Know Your Xixax: Donation begging and site news

Started by Xixax, December 02, 2006, 08:52:14 PM

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Jeremy Blackman

I have been looking into the header issue. I have yet to find anything that's broken, any malicious code, or anything like that. Getting some support on the SMF forums.

Are the banner images stuck for everyone? Please tell me if they are working for you.


Working fine for me.  Newest version of Firefox.

EDIT: Check that, it's not ENTIRELY working.  If I do a soft refresh or go to a different page, the same banners stay there.  If I do a hard refresh (SHIFT+RELOAD) then it'll load new banners.

EDIT 2: The behavior seems really erratic.  Best advice I can give I think is to edit the script to tell the browser to always pull a new version of the image from the server.  I think some browsers are cacheing the image and being lazy instead of pulling a fresh version, and that's why on some page loads you get a previously-seen image.


Had some ideas about the Karma, too.  It's be nice if on the page where it lists your last posts you could see what rating it had without having to click on it.  And another feature where you could click and see all your posts that have gotten any sort of rating.  Thought it'd be nice 'cause otherwise there's no way to see where the rating came from.  Maybe you could just somehow sort your posts by rating.


Using Chrome.  Banner has been Nicolas Cage and "Posting, It Works Both Ways" for about a week now.


Quote from: ono on July 09, 2013, 10:36:00 PM
EDIT 2: The behavior seems really erratic.  Best advice I can give I think is to edit the script to tell the browser to always pull a new version of the image from the server.  I think some browsers are cacheing the image and being lazy instead of pulling a fresh version, and that's why on some page loads you get a previously-seen image.

The problem is, that's exactly what the scripts are written to do, and what they have always done until recently. What we can't figure out is why it's now exhibiting this caching behavior after years and years of working fine.

Quote from: ono on July 09, 2013, 10:36:00 PM
Had some ideas about the Karma, too.  It's be nice if on the page where it lists your last posts you could see what rating it had without having to click on it.  And another feature where you could click and see all your posts that have gotten any sort of rating.  Thought it'd be nice 'cause otherwise there's no way to see where the rating came from.  Maybe you could just somehow sort your posts by rating.

Those would all be useful features. Unfortunately, the karma feature is a mod that we installed, and unless the developer decides to add that stuff on his own and update, it is what it is.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: Pedro on July 09, 2013, 11:12:01 PM
Using Chrome.  Banner has been Nicolas Cage and "Posting, It Works Both Ways" for about a week now.
Does holding SHIFT and pressing RELOAD fix it for you?  (Not that that would fix the problem, but maybe help narrow it down.)

It could be some change in your webhost's server that has told webpages to use cached images more.  Just a shot in the dark.


Doing a hard reload makes it change for me, too. I think you're on the right track; since nothing's changed on the site itself, it's got to be on the server side. I think JB's looking into it.
My house, my rules, my coffee

Jeremy Blackman

I do have a secret theory about why this might have started now, and it's nothing bad. We'll see if that turns out to be true.

Anyway, apparently someone on the SMF help forum is going to edit the script for us.


i dont know if this of any help but it doesnt do this for me, ever. :/

Jeremy Blackman

I installed a new Youtube mod, and it appears to be working fine.

You literally just post the URL of a Youtube video, and it will automatically embed. And yes, https urls work.


My house, my rules, my coffee


Fuuuuuuuuccckkkk I just wrote this long ass PM with like 10 quotes to pubrick about how he needs to be nicer to me. Then I pressed enter and it signed me out and erased everything! I don't think there's any way I can retrieve it. I just wanted to let you guys know that it made me really really mad and I might get drunk because of it.

EDIT: I just rewrote it and realized that there were a few sentences I could've worded better anyway. He's gonna admin me for this one.


i think that's an adorable post. you can be so adorable

glad to hear about your rewrite. better now, hell yeah. i can relate to the problem (from when i've explained things): now i xixax multitab when typing away, to keep my login fresh. c+p is another solution

pubrick has been chill lately. i think you miss him, andbut i think you want him to come back with "daddy hugs" yes, let us both have wishes for this. stand by the door with me, i have this connect four let's please play it while we wait for daddy, and when he comes home let's hug him and sing to him and tell him all our funny stories, about the neighbor and about our friends, and we'll make the chill so frozen we can all live in scifi paradise

^is that a plan? idk 'bout that. but i'm into these new age jokes i've been making. overall, new age jokes > religious jokes, imo


Shouldn't PMs you send be saved in your outbox by default? Because it would suck when people reply and you don't remember what it's about because you forgot to check that box.
Is that an uncustomizable thing on Simple Machines' end or do you guys have some control over it?

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: Axolotl on February 19, 2014, 01:39:36 PM
Shouldn't PMs you send be saved in your outbox by default? Because it would suck when people reply and you don't remember what it's about because you forgot to check that box.
Is that an uncustomizable thing on Simple Machines' end or do you guys have some control over it?

It looks like each user can change that in their account settings, specifically here:;area=pmprefs

Or navigate to Profile > Personal Messaging