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Film Discussion => The Vault => Topic started by: MacGuffin on April 07, 2008, 04:32:58 PM

Title: Baby Mama
Post by: MacGuffin on April 07, 2008, 04:32:58 PM

Trailer here. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU34zV9A3gU)

Release Date: April 25th, 2008 (wide)

Starring: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Sigourney Weaver, Dax Shepard, Greg Kinnear 

Directed by: Michael McCullers

Premise: Successful and single businesswoman Kate Holbrook has long put her career ahead of a personal life. Now 37, she's finally determined to have a kid on her own. But her plan is thrown a curve ball after she discovers she has only a million-to-one chance of getting pregnant.
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: ©brad on April 07, 2008, 05:27:59 PM
i'll see it for tina but damn, have we not had enough comedies about pregnancy for one decade?
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: john on April 25, 2008, 11:14:36 PM
You know, I knew this was going to be a piece of shit. In the bottom of my gut, I knew it. No matter how many credible people you lofted onto this turd, it wasn't going to make it any better.

The only thing that surprised me was how, staggeringly, shockingly, awful and unfunny it is. Tiny Fey, Amy Poehler, John Hodgeman, Steve Martin, Fred Armisen, Will Forte... this film takes everyone down with it.

Nobody can squeeze a memorable cameo, a worthwhile one-liner, or even the faintest glimmer of life into this dreck. You can actually see life being sucked out of everyone involved, frame by frame.  It not even worth expounding upon this much.

The only reason for this post is to tell anyone who might consider seeing this, even to humor their significant other, to STAY THE FUCK AWAY.

Just avoid it. At all costs.

Learn from my mistake.
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: SiliasRuby on April 25, 2008, 11:58:45 PM
Thanks, will do.
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: cinemanarchist on April 26, 2008, 11:16:32 AM
Quote from: john on April 25, 2008, 11:14:36 PM
Just avoid it. At all costs.

Learn from my mistake.

Too Late. It was free so it's just 100 minutes I'm not getting back. That movie really did depress me for the rest of the evening. I was supposed to go to a party and I blew it off and instead went home and sulked. Thanks Tina Fey.
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: modage on November 01, 2008, 05:36:07 PM
This movie is the worst!  Tina Fey, don't do this to me again.  I need to watch last week's 30 Rock just to get the stink off.
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: Stefen on November 01, 2008, 05:46:06 PM
Quote from: modage on November 01, 2008, 05:36:07 PM
the worst!


I thought the flick was cute. Tina was adorable. It wasn't pretending to be anything else. If it was trying to be more ambitious, It would have been horrible.

I hated Steve Martin in this movie. He's teh worst.
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: RegularKarate on November 03, 2008, 01:14:07 PM
Yeah, there are some truly funny moments in this movie. 

You know it's going to suck, why expect anything else.  I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed the better parts.

Amy's the only reason to see it.
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: matt35mm on May 04, 2009, 09:04:30 AM
How did this turn out to be so bad?  I know you all said it sucked, but I was still surprised by how uninspired it was.  While I was watching it, I was thinking how pretty much every single directorial decision was a bad one and completely stolen from other lousy movies.  From all the bad reviews, I was expecting something that was overall unsuccessful but with a few inspired gems in there, but nope.  Nary a laugh, with the possible exception of the wind in Sigourney Weaver's hair.

The only person who does anything mildly worth watching in the movie is Amy Poehler, because we know that she can be really funny (not with this screenplay though), and there are hints that she might do dramatic really well, so the only thing mildly interesting in this movie is the talent and range that Poehler might show in the future.

Oh well.  I only watched it because I couldn't sleep and I certainly didn't pay for it, so I'm not going to go around smashing windows for justice over this one.

Still, fuck you, Michael McCullers.  I don't know how you got anyone to say yes to anything you proposed.  In directing, at any point in time, there's an infinite possibility of interesting choices and a small handful of terribly boring choices and you chose the boring ones every time.
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: ᾦɐļᵲʊʂ on May 04, 2009, 07:22:30 PM
I could try to give this another chance, but I turned it off once the unbearable product placement of "I can't believe you're drinking RED BULL, DR. PEPPER and playing KARAOKE REVOLUTION!"

I was kind of tired anyway, but that was just the anvil that broke the camel's back.
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: matt35mm on May 04, 2009, 08:17:59 PM
Yeah, brand product placement in a generic movie.

It's not worth giving it another chance though unless you're just interested in how talented people could go along with such boring ideas.
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: SiliasRuby on May 04, 2009, 08:34:59 PM
Quote from: matt35mm on May 04, 2009, 08:17:59 PM

It's not worth giving it another chance though unless you're just interested in how talented people could go along with such boring ideas.
If you want more of that watch 'obsessed' tonight at the theaters or 'heroes'...
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: Gamblour. on May 05, 2009, 11:56:20 AM
I guess knowing this was a travesty coupled with the fact that I was on a plane made this bearable. Shit, I laughed quite a bit at this. I can't be too angry at it.
Title: Re: Baby Mama
Post by: polkablues on May 05, 2009, 12:35:07 PM
Yeah, it was lazy, sloppy, had a seriously inconsistent tone and it kicked you square in the nuts with the product placement, but I'm with Gamblour.  I laughed at a lot of it.  There are far worse movies out there than this.