Xixax Film Forum

Film Discussion => The Vault => Topic started by: cronopio2 on March 22, 2021, 08:49:00 AM

Title: The Snyder Cut
Post by: cronopio2 on March 22, 2021, 08:49:00 AM
it's long and bad. runtime felt like two days. obviously it won't, but i wish this would be the end of the disease that is superhero fiilms.
Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: Drenk on March 22, 2021, 09:58:35 AM
I watched one hour of the theatrical cut of Justice League to compare it to the Snyder cut, thinking it would reveal something about modern blockbusters, and I wish it had been more exciting than mostly the same movie with more exposition and less colors. The action scenes have more time to breathe and are less ridiculous, but the aesthetic is the same.

It will go on for at least fifteen more years.

Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: cronopio2 on March 22, 2021, 12:07:50 PM
yeah we still have to cope with this shit for another ten years or so.

Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on March 22, 2021, 06:33:53 PM
I watched the first 30 min, and it struck me as objectively better than the theatrical version. But it's also extremely over-indulgent and pretentious in a way that's very specific to Zack Snyder. A sour combination of extremely silly and self-serious. At least it's not soulless, I guess. This is his "vision," for better or worse.

I planned to finish it, but I'm just not sure I can muster the interest or patience. I think I'll listen to a spoiler podcast and see if there's anything worth fast forwarding to.
Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: cronopio2 on March 22, 2021, 07:29:51 PM
feels like a miasma of all the grotesque features that superhero stories have hit us in the head with for all these years. even more repugnant now is that this was the man who felt competent enough to adapt watchmen as a feature film.

the fact that this entire year i haven't been to a movie theatre is really affecting me, and this movie was a buzzkill in that regard. the last thing i enjoyed watching was the adam curtis documentary, and that wasn't a film film. i'm extremely suspicious of a film like nomadland, for example, cos at this point i simply can't trust a filmmaker like that, whose next step is already directing a god damned marvel movie.

when xixax started i think there still was some room for a type of film that wasn't even completely independent, but didn't feel so manufactured. 

i felt so hopeless watching it and i hate myself for having watched it lol.
Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: putneyswipe on March 22, 2021, 07:56:51 PM
In the past few days I have seen people on twitter compare Zach Snyder to Michael Cimino, Tarkovsky and Douglas Sirk which made me want to delete my account. What surprises me is some of these people refuse to watch any animation and denigrate videogames as an artform while giving this BS attention, I think it's all ultimately kids entertainment but I would still take Batman: The Animated Series over almost all of these bloated CGI fuckfests.
Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: cronopio2 on March 22, 2021, 08:12:16 PM
i know, man. some people were fucking calling it the satantango of superhero movies ffs. beyond embarrassing

Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: WorldForgot on March 22, 2021, 08:18:38 PM
It took me three sittings to watch this -- and I've seen 1900, Inland Empire, A Brighter Summer Day, Southland Tales, whathaveyou, more than once, in one sitting gladly. Snyder Cut's frustrations are the genre's. As cronopio2 mentioned, these filmz feature large-scale CGI yet they have no audacity in the animation. Up til now, of recent note, only Into the Spider-Verse has brought the goods as far as imaginative concepts of motion + style.

I'm still looking forward to James Gunn's The Suicide Squad and Raimi's Multiverse of Madness. If either gets even a tad as exciting as the genre could be (https://youtu.be/AlI1NMrEK_A?t=65), I could see the flame running as long as Disney's princesses have.
Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: Drenk on March 22, 2021, 08:21:24 PM
If you've watched, like, a recent Naughty Dog cutscene, how can you stand CGI Mountains looking like a less appealing Windows xp wallpaper?

The fact that DC drops all their MacGuffins (...fucking boxes, haha) in one movie is also a fun concentration of everything wrong with these movies. Snyder says he had no notes. Yeah. Right.  :yabbse-grin:
Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: putneyswipe on March 22, 2021, 08:30:40 PM
I sorta think the Snyder auteurism and vulgar auteurism in general (though I like PWSA) is I think a misguided desire for movie freaks to believe great art is still being made in the mainstream through the traditional channels, allowing them to be lazy and to not look to other areas where the real aesthetic vitality is (fashion photos, music videos, video games, anime, etc.). Even though I'd still rather watch his stuff than the marvel shit, this dude is using dadrock Leonard Cohen needledrops in the current year, like c'mon. I really need to watch Spider-Verse.
Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: cronopio2 on March 22, 2021, 09:02:31 PM
yeah i mean, i played death stranding when it came out and while i was watching the snyder cut i was thinking how, in all their fucked upness, kojima's games are way more appealing as art or entertainment .

this review is good lol
Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: WorldForgot on March 22, 2021, 09:05:11 PM
Quote from: Slig on Letterboxd, from South DakotaAnyway there was a remake/expansion of the Justice League movie most sane people forgot about. It's longer than Lawrence of Arabia because a big monster with horns keeps talking about the same thing over and over to a melting statue and half the action scenes are in immediately post Matrix era slow motion.

:yabbse-grin: 'Nuff said frenz, lol
Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: Alethia on March 22, 2021, 09:27:36 PM
Cool I'll skip it
Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: cronopio2 on March 22, 2021, 09:31:23 PM
my man.
Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: Axolotl on March 22, 2021, 11:28:06 PM
Let's goooo
Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: Drenk on March 23, 2021, 04:29:45 AM
Tell them that Jesse James is a superhero.

Title: Re: The Snyder Cut
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on April 21, 2021, 03:20:20 AM
In case you missed it, Zack Snyder revealed that Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice was WB's chosen title for that film, and they were apparently very insistent on it. More importantly Snyder also revealed his desired title for that film: Son of Sun and Knight of Night.
