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The Director's Chair => Paul Thomas Anderson => Topic started by: sphinx on April 26, 2003, 07:38:41 PM

Title: translation
Post by: sphinx on April 26, 2003, 07:38:41 PM
i want to read this properly so much.  mariotti linked to an interview in german, which i babelfished

needless to say, humour ensues with such phrases as "But the conception that one is pulled in such a vortex, is very old fashionable, that is Buster Keaton: The small man in the middle in it, who the shit flies around the ears."

"I wanted to make myself fear"

The American exception director Paul Thomas Anderson one over its new film "Punch Drunk Love", its preference for unorthodox occupations and the connection between love and force.

Strip packing  

Paul Thomas Anderson one, 33, is considered than Hollywood Wunderkind. For its letzen film "Magnolia" won that the golden bear on the Berlinale 2000. "Punch Drunk Love" brought in in the last year with the film festivals of Cannes the golden palm for it as a best director.  

MIRROR ON-line ONE: Mr. Anderson, you concern themselves obviously gladly with apokalyptischen scenarios. In "Magnolia" it was the frog rain, in its new film "Punch Drunk Love" is it a kind disaster vortex, into which her leading actor Adam Sandler comes. From where do these ideas come?
Paul Thomas Anderson one: Of this mysterious place, from which all ideas come. But the conception that one is pulled in such a vortex, is very old fashionable, that is Buster Keaton: The small man in the middle in it, who the shit flies around the ears. A very much worked method, in order to bring and a little fun have a history in momentum.

MIRROR ON-line ONE: Adam Sandlers figure, the pleasant-sympathetic loose Barry Egan, is based allegedly on a genuine person.

Anderson one: Partially. There is an engineer in California, who actually bought for 12,000 dollar pudding, in order to secure itself these whole free flight miles. It continued to go even still: There was an action of seven or eight South American airlines, which should recruit customers for its flights between north and South America. If one would fly all these airlines within a certain period, you promised one million free flight miles. This type made that, was genuine it in four days in twelve countries. Now it has as which as five million free flight miles together. But I do not have notion whether he has violent outbreaks or which for suits he carries.

MIRROR ON-line ONE: Adam Sandler along-played so far mainly in crude comedies like "Big Daddy" or "Mr. Deeds". For many its occupation was in one of your films a surprise. What do you see in Sandler, which escapes others?

Anderson one: I believe, I watch out simply. I look exactly. I really love its films, I see, what there he does, and one should not dismiss her so thoughtlessly. I wanted to write a film for him, although I had at first only pieces of disalignment. It has which magic, a marvelous, quiet pride, that is completely rarely.

MIRROR ON-line ONE: They are already notorious to occupy large names in unusual roles: Burt Reynolds in "Boogie Nights", Tom Cruise in "Magnolia" - and now Adam Sandler.

Anderson one: I get myself simply that, which correct I for the respective role consider. Me interests above all, which for humans are. I would not like to see it in a role, I would like to see her in such a way, how they are real. One may not try to make it completely a different one. I always try to insert their own character with.

MIRROR ON-line ONE: There is a very much irritating dear scene in this film, in which Adam Sandler says to Emily Watson: "your face is so beautiful that I would like it dearest zerschmettern."

Anderson one: Don't you know the feeling? The feeling that one loves someone so much that one up-eats it dearest, crushes, to broken-make would like?

MIRROR ON-line ONE: Do love and aggression for it go hand in hand?

Anderson one: The question is too large me, I white not whether like that is. Perhaps it is rather the feeling to overflow and it into no more course to steer be able before love - not to know, how one could get rid of of their again.

MIRROR ON-line ONE: Sandlers aggressions seem to be directly coupled to its seven film sisters. Is your own life certain actually also of dominant factors women?

Anderson one: No, I have only one sister, a mad woman. But I knew times types, which sieved or had eight brothers and each night with open eyes slept, because always times at the night surprised and struck it again in the middle. And then I saw times this police Show on the television, in which a chap in a bloody Shirt was exhausted. It had it with its sister fought, as turned out, it had flogged. One asked it, where one was to take him, and he said: To Shelley or to Dianne, I have still six other sisters... I found, did not sound good too for him. With the man, who was located there in its bloody shirt, I did not want to exchange rather. Perhaps were it in addition, only my fantasy.

MIRROR ON-line ONE: In "Punch Drunk Love" one is sometimes thoroughly irritated anyhow of the hard contrasts and constant speed changes of your imagination.

Anderson one: To me it is much because of it that one does not know, to what next happened. There is an old rule, which means, you can your public for two minutes confuse, but does not let ' it not ten second know before, what happens next. I try to surprise the spectators - she avoids.

MIRROR ON-line ONE: Here does your filmerisches dogma come to the language?

Anderson one: Which functioned once, does not have to function necessarily still times. I try often new out. One may not stop to provoke itself to after-hunt for things and to make themselves little fear. Because if I am excited with the film making, the public when watching will exactly the same be. If one loses sight of, one threatens to disappear sometime simply in the own ass.

MIRROR ON-line ONE: After two films with far over two hours length you turned now a scarce Neunzigminueter - a disciplining measure?

Anderson one: Yes, I wanted to get myself intentionally in trouble and make for me to fear. I thought, then I would have to segregate, which I look gladly and which bores me.

MIRROR ON-line ONE: Is how heavy you please?

Anderson one: The first two weeks were the pure fight. I had the feeling, as if we did not become in the area herumstochern, somehow made that completely notionless all no sense and functioned. Only then finally the feeling adjusted itself: Okay, here is it, that is the correct. Do you know the feeling that one writes something and describes then nine hundreds times, although the first version was the only one those functioned? But somehow one must by these whole doubts and the Sucherei only mark through, in order to understand. It is, as if one would creep by the own ass into the head.

MIRROR ON-line ONE: In Hollywood you are acted meanwhile as a miracle child, your films are regular to guest on the Top Festivals of the world. How do you deal with it?

Anderson one: Naja, that is above all much shouting, and which one must keep oneself always beautiful before eyes. Is completely bad, if it begins to exert influence on the work. One should keep the head lowered and make its job. Otherwise one loses fast the understanding to over it.

MIRROR ON-line ONE: Are you actually political humans? Many of your colleagues have themselves in the last weeks as herbe critics of the government Bush geoutet...

Anderson one: Isn't George W. Bush the vorbildlichste American, whom we have? I find, he condemned still times the understanding lost! As politicians one can probably rank it among the large ones - he is aalglatt and more clever and he the unmoeglichsten things interspersed. And none can stop it. I always ask myself whether George W. Bush knows at all, how powerful America is actually. It is as with the Klassenruepel in the school, which its own strength does not know. Each movement America can harm the whole world. And Bush is like the elephant in the porcelain shop.

The interview led mirror on-line woman employee Nina deer field before outbreak of the Iraq war in London
Title: translation
Post by: MrBurgerKing on April 26, 2003, 09:55:37 PM
LOL!! that's one funny interview. You know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of that site which had the The Two Towers bootleg subtitles (which were done so horribly.)

"Anderson: Isn't George W. Bush the vorbildlichste American, whom we have? I find, he condemned still times the understanding lost! As politicians one can probably rank it among the large ones - he is aalglatt and more clever and he the unmoeglichsten things interspersed. And none can stop it. I always ask myself whether George W. Bush knows at all, how powerful America is actually. It is as with the Klassenruepel in the school, which its own strength does not know. Each movement America can harm the whole world. And Bush is like the elephant in the porcelain shop."

I couldn't have said that any better. I'm definately not a political human myself, I prefer walking to the local wendys and eating some sandwiches (an oxymoron, I know)
Title: translation
Post by: MrBurgerKing on April 26, 2003, 10:26:43 PM
now that I think of it, that interview might not be funny.. let me wait until a few of you guys reply to this thread with your opinions.. then I can make my decision.
Title: translation
Post by: neatahwanta on April 26, 2003, 11:52:25 PM
QuoteIt is, as if one would creep by the own ass into the head.

Title: translation
Post by: pipo on April 27, 2003, 10:27:12 AM
Sphinx, would you mind to post the link to the interview? I could read it better in German.thx
Title: translation
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on April 27, 2003, 11:39:28 AM
This is funny:

MIRROR ON-line ONE: There is a very much irritating dear scene in this film, in which Adam Sandler says to Emily Watson: "your face is so beautiful that I would like it dearest zerschmettern."

Anderson one: Don't you know the feeling? The feeling that one loves someone so much that one up-eats it dearest, crushes, to broken-make would like?

Here's the interview (http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/kino/0,1518,244885,00.html) if anyone wants to read the German version.
Title: translation
Post by: Gold Trumpet on April 27, 2003, 12:32:37 PM
I think it could be translated again.

Title: translation
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on April 27, 2003, 07:26:08 PM
I'm going to try to translate this the hard way (just the last paragraph, which is especially interesting to me)...

Isn't George W. Bush the vorbildlichste ["vorbild" means "paragon" or "perfect example" .. and "licht" means "light".. so, "shining example"] American, whom we have?  I find, he condemned still times the understanding lost!  As politicians one can probably rank it among the large ones - he is aalglatt ["slippery"]and more clever and he the unmoeglichsten ["unmoeglich" means impossible, so... most impossible, or really impossible?] things interspersed [so he makes the impossible happen?].  And none can stop it.  I always ask myself whether George W. Bush knows at all, how powerful America is actually.  It is as with the Klassenruepel ["klassen" means "class" and "reupel" means "awkward stupid person" ..so... the class of awkward stupid people?] in the school, which its own strength does not know.  Each movement America can harm the whole world.  And Bush is like the elephant in the porcelain shop.
Title: translation
Post by: Jeremy Blackman on April 27, 2003, 07:39:14 PM
I translated the rough English translation back to German, and back to English again with interesting results:

Isn't George W. Bush more vorbildlichsteamerikaner*, whom we have?  I find, he condemned calm times, which the understanding lost!  Like politicians one it under the large to probably arrange can - he is aalglatt and more clever and he unmoeglichsten the mixed things.  And none can stop it.  I ask myself whether always George W. Bush at all knows, how efficient America is real.  It is as with the Klassenruepel in the school, which does not know its own strength.  Each movement America can damage the whole world.  And shrubs are like the elephant in the porcelain business.

*This word doesn't exist. It doesn't show up in online german/english dictinoaries, and it can't even be found in google.
Title: translation
Post by: Cecil on April 27, 2003, 11:47:02 PM
pta was drunk when he gave that interview
Title: translation
Post by: pipo on April 28, 2003, 02:04:40 PM
thx for the reply,
the real translation goes:

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Are you a political person? In the last weeks many of your colleagues have come out as acridit slashers of the Bush administration…

Anderson: Isn‘t George W. Bush the most exemplary  American that we have? I think, he’s damn loosed his mind! As a politician we can count him between one of the biggest – he is sleepery as an eel and clever and he got the most Impossible things achieved. And no one can stop him. I allways ask to myself, if George W. Bush generally knows, how powerful America is. He’s like the class lout at school , who doesn’t knows his own power. Every movement America does could damage the whole world. And Bush is like a Bull in a China shop.
Title: translation
Post by: chainsmoking insomniac on April 28, 2003, 07:50:48 PM
I can't understand it.  Could someone maybe translate it again? I'm just not getting the gist of it....:(
Title: translation
Post by: MrBurgerKing on April 28, 2003, 09:02:45 PM
how can you be sure that it's a 'bull in a china shop,' I'd be willing to bet it's neither a bull nor an elephant, but a giraffe (or a lester)

this reminds me of 'the conversation'...
Title: translation
Post by: pipo on April 29, 2003, 03:08:21 AM
Well it is the right translation, he's against Bush and voilá there's nothing more to think about.
ANd in German actually you say "it's like an Elephant on the procelain shop" which is not used in the English argot, in the US and in England you say the "Bull in the China shop". Sorry for the patriotic fans but he belongs to the contra party.
I would have shouted my mouth up instead of talking about things I don't understand that well, politics.