
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: cowboykurtis on May 07, 2003, 01:17:41 AM
when i saw gladiotor in the theater, the quick cutting of the battle scene made a woman in front of me have an epileptic seizure -- she started shaking and fell out of her seat -- the house lights came up, medics came in, they stopped the film -- it was pretty fucked up -- they gave everyone there money back.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Ghostboy on May 07, 2003, 01:30:08 AM
I remember watching I Know What You Did Last Summer (yeah, i know, great choice). The theater was PACKED. Some white girl was talking, and this black guy said something along the lines of "bitch,  be quiet" and she responded with a certain racial epithet. Everyone went NUTS. It was kinda scary.

And then, at the same theater, which I had since started working at, there was some instance where these two guys got in a fight about a girl they were apparently both dating. One of them pulled out a gun, the theater went nuts, and the girlfriend, who was pregnant, got pushed down the stairs. I think the movie they were watching was 'How To Be A Player,' which was appropriate.

The cops at the theater hang out with the projectionists a lot, so I always get to learn all the interesting facts like that.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Sal on May 07, 2003, 02:34:15 AM
Those are some screwed up stories.  A friend of mine, who's a projectionist at a theater, sees a lot of crazy stuff too.  I'll never forget when he told me about an old man who started walking off with a kid, right after the movie got out.  The child's father was quick to respond, and, needless to say, beat the shit out of the old guy.  God knows what the old geezer was thinking.   :shock:
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: Cecil on May 07, 2003, 06:33:22 AM
thats pretty fucked up. all ive seen is a couple of fist fights in the lobby.
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: MacGuffin on October 20, 2004, 11:36:33 PM
Please bring this to the US...

France rings in anti-cell days

Telecoms may be big business, but the French cinema industry is showing plenty of muscle in the war against disruptive cell phone calls.
After three years of prodding by the Natl. Federation of French Cinemas (FNCF), Gaul's Minister of Industry announced last week that exhibs will be allowed to put cell phone scramblers into theaters, effectively blocking all calls except emergency numbers.

According to the minister, Patrick Devedjian, exhibs have endured "the disastrous effects" that jingling phones have had "on their receipts and simply on the enjoyment of a film."

Disastrous may be overstating the case -- no company has cited cell-phone ringing as a factor in its financial health or lack thereof -- but the FNCF says the law is the cherry on the cake of a "massive investment in the comfort of theaters by exhibitors over the last 10 years."

"Asking people politely hasn't worked," says FNCF chief exec Olivier Snanoudj. "Look at the Cannes Film Festival: It's one of the most prestigious theaters in the world and there's a message before the movie asking people to turn off their phones. But that doesn't stop you from hearing ringing throughout the film."
Title: The most annoying thing in the world....
Post by: soixante on October 24, 2004, 02:57:15 AM
I went to the Arclight Cinemas in L.A. a few weeks ago to see I Heart Huckabees.  The admission price is higher than other places, because they have better prints, better sound, better projection, etc., and they also don't allow people to come in late once a movie starts, and at the outset of the screening, an usher reminds everyone to not talk and to turn off all cell phones.  All well and fine, well worth the 14 buck admission price, until...an hour and a half into the film, some idiot in the audience snores.  Loudly.  So the high admission price screens out the riff raff, and the rules are stringent, and still -- some idiot ruined it for me.  Ugh.  Can't win for losing.  Never leave the confines of home, I say.