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Other Media / Re: What are we reading?
Last post by Scrooby - July 24, 2024, 03:05:18 PM
Amour me tuë

Love slays me, yet I would rather not tell
of this sweet pain it is for me to die,
for I fear someone might want to rescue me
from this tender torment behind my sigh.

Though it's true that my love-sickness hopes
that time will return my vigour to me,
still and all I'd not have my lady come cure
my languishment, so pleasing is this ache.

Be still, my heart; I feel the day coming
when my mistress, after so long absent,
seeing the care that wears down all my thought,

will hold me in her arms for a whole night
bountifully, and in this way will pay
all the interest of my substantial pain.

Pierre de Ronsard

Amour me tue, et si je ne veux dire
Le plaisant mal que ce m'est de mourir :
Tant j'ai grand peur, qu'on veuille secourir
Le mal, par qui doucement je soupire.

Il est bien vrai, que ma langueur désire
Qu'avec le temps je me puisse guérir :
Mais je ne veux ma dame requérir
Pour ma santé : tant me plaît mon martyre.

Tais-toi langueur je sens venir le jour,
Que ma maîtresse, après si long séjour,
Voyant le soin qui ronge ma pensée,

Toute une nuit, folâtrement m'ayant
Entre ses bras, prodigue, ira payant
Les intérêts de ma peine avancée.

Other Media / Re: What are we reading?
Last post by Scrooby - July 24, 2024, 03:02:37 AM
Do arme your selfe against that day, them to confound.

Spenser, Faerie Queene, 2.3.15
The Grapevine / Re: Anora (Sean Baker)
Last post by WorldForgot - July 19, 2024, 02:14:45 PM

Excited for this ~ Baker's thematic focus (emphasis?) on sex work has got to be comparable to Pasolini's at this point.
The Director's Chair / Re: Favorite Coen Bros. Movie?
Last post by Scrooby - July 19, 2024, 08:37:09 AM

The Director's Chair / Re: Favorite Coen Bros. Movie?
Last post by Scrooby - July 18, 2024, 05:54:03 AM

Paul Thomas Anderson / Re: Untitled Paul Thomas Ander...
Last post by Scrooby - July 14, 2024, 07:49:55 AM
Fante Zamora    ...    Set Dresser : San Juan Bautista

Heavy Vertigo vibes.

The Plaza Hotel is located on the site of the original barracks for the soldiers of the Mission San Juan Bautista, which was founded in 1797 as California's fifteenth mission.
David Lynch / Re: Lynch's short films
Last post by ono - July 14, 2024, 07:36:50 AM
David Lynch Theater Presents: The Answers to the Questions
Other Media / Re: What are we reading?
Last post by Scrooby - July 13, 2024, 05:52:07 AM

Gunther Zainer's Epistles and Gospels
[ Augsburg, c.1474 ]
Some notes on early woodcut books, with a chapter on illuminated manuscripts
William Morris
New York : Elston Press, 1902.
Paul Thomas Anderson / Re: Inherent Vice - SPOILERS!
Last post by Find Your Magali - July 10, 2024, 01:58:01 PM
I'm sure it's been discussed before in the deep recesses of other threads, but I just now stumbled upon the theory that Shasta -- after the initial appearance -- is dead and/or just a figment of Doc's imagination. Definitely something I'll watch more closely for in subsequent viewings.
Other Media / Re: What are we reading?
Last post by WorldForgot - July 10, 2024, 10:40:18 AM
Beautiful ~