Xixax Film Forum

Creative Corner => Filmmakers' Workshop => Topic started by: Victor on April 23, 2003, 08:17:42 PM

Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Victor on April 23, 2003, 08:17:42 PM
So I wrote a short a few days ago with the hope to film it thursday for this art show at my school. but after a day or two, watching other peoples movies and commentaries while revising, i got all fucked up over it, realized it was shit and had a panic attack.

last night, out of nowhere, i sat down with some music and wrote a six page first draft of a completely new and different script. its eleven times better than the first one.

im not revising it, i made a few little changes and thats it. i have sworn to myself that i will not watch anyone elses movies until i wrap tomorrow night. nor will i post the script here. not that i dont think you will like it. its that im trying hard not to care. ive got to stay positive and keep moving on this and not get hung up on all the bullshit i usually get hung up on.

if all goes to plan, and it will so help me god, youll be seeing the finished product in a few weeks time. wish me luck.

does anyone else have any sort of wierd rules, rituals, or hang-ups when it comes to making a movie?
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Cecil on April 23, 2003, 08:34:47 PM
good luck.

i know a guy who knows someone who shaves his head whenever he starts production on his new film
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Xixax on April 23, 2003, 08:47:29 PM
Good luck, Lester!

By the way... He's being quiet about this, but I know for a fact that Lester has a tradition of shaving his pubes each time he starts filming a new project.
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: xerxes on April 23, 2003, 09:05:44 PM
i thought i was the only one  :wink:
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: MacGuffin on April 23, 2003, 09:41:44 PM
Prayer to the Movie Gods doesn't hurt. Good luck, Lester.

Quote from: cecil b. dementedi know a guy who knows someone who shaves his head whenever he starts production on his new film

Didn't Soderbergh somewhere say he did that too; one of his commentaries maybe? Or are you one degree away from Soderbergh?
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Victor on April 23, 2003, 10:35:43 PM
Quote from: XixaxI know for a fact that Lester has a tradition of shaving his pubes each time he starts filming a new project.

goddamn you xixax! i thought that night in san antonio was just between us.
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Pedro on April 23, 2003, 10:45:33 PM
Quote from: Lester
Quote from: XixaxI know for a fact that Lester has a tradition of shaving his pubes each time he starts filming a new project.

goddamn you xixax! i thought that night in san antonio was just between us.

No man, me and the whole city saw it...KENS 5 even had a story going on...
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Victor on April 27, 2003, 12:06:18 AM
an update:

i shot the whole motherfucker in 24 hrs. on thurday and friday morning. the footage is great, although the audio isnt so hot cause i dont have a portable mic, but it stars me and these two actress friends i have in new york, and even though i was going completely nuts the whole time, the production was a lot of fun.

the only thing i was worried about was the editing, cause i dont have the software and i have to do it camcorder to camcorder. but praise the lord, this thing is cutting like butter. im about half done, i locked myself in my room and did nothing else the whole day. im very happy with what i have so far. im aiming to finish it by tomorrow night, then add the music and put it on a vcr tape.

if all goes according to plan, it should be up here sometime next week.
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Ghostboy on April 27, 2003, 12:30:29 AM
Awesome, man. Can't wait to see it. I love shooting things in twenty four hours or less. It's such a rush.

Good luck on the editing...I remember the days of VCR to VCR...I got pretty damn good at it over a couple of years, but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it.
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: sphinx on April 27, 2003, 12:32:28 AM
Quote from: GhostboyGood luck on the editing...I remember the days of VCR to VCR...I got pretty damn good at it over a couple of years, but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it.

i fucking hated it.  eight years of that shit.  and i never found a way to compensate for that stupid half second of time when the video plays but the audio doesn't and then it starts, and if the vcr starts recording during the gap then the entire world will stop to laugh at you
Title: Re: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Tiff on April 27, 2003, 03:25:40 AM
Quote from: Lesteri sat down with some music

What music?
Title: Re: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Victor on April 29, 2003, 08:17:37 PM
Quote from: Tiff
Quote from: Lesteri sat down with some music

What music?

it was all radiohead and coldplay, i use a radiohead song in the film, and i was gonna use coldplay during the creds, but i decided to not use credits at the end.

im completely done with this fuckin thing, jesus, i went completely insane the last few days editing this mother. you know where you laugh for no reason, and then you keep laughing at the absurdity of the fact youre laughing, and then you laugh some more cause you cant stop yourself, and then it slows down and you start crying, and then you laugh cause youre crying for no reason, and then dead silence because you realize how fucking crazy you are in this moment in time? its a wonder there arent more suicides among film editors, they must be superhuman. but i guess its easier to make those choices if its not your film. that, and if youre not stressing about the audio, which i mo def was.

not only that, but i star in the thing, and im very self-concious about my acting ability. after the first night, i was like ok, this is going good, this could work (see previous post), but the last couple of days ive just derailed. ive gone from thinking its absolute genius, to thinking its a hackneyed, ham-and-cheese technical and emotional disaster and that ill never amount to shit, and tonight, after completing finally, with a decent audio mix (i did what i could with what i had), thinking, ah, fuck it. its just some thing i did when i was 16, its ok for what it is, its a good learning experience, i enjoyed it for the most part, and at least i was productive enough to get out of my house and create something. Its not bad, its pretty good. i know i can do better, i just need some practice, thats probly what this was.

anyway, the really wierd shit will be showing it to everyone tomorrow night at the art show in my school. Its kind of like whipping your dick out in front of someone for the first time and not being sure if theyll laugh or be completely amazed by it. except ill be whipping it out to like a hundred people at once. not like i havent done that before...ah well. if they dont like the movie, i guess ill just take my pants off to ease the tension.
Title: Re: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Pedro on April 29, 2003, 08:41:33 PM
Quote from: Lester

anyway, the really wierd shit will be showing it to everyone tomorrow night at the art show in my school. Its kind of like whipping your dick out in front of someone for the first time and not being sure if theyll laugh or be completely amazed by it. except ill be whipping it out to like a hundred people at once. not like i havent done that before...ah well. if they dont like the movie, i guess ill just take my pants off to ease the tension.
Show it to the Xixax board members, too.
Title: Re: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Victor on April 30, 2003, 09:04:07 PM
Quote from: Pedro the Wombat
Show it to the Xixax board members, too.

i definitely plan on it. soon, soon.
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: MrBurgerKing on April 30, 2003, 09:26:39 PM
Good luck with that Lester. I'm sure everyone will love. It's always fun to watch a project done by peers, especially a movie (even if it's bad!). Most people will be amazed that you even accomplished what you did (these are the same scum who haven't touched a camera before), regardless of how good it is.

It's like telling your blind date to order for you in a restuarant you've never tried. As she stands in the long line while you find a seat, you have no idea what she'll order, or whether or not you will like that choice. Sitting there nervously for hours, you soon realize that there is not one item that looks bad on the menu.
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: MrBurgerKing on April 30, 2003, 09:34:28 PM
I'd say it is a bit embarassing to put something out so personal though. You remind me of Jerry Maguire putting out his mission statement.
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Victor on May 06, 2003, 09:40:58 PM
ok. back. from the show. it went: really, really, really well. people liked it, they responded to it, it turned out good. it worked. ok. thats it i think, the next youll hear of this will probably be the movie itself, which i hope will be up in about a week.

this log has been healthy, im glad i did it. or else i might have popped a blood vessel in my brain.
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: bonanzataz on May 06, 2003, 10:22:28 PM
so... what's it about?
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Victor on May 16, 2003, 02:47:33 PM

its up. i feel a nice, warm sense of closure. yeaahhhh....now im gonna go get drunk.
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Ernie on May 16, 2003, 05:24:48 PM
Quote from: GhostboyAwesome, man. Can't wait to see it. I love shooting things in twenty four hours or less. It's such a rush.

Good luck on the editing...I remember the days of VCR to VCR...I got pretty damn good at it over a couple of years, but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it.

I'm gonna be editing this film I'm about to shoot that way...can't get a firewire that works w/ my computer. Do you press record, stop, or pause when you want it to stop recording? On the vcr I mean.
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: Ghostboy on May 16, 2003, 06:29:14 PM
Always use pause...and makes sure you get your next edit rolling before the VCR automatically stops (usually about five minutes). Whenever it stops, you'll get a glitch on your tape. It forces you to think fast, that's for sure! It might take a few tries to get it all right, if you haven't done it before.

Good luck. I was wondering if you'd ever got around to shooting that...
Title: Shooting Tomorrow...
Post by: polkablues on May 16, 2003, 09:14:41 PM
Oh, dear Lord.  VCR to VCR editing is the bane of the devil.  You're better off finding a Kinko's or someplace like that that offers nonlinear editing space, and just paying the whatever they charge per hour.  Either way, it's a good idea to make a detailed edit log beforehand to know exactly what footage you'll use and where.