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Hello there,

I have recently been diving into independent cinema and am fascinated by how these films often push the boundaries of conventional filmmaking. One aspect that particularly intrigues me is the use of lesser known cinematic techniques that can significantly impact storytelling and audience engagement.

What are some examples of independent films that employ unique camera techniques or unconventional shot compositions? How do these techniques enhance the narrative or emotional impact of the film?

Independent filmmakers often experiment with sound in innovative ways. Are there any films you've seen where sound design or the use of silence plays a crucial role in the storytelling? How does this contribute to the overall atmosphere of the film?

Editing in indie films can sometimes break traditional norms. Have you come across any films where the editing style stood out to you as particularly original or effective? How does it affect the film's pace and rhythm?

Also, I have gone through this post; which definitely helped me out a lot.

How do you think these unconventional techniques affect audience reception and interpretation? Are there any specific films where these elements have led to a broader discussion or reinterpretation of the narrative?

Thankyou in advance for your help and assistance.
Paul Thomas Anderson / Re: There Will Be Blood - now ...
Last post by Scrooby - September 18, 2024, 02:36:27 AM

Saint Bruno
Les Belles Heures du duc de Berry
Paul Thomas Anderson / Re: There Will Be Blood - now ...
Last post by max from fearless - September 17, 2024, 10:25:50 AM
Years and years ago i posted a draft of the there will be blood script which was an earlier draft than the one released for consideration. That script changed my life in a way. It was such a brilliant construction and now think probably one of the best screenplays I've read - in the same rarefied air as Network for sure. Anyways, long story short. I just read another screenplay that struck the same nerve that TWBB did all those years back. The film is in production, top tier director (PTA has mentioned them in the past) Also a family story with a poltical undercurrent that is clearly present but never needs to named. One thing I thought about that draft of TWBB was how there was this religous/mystical element that the film kind of evades. In the movie theyre both charlatans, the script too, but there was also this - what if energy...If I remember correctly the script posits/suggests a little more forcefully that if the well maybe had been blessed Daniel's son would maybe not have gotten hurt, whereas in the film everything feels very matter-of-fact. Like, I remember reading the script that first time and wishing the well got blessed by Eli. It would be The Master where realism surrealism mysticism and magic become possible and then in Phantom Thread where we actually witness a spectral occurence. Well, in this other script which I can't name (back in the day I would've posted it but my lord how times have changed) this story crosses those lines and mixes the surreal and magical pretty well. I'm glad that film can still be potent electrifying art and that filmmakers are still shooting for the damn moon! It also makes me excited for PTA's new one as these films will be out, fingers crossed in the same year fingers crossed...
Paul Thomas Anderson / Re: Phantom Thread - SPOILERS!
Last post by Scrooby - September 17, 2024, 08:22:04 AM
Meanwhile, a thousand years ago . . .

Aucassin, when he heard
of his sweet-bodied love,
was stirred at heart;
so he left the shepherds
& rode his fighting horse
into the deep forest
& was lost to sight;
& he spoke these three words :
"Nicolete of the gracious heart,
for you I came into the woods;
I don't follow tracks of deer
but your heaven-blue eyes & gentle body,
your fair laugh, your sweet breath.
Not to be heartbroken to death
may it please God
I shall see you again,
my sweet love!"

Paul Thomas Anderson / Re: Phantom Thread - SPOILERS!
Last post by WorldForgot - September 14, 2024, 07:02:01 PM
Quote from: Scrooby on November 16, 2019, 10:41:33 AMAnother auditory sighting of "[You/That] so and so":

The Lady Eve (1941)

with screenshot:

family resemblance?

Watching The Lady Eve for the first time and thought about this post as she said it.
Notably too the relationship between the Colonel and Jean is echoed in Sydney and John in Hard Eight
Paul Thomas Anderson / Re: Phantom Thread - SPOILERS!
Last post by Scrooby - September 12, 2024, 06:00:22 AM
Scroob's dress of the year

Celia Kritharioti
Chainmail Dress
(Paris Hilton)

(Chainmail dress . . . Alexander McQueen [c1996] . . . Reynolds Woodcock)
Paul Thomas Anderson / Re: Untitled Paul Thomas Ander...
Last post by Scrooby - September 10, 2024, 07:31:17 AM
Fly the Friendly Skies with Scrooby

Around the year 1998 PTA tours the EWS set. Now : PTA is infixed in his own Kubrick Situation.—An unlimited budget and endless shooting schedule (so to speak). What shall eventuate from this magic Situation? It took Scroob five years to begin to understand Phantom Thread, so perhaps we'll come to understand Battle in, say, 2030. Best wishes.
News and Theory / Re: Who's Next To Croak?
Last post by wilberfan - September 09, 2024, 03:51:34 PM
The Grapevine / Re: Queer (Guadagnino)
Last post by Drenk - August 29, 2024, 09:03:03 AM
Ghostboy is in it, apparently.
The Grapevine / Queer (Guadagnino)
Last post by WorldForgot - August 28, 2024, 09:38:47 PM

via Deadline: A24 to distro latest Guadagnino picture--

"Queer began screening to distributors via CAA Media Finance in late June and we heard then A24 was kicking the tires. There were other suitors. A24 came through and the deal just closed. All of this spells for a theatrical release.

Queer is getting its world premiere at Venice Film Festival with a North American debut at TIFF. It's also getting a NY Film Fest Spotlight Gala.

Guadagnino reteamed with his Challengers scribe Justin Kuritzkes, and promptly shot Queer in Cinecitta after that Zendaya movie recreating a multi-colored Mexico in the heart of the legendary Rome, Italy studio. Challengers catapulted the Call Me By Your Name Oscar nominated filmmaker into the box office charts in late April with his first No. 1 opening ($15M domestic), the sexy romantic tennis drama ultimately grossing over $94M worldwide.

The movie also stars Drew Starkey, Academy Award nominee Lesley Manville, Jason Schwartzman, Andra Ursuta, Michael Borremans and David Lowery.

Pic's blurb: Set in 1950s Mexico City, Queer follows William Lee, an American ex-pat in his late forties, as he leads a solitary life amidst a small American community. However, the arrival in town of Eugene Allerton, a young student, stirs William into finally establishing a meaningful connection with someone.