Spider-Man 3

Started by MacGuffin, March 22, 2005, 12:43:47 AM

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exactly.  its not a problem having an appreciation for popcorn.  its that the public doesn't seem to discriminate whether its great or terrible. 
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Quote from: The Gold Trumpet on May 29, 2007, 08:32:43 PM
Quote from: Alexandro on May 29, 2007, 06:47:12 PM
People are stupid because they go to and get satisfied with movies that they themselves find to be underwhelming.

My argument isn't based on them liking these movies specifically, but liking the fact they are popcorn flicks. They are going to see super hero movies and comedies because there are other movies of the same genre that were satisfying. And since most art films or indie flicks are trying to appease on this level, they will go see these movies because it is the best chance for them to get a new classic in a favorite category.

No, I'm referring to people going to these movies with low expectations and being satisfied equally with one that is good (like spider man 2) and one that is mediocre (like spider man 3)...by satisfied equally i mean both positively satisfied and disatisfied....


Michael Chabon on the whole "too many villains" thing.
\"I wanted to make a film for kids, something that would present them with a kind of elementary morality. Because nowadays nobody bothers to tell those kids, \'Hey, this is right and this is wrong\'.\"
  -  George Lucas


Sam Raimi May Not Helm 'Spider-Man 4'; Wants Electro, Vulture As Villains If He Does
'I just don't know what [my] future holds yet,' director says.
Source: MTV

WESTWOOD, California — As of this week, "Spider-Man 3" is the 11th-highest-grossing film worldwide of all time — and like its web-headed hero, it's still climbing. The fans have spoken, the critics have been silenced and there's plenty more Peter Parker to come.

But in his first post-"Spidey 3" interview, series director Sam Raimi went out of his way to leave the door open for someone else to take the reins.

"Sony Pictures is going to be making many more 'Spider-Man' pictures," Raimi told MTV News Friday night. "I just don't know what [my] future holds yet."

In Los Angeles to honor young filmmakers whose Spidey spoofs won a contest sponsored by Target, Raimi admitted that the collection of eager-eyed directors reminded him of "better-looking, smarter versions of myself." With several of the winners' speeches referencing Raimi's '80s career of low-budget flicks like "Crimewave" and the "Evil Dead" movies, it was hard not to appreciate that Raimi had ascended to the opposite end of the spectrum.

But from what he told us after the ceremony, it sounds like the filmmaker is setting the stage to bow out while he's on top. "If I can't find the right story that would work for me and that I could tell really well, I would like someone else to tell that story," he said of the already-announced "Spider-Man 4."

Amending his statement, he added, "But if it's a great story and Sony will bring me back to the screen, I would love to."

Indeed, it might be Sony that ultimately chooses to end the partnership, which could be a result of Raimi's still-standing pact with Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst that either they all return or none of them does. "It would be really hard for me to make a movie without Tobey and Kirsten playing the two leads," he said. "I would seriously think about James [Franco] too, but he bit the dust in this last one."

Ultimately, if Sony considers the price tag too high for another Raimi/Maguire/Dunst collaboration, then the negotiations would turn to keeping Raimi onboard as a producer only. "I would still hope that Sony would offer it to me [to direct] first," he said. "But that is not my place to say; it would be more about if Sony decided not to go with me. If not, it would be really up to them to come to a solution [for me to still be involved as a producer]."

Either way, if this tangled web does still involve the filmmaker, Raimi has been busy brainstorming about the villains he'd like to get into the next flick. "I would love to see Electro, Vulture, maybe the Sinister Six as a team," he said.

Those three possibilities wouldn't necessarily cancel each other out. Since both were founding members of the Six, the Soviet supervillain and high-flying supergenius could appear in the next flick, be teamed with a returning Doctor Octopus and Sandman and form a supergroup to also introduce Mysterio and Kraven the Hunter.

Whether that story line works out or not, Raimi hopes to finally reward Dylan Baker's patience with a villainous payoff similar to what Franco enjoyed in "3." "I love Dylan Baker as a person, and I really like the character he is developing," the filmmaker said of Dr. Curt Connors, Parker's one-armed, screen-time-challenged professor in the first three flicks.

"The Lizard is probably one of my favorite characters," he said of the baddie Connors eventually became in the comics. (He joined the Sinister Six when they became the Sinister Twelve, by the way.) "But ['Spider-Man 4'] will probably have to start with the central journey of the main character to arrive at the proper villain."

Regardless of the future, the present "Spider-Man" universe is still being overseen by the affable filmmaker. Appearing at the Friday event with series producers Avi Arad and Grant Curtis to kick off this year's Los Angeles Film Festival, Raimi handed the top prize to boisterous Minnesota filmmaker Justin Marshall, who won with a stop-motion action-figure short called "Rise of the Super Venom, Part 1."

"These filmmakers show a tremendous amount of promise," said Raimi, who judged the contest alongside his "Spidey" producers. "They have a lot of craftsmanship skills that are very developed for their early ages. They have a good sense of presentation, camera angle, oftentimes good pace, and they know how to put a soundtrack together. I thought it was very impressive."

After the awards were handed out, Raimi spent a very generous amount of time posing for photos, signing autographs and having individual conversations with Marshall and the runners-up. As the winners milked him for advice, Raimi spoke to every single person who approached (and he didn't even realize that a reporter was watching from a few feet away!).

"It's great having the Los Angeles Film Festival as a meeting ground where young filmmakers can meet other artists and share their ideas and other resources," Raimi said, moments after posing for his umpteenth picture. "I don't think there was ever anything like this, especially when I was in the early years of my career."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

B.C. Long

I got this movie free when I bought my PS3 and I still have yet to ever watch the whole thing. I've watched sections and I just can't get through it.

last days of gerry the elephant

If you left it sealed, you could have got $20 for it. It's a shame.

Anyway, about Sony and Venom... who are these people making these stupid decisions? It hurts my head. I blame them as much as I blame people that spend money and time on this garbage. BATMAN didn't make the money, NOLAN did. Fucking bunch of champaign socialists sitting at top thinking they're so clever. DIE ALREADY, DIE!


How Did This Get Made? is covering Spidey 3 this week. You must listen.

Uh oh, guys. 4 years between the last post and this one. Chastise me for it.

Jeremy Blackman

On the contrary; thread necromancy is to be celebrated.


Quote from: Jeremy Blackman on July 20, 2012, 06:43:33 PM
On the contrary; relevant thread necromancy is to be celebrated.

I feel this is an important line to draw.
My house, my rules, my coffee