PLEASE...anyone know what is next for this American master

Started by NEON MERCURY, June 17, 2003, 06:37:04 PM

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Just when you were beginning to think the ice bucket challenge was over, david lynch puts out the best one yet

.. The kicker wouldve been if he wore one of his signature white shirts, though.


David Lynch Says He'll Never Make Another Movie Again
via The Playlist

We're now a little over two weeks from Lynch's return: the filmmaker has revived the cult TV show "Twin Peaks" he created with Mark Frost for Showtime, and directed all 18 hours of it, almost doubling Lynch's total output across his career to date. But the great news comes with a bad news: Lynch, in an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald, says he'll never make another movie again.

"Things changed a lot," Lynch says of the later years of his career. "So many films were not doing well at the box office even though they might have been great films and the things that were doing well at the box office weren't the things that I would want to do." When pressed if that means "Inland Empire" is his last movie, Lynch replies "yes, it is." This is obviously, a huge bummer, if not necessarily a surprise: the helmer had essentially retired from filmmaking before the "Twin Peaks" revival, and we guess that we'll keep our fingers crossed that Lynch might change his mind again, particularly if the right financing fell into his lap. (*pages Megan Ellison*)

Jeremy Blackman

Poor excuse. Netflix is buying everything these days. They'd certainly buy a David Lynch movie.

Jeremy Blackman

Incorrigible scamp David Lynch teases that he might not be done with movies

Everyone knows that David Lynch is done with making films, but what the latest news from the Cannes Film Festival presupposes is, maybe he isn't?

As reported by the fan site Welcome To Twin Peaks, the 71-year old American master, who was implying that 2006's self-financed Inland Empire was his last feature film as recently as three weeks ago, has decided to renegotiate the public terms of his retirement from the big screen. In an interview with the Belgian newspaper Le Soir, Lynch—who was at Cannes to present the first two episodes of his uncompromising revival of Twin Peaks—stated that some of his remarks about being done with film "have been misrepresented."

Considering that said remarks have included answering "Yes, it is," to the question of whether he had made his final feature, we'll chalk this "misrepresented" business to bit of politician-style backpedaling on the part of the usually plainspoken director, who clarified, "I did not say I quit cinema. Simply that nobody knows what the future holds." So there you have it. That's as close to a definitive answer as you're going to get from Lynch or from any of his work.

Given his visibly emotional response to the standing ovation he received at Cannes earlier this week, maybe he's just realized how much he misses this stupid business and wants to leave possibilities open. Or maybe it doesn't mean anything at all.

Gold Trumpet

I don't buy anything any director says on what their future will entail, especially in such an conclusive fashion.


Thanks for everything, Mr. Lynch. You were a true original. There will never be another like you.


The Blank Check podcast had an entertaining episode on 'Lost Highway' with David Lowery as guest last October, if you're still in grief.

Blank Check Podcast- Lost Highway


Episode 3 of John Mulaney Presents: Everybody's in L.A.  John said Lynch passed on the show, not getting what it is, and says he's working and "has to keep his eye on the donut."

Sad we really now know why he passed (likely), but even though he didn't "get" the show, it would've been nice to see him be a part of it, what with its LA spirit and all.


It's about more than just Transcendental Meditation.  It's a 2 hour Q&A about everything under the sun.