The Scary of Sixty-First

Started by Alethia, February 17, 2021, 04:14:43 PM

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Great poster/Key-Art. I'm holding off from watching the trailer, 'til after i've seen the flick


real Eyes Wide Shut vibes, and we know how Dasha loves that film...


Distribs Nurture 'Flee,' 'Drive My Car' Ahead Of Oscar Noms; Fathom's Crowd-Funded 'Christmas With The Chosen' Breaks A Record – Specialty Box Office

Article covers a swath of well-performing limited engagement contenders.

QuoteFrom Utopia, Dasha Nekrasova's debut feature The Scary of Sixty-First scared up $8,108 at one theater in LA — the American Cinematheque's Los Feliz 3. The polarizing satire about the spirit of Jeffery Epstein possessing a young woman who unwittingly moves into an apartment he used to own, won  Best First Feature in Berlin. It opened exclusively on 35mm with 10 pm showtimes only including a preview Thursday. It expands to the Quad in NYC on 12/17 ahead of a continued late-night expansion into 2022.


Seeing this at The Quad on the 17th with Dasha in attendance, can't wait!


I'm curious to know if anybody at (any of) the Q&A(s) has dared to ask Dasha about that orgasmic euphoria scene. The one that derails her own arguments from her pod and debut feature? I'll not linger on that though...

Sapphic conspiracy ritual.
More-so conjuring the essence of independent troublemakers than actually making any trouble, but its correlation of obsession and infantilization gels together into something I dig. Interlocking symbols of self-sought pacification and distraction.

Betsey Brown, editor Sophie Corra, cinematographer Hunter Zimny, and composer Eli Keszler all tie any shoddiness together by giving what could have lagged into mumblecore a sure-thriller thrall.

Ruby McCollister cameo! And, uh, at its worst it's Eyes Wide Shut fanfic.


Just watched, I really liked it! Wasn't expecting as much humor ( or horror ). Although the 16mm photography felt amateurish at times, it goes a long way toward elevating the material, giving it a  creepy and timeless sort of vibe that HD cameras seem incapable of capturing. It acts as a time capsule of a very specific kind of hysteria surrounding Epstein's arrest and death that have seemingly vanished from the cultural conversation only a couple years later, so I'm glad she made it! To the Red Scare listeners, I wondered if she discusses the making of it on any specific eps or if I'd be better off hunting down an interview..

Who do you guys think the Stan is that it's dedicated to? Can't be Kubrick, right?


Yes I think she means Stan K lol
And you'd be better off listening to an interview, or her guesting on BEE. On the actual red scare pod she just sez ish like "ugh i'm exhausted from making my lil movie"


Haha she must've been making it every ep I've listened to..


I disliked this movie so much that I was rooting for the Satanic pedophile elites by the end.

It's better than Malignant (or at least more interesting), but it fucks up in a similar way to Malignant, in that the filmmakers mistakenly believe that by merely aping the aesthetics of giallo and exploitation films, they can emulate what made those films memorable and distinct. The difference is that those films were sincere in their ambitions; they were giving it their all, while these ones are intentionally half-assing it for effect, and the smugness of that approach bleeds through every frame. Bad actors acting their hearts out can be incredibly compelling, and you can get away with purposeful bad acting if you use actual great actors (think Julianne Moore in Boogie Nights), but there is absolutely nothing worse than mediocre actors intentionally acting badly. Just an interminable, self-deluded slog.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Dasha (or perhaps this iz more Utopia's doing...) definitely knows how to grift, that's for sure.
Scary of 61st NFT 'collection'


 Well. She's a grifter, mate.  :yabbse-grin:


By her own admission, even!
Such iz independent financing, maybe.