PTA coming to Australia for PDL Premier?

Started by aurora, March 10, 2003, 05:58:17 AM

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Has anyone heard news of PTA coming to Australia for PDLs release on April 3rd??

I thought he maybe coming as he seemed to go all around Europe for it =)


under the paving stones.


Well he can come to Melbourne and avoid Brisbane =D


wow p, didn't know you lived there. i wanted to study abroad in australia but missed the deadline so had to come to england instead.


Avoid Brisbane?  Excuse me?  Brisbane is a hub!  Its has such wonderful places!  Such as .... um... . .and....well..yeah...

OK, maybe not - its probally better if he goes to Melbourne...better media coverage :)

The Silver Bullet

Ten bucks says he doesn't visit my house...
RABBIT n. pl. rab·bits or rabbit[list=1]
  • Any of various long-eared, short-tailed, burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae.
  • A hare.