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Film Discussion => The Small Screen => Topic started by: ono on July 10, 2013, 09:13:50 PM

Title: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: ono on July 10, 2013, 09:13:50 PM
I was late to the party with Netflix's first program, House of Cards.  Am watching it now and am enjoying it.  Ditto with Arrested Development redux (even though I still wish Opie would shut the hell up).  Bygones.  This one I'm even more excited for, because I enjoyed Weeds all the way through, and it seems as if this is going to tell a "Nancy"'s story as if she wasn't as lucky and got caught early on.


Is available starting tomorrow (July 11th, 2013).  Greatly looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: ©brad on July 11, 2013, 09:53:20 AM
I'm excited too. It's getting great reviews.
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: modage on July 11, 2013, 10:31:45 AM
Yeah I'm definitely going to watch this. (I also want to try "The Bridge" which has similarly great reviews and whose pilot was directed by the dude who did "Miss Bala.")
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: ono on July 11, 2013, 07:47:41 PM
Pilot spoilers.

I watched the pilot this morning when it was released.  Was happy to see that series is near-hour-long episodes as opposed to Weeds' half-hour format.  Breathing room.  However I wasn't too thrilled with the protagonist.  She plays the everywoman well, but this makes her somewhat lacking in personality and week.  At least she's NOT a Nancy redux, so I'll give Jenji that.  But there's no real hook to her character.  She seems too vanilla to have ever been a lesbian drug trafficker.  Sure, that was 10 years ago.  All the more reason I kind of wish the crime was more contemporary in nature and she had a personality that was more rough around the edges.  I wonder how used Biggs and Prepon will be, too.  Not that I watch for them, but it will be interesting to see how they're incorporated.  How deep a story can be told?

Slight spoilers beyond.

I read one review that says the show incorporates flashbacks of other characters too, and the hour format will allow them to tell these stories at length.  I hope it's worth it, because as nice as it is to get a mix, to get a break from the jail setting, we've got to be given a reason to care, and although the show is fun so far, I don't know if I'm there yet.  I was however greatly amused that one of the guards was referred to as Pornstache in the subtitles.  Once I finish up House of Cards, back to check out the rest of this!
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: mogwai on August 11, 2013, 02:53:52 AM
Jason Biggs's performance reminds me a wee bit of Adam Sandler's in PDL. In that he pulls off a more serious role and still maintains a wee comedic performance in his part.
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: Brando on August 11, 2013, 01:45:18 PM

I've seen the whole season. I thought it was good. I didn't like it no where as near as the fervor many seem to have for the show. It's like it's two years ago again with Homeland. I liked the first season of Homeland but people were literally calling it the next Wire. The second season comes around and everyone that was calling Homeland the Wire are disappointed even though I thought the second season was better than the first. Orange is a good show with the potential of staying one or turning into a less than good one. I don't see it becoming great.

I didn't finish Weeds but I did get far enough to remember that the show started to get crazy. It makes me concerned if the writers will show restraint with this show or will it turn into the lesbian version of The Prophet. Piper becomes a mob boss in prison and when she leaves she'll be followed by a huge convoy of lesbians.

I do have concern with the thing between Piper and Officer Healey. While I didn't have a problem with the season finale where he basically tries to have Piper killed, I do see that plot narrative with Piper and Healey having the potential to get out of hand.

I think Piper is a better protagonist than Nancy although Piper may be the least interesting character on the show. Piper is unlikable and likes to use, she's selfish and lead people on so I do see a younger her being involved with a lesbian drug dealer. Piper is also a real woman and the show is based on her experience and the book she wrote so it was a lot easier to create her character.

Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: MacGuffin on August 15, 2013, 02:19:40 PM
Laura Prepon Exiting Netflix's 'Orange Is the New Black'
She'll return to wrap up Alex's storyline but will not be a regular on season two of the Jenji Kohan drama.
Source: THR

Netflix's Orange Is the New Black is losing one of its leading ladies.

Laura Prepon will not return as a series regular when season two of the drama returns, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.

As first reported by BuzzFeed, Prepon will only return to the Lionsgate TV-produced drama to wrap up her storyline, though the door remains open for the actress to return to the series.

"Our season is still developing and nothing is confirmed," a Netflix rep said in a statement. Representatives for Prepon declined comment.

It remains unclear whether Prepon's exit was her decision or a creative direction from executive producer Jenji Kohan.

Prepon plays inmate Alex, the on-again, off-again love interest of star Taylor Schilling's character, Piper. [Warning: spoilers] In the season finale of the freshman run, the couple parted ways. Alex, who was incarcerated for her role as a drug runner and who was responsible for Piper's imprisonment, has made it a point that when she is eventually released from the women's prison, she has no skill set other than the drug trade.

Should Prepon -- who starred on That '70s Show and NBC's short-lived Are You There, Chelsea? -- exit and return, it would not be the first time a character on the series did so. Danielle Brooks' colorful inmate Taystee was released from prison and found herself making a quick return trip back during season one.

Prepon's exit comes as the series, which is already in production on season two, has been ramping up its cast. Brooks, Taryn Manning (Pennsatucky) and Uzo Aduba (Crazy Eyes) were all recently promoted to series regulars, while Kate Mulgrew and Lorraine Toussaint were added as regular and recurring, respectively.

Netflix renewed Orange Is the New Black in June for a second season of 13 episodes just weeks before it premiered online.
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: polkablues on August 15, 2013, 04:23:19 PM
I'm a big fan of the show, and I'm totally fine with this.
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: Pubrick on October 23, 2013, 01:21:05 PM
i'm four episodes in and i just need to vent a little. no spoilers just general comments.

this show is OVERLIT. every shot seems to be taking place with a nuclear explosion slightly off screen. it's not my tv settings. even close ups are ridiculously bright. some black people look WHITE. ok that's an exaggeration but not far from the truth. this is indicative of a much bigger problem with the show..

it's fucking boring. the overlit visual aspect is reflected perfectly in the lack of nuance and single-note plot machination. one or two interesting characters manage to emerge (NOT the main chick which as ono pointed out is an utter bore) thanks to flashbacks which are only slightly more interesting than the present story. one or two chuckles an episode thanks to one or two well written lines. but the whole thing has this air of "yeah.. so?"

the best way i can describe it is if a fictional show tried to be as boring as reality tv. one simple way to do this is remove all elements of danger. there is no danger in this fabricated world. it's completely unrealistic for one thing.. and all the stylization (using a billion lights in every scene) only deflates any mystery the show is desperately trying to develop with the who-gives-a-shit dynamic between prepon and piper.

the hour long format is not used to expand any story but to DRAG IT OUT PAINFULLY. scenes go on forever and often feel like they just ran with the first draft. it is dreadfully paced. the few times it has managed to muster some drama or tension it is instantly defused by 3 scenes following it that have nothing at all to do with the interesting part of the story. by the time we get back to it (eg. the screwdriver in ep 4) we're just relieved that they remembered to finish that empty fart of a plot device.

in conclusion, this is a perfect example of a show that does not need to be watched. it's not essential. it's one of those things that will be followed by a few people who just can't tell the difference between a perfect show and one that is doomed to flounder like a beached whale. prepon must have realised this and quit before she wasted too many years of her life. i only hope viewers are as savvy.

my lesbian and bi friends swear by it so i will probably have to watch another few episodes. but i think it's shown it's true colours in these first 4.. it's just.. meh.
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: ©brad on October 23, 2013, 08:39:08 PM
It definitely lacks teeth and excitement for a show about a female prison. I feel Jenji Kohan is still grappling with the hour long format after 8 years of 24 minute Weeds episodes. The best thing it has going for it is the cast. It's a pretty amazing and diverse group of women you won't normally see in American mainstream television. I agree it drags in parts but I generally find it watchable. I'm hoping they pick up the pace and suspense in season 2 (the first season of Weeds was similarly slow and more about establishing the characters. Things really started to pick up in season 2).
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: Drenk on June 07, 2014, 10:42:20 PM
I've just finished season 2. I loved it. I thought season 1 was good, with some great moments. The characters are great, you understand the logics of the place. This season has exciting storylines. Anyway, it's hard to talk about it without being specific. If you liked season 1, you should keep watching!
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: 03 on June 08, 2014, 02:33:13 PM
i don't like people telling me that the only reason i don't like ("don't get") this show is because i am neither a woman, or a homosexual. it's really more because it's shitty and boring. i gave it a genuine shot, even rewatched a few episodes. even tried the new season. but this show is horrible. i can go into detail but i'd basically be rehashing what pubrick said perfectly.
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: ono on June 08, 2014, 03:37:15 PM
Quote from: 03i don't like people telling me that the only reason i don't like ("don't get") this show is because i am neither a woman,
"i gave it a genuine shot, even rewatched a few episodes. even tried the new season. but this show is horrible."
This is exactly how I feel about Girls.  That show is the worst.  I just had to get a backhanded dig at that one 'cause a lot of people here have fallen prey to its clutches.  Save yourselves!  Get out!


This one is meh, but I'm going to still try to see if S2 gets better in my eyes because it has a few redeeming qualities and I like supporting what Netflix does (I know, I know, they'll do it regardless if I watch or not).  And I want it to get better because I like what Kohan did with Weeds.

Though I had my problems with Lost, I think one thing that Lost did well that this show tries to do (and likely got from lost) is tying in those flashbacks to have something to do with the story.  The ties this show tries to make are nebulous, and so drawn out.  They could tighten these episodes and they would probably be so much more enjoyable.  Here, the excess of the freedom of not having to limit themselves to 42 minutes (the breathing room which I admittedly at first liked) hurts them.
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: 03 on June 08, 2014, 03:53:20 PM
Though I had my problems with Lost, I think one thing that Lost did well that this show tries to do (and likely got from lost) is tying in those flashbacks to have something to do with the story.  The ties this show tries to make are nebulous, and so drawn out.  They could tighten these episodes and they would probably be so much more enjoyable.  Here, the excess of the freedom of not having to limit themselves to 42 minutes (the breathing room which I admittedly at first liked) hurts them.

yep. banshee suffered only mildly from this. not nearly as bad as orange, but i agree that this was one thing i felt was kind of clunky and boring. i think it's moreso my previous complaint, that people are acting like this is a show for a certain audience. can't it just be bad because it's bad? i mean i understand that if you dislike scandinavian music and you go to a scandinavian nightclub, then obviously you can tell someone they are the wrong audience for that, and their opinion cannot be held as super factual. but i feel this show is pretty damn accessible regardless of its content and nature. you dont have to be a fucking vampire to like true blood so i feel my opinion is just as valid with this show. freaking bulldykes and young female hipsters, why cant we all just get along
Title: Re: Orange is the New Black (Netflix, Jenji Kohan)
Post by: AntiDumbFrogQuestion on June 18, 2014, 11:28:08 PM
The Anarchy that fills the final episode of season 2 is one of the reasons this show is unique. There are some plot-lines that don't do it for me in S2, but overall every episode has something entertaining to keep a person hooked.

My opinion is that the flashbacks work better on this series than in LOST because we are asked to relate to people with realistic problems that have realistic consequences as opposed to seeing them deal with a smoke monster.