To Newbs, introduce yourself.

Started by Xixax, January 08, 2003, 01:13:48 PM

0 Members and 30 Guests are viewing this topic.


Christ, that's such a post-modern meal.


I am 28 years old from Sweden and have been following this thread since spring 2010 when Master was first in develop. I think I found this place because I was searching the web for the Master screenplay. I am studying filmediting and like reading screenplays and I am also a big fan of Paul Thomas Andersons and think this forum is really really great! So I registered... and now here I am!

Jeremy Blackman


We can never have enough PTA fans.  :yabbse-thumbup:


Hello! I have been following this site for years but was to lazy to sign up untill one day I decided too
I used to have MUBI but i deleted that account. I am from NYC. Live in Queens. I am a huge P.T Anderson fan, Q.T fan, James Gray, Gaspar Noe,Steven Soderburgh, Martian Scorsese,Abel FerraraLucio Fulci,R.W Fassbinder, Sam Peckinaph,Jean Rollin and Brian DePalma to name a few.

I wanna get into Jess Franco and Tinto Brass but have not seen a film by either of these dudes but if I had to start I would start with Salon Kitty for Brass( although I own Caligula, but I havent finished it..) and for Franco I DVR Venus in Furs once but my sister deleted it for an episode of Modern Family....

I love spaghetti westerns and collect them, I wish that German rainbow series would become available in English. I am so bummed that its not, I will settle for English subtitles...

I love anime and manga, paticualry the anime of the 60s,70s,80s, and early 90s. I dont like the heavy CG stuff thats out there now, but if the story is good I will watch it.

I love kung fu movies and would like to discuss Shaw Brothers films and Golden Harvest, the esstenials and what not

I love film noir and would like to dicuss these films

I love  blaxpoilation films and would like to discuss these films as well, my favorites are Candy Tangerine Man, Samson, Dolemite, Truck Tunner, Black Ceasar, Hell in Harlem, and That Man Bolt. I also enjoy any Pam Grier movie.

I love any movie with Klaus Kinski, he is my favorite actor and I have read his memoir twice.
I love any movie with Franco Nero, hes the fucking man
I love any movie with Tomas Milian he is also the fucking man!
I love any movie with Jan Michael Vincent
I love any movie with Claudia Jennings
I love any movie with Soleda Miranda
I love any movie with Orenella Muti,Claudia Cardniale, and Edwich Fenech.

I am huge Bruce Lee fan.

I need to see more Jackie Chan films. Gimme a list of his greatest, I own Police Story 2 and New Police Story and Drunken Master.

I love Jet Li movies.

Huge fan of the following: Alan Ladd( Lucky Jordan, This Gun for Hire, and Shane are some of my favorites)
Steve McQueen, Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Orsen Welles, Jason Robards, Humphery Bogart, Ed G. Robinson,Paul Muni, John Garfield, Robert Ryan, Aldo Lado,Spencer Tracy.

I would like recommendations for any movie starring these folks

I am getting into Giallos and would like to discuss these

I enjoy reading Greek and Roman classic literature, so I see myself enjoying the sword and sandal movies, I recently say Ulysses with Kirk Douglas and Anthony Quinn, and enjoyed it for what it was worth.

I have a question: Can someone link the best DVD verison of A Woman in A Lizards Skin: I am dying to purchase this but dont want to get screwed with a shit copy that I read about.

I love Czech new wave and Polish cinema.
I love Soviet cinema
I am hooked on Larissa Sheraoka( I know I spelled her name wrong, but she directed a great film called Wings, sadly she died young in a carr acident)

I love Italain cinema(neo realism- fellini,visconti,pasolini,lina wertumuller,marco ferrari,etc)
I love yakuza movies, I own the Kinji Fukawsawa boxset and would like some more recommendations
I love samaurai movies and would like some recommendations, I have the Alian Silver book on Samurai movies but its dated and probably has nothing after 1970

I am looking for the Knuckle Sandwhich script as well as the hard eight one.
If anyone has any links to any other scripts by Robert Towne,David Milch,James Toback, Roger Avary or John Milius. I would be grateful. I can trade some scripts that I have like Wolf on Wall Street and Drive Away Dykes.

I also enjoy australlian expoliation films, but I have only seen Road Games,Mad Max, Road Warrior, and Stunt Rock. So gimme some mo'!

I want recommendations for giallos,spaghetti westerns,japanese new wave,french new wave, itlaian neo realism,
samurai films,blaxpoliation, silent movies, and new german cinema

Oh by the way my name is Rudy



^ lol

Daaamn you like everything! I haven't heard of any of those blaxploitation films, and you just introduced me to like, a dozen filmmakers. Thanks!


y'all will come to see I am terrible with spelling and grammar


Hey guys.

I felt a re-introduction kind of thing might be appropriate considering it's been a number of years since my last post (though some of you ought to remember me)...I've been checking in regularly ever since, just there was a certain point when, looking back upon what seemed to me a vastly immature posting history, I concluded I wasn't contributing much of value to the site and decided to shut up for a while.

But anyhow, just wanted to say hello to everybody. What's been up with me? Well, I recently earned my bachelor's degree (english/theatre) and am now living in New Orleans. In the past few years I've written a number of plays, a few of which were produced at school, a few others given readings etc. in New York, good fun. I am currently plugging away at my latest script, making good time and feeling quite invigorated. I recently quit my job and am confident that it was the right thing to do.

This place has been a continuous source of information and inspiration for me, and I'm looking forward to contributing, however modestly, again.

Jeremy Blackman


Congrats on your successes as a playwright, and welcome back!


Quote from: eward on May 17, 2012, 02:46:27 PM
there was a certain point when, looking back upon what seemed to me a vastly immature posting history, I concluded I wasn't contributing much of value to the site and decided to shut up for a while.

haha. I'm always feelin this way. the best I can do is not get on anyone's nerves. I'll do you a favor and NOT search out those 'immature' comments of yours, if you'll grant me the same honor  :)

Quote from: eward on May 17, 2012, 02:46:27 PM
I recently earned my bachelor's degree (english/theatre) and am now living in New Orleans. In the past few years I've written a number of plays, a few of which were produced at school, a few others given readings etc. in New York, good fun. I am currently plugging away at my latest script, making good time and feeling quite invigorated. I recently quit my job and am confident that it was the right thing to do.

That's awesome! Please don't hesitate to post any clips of your plays or whatever. I'd like to see 'em.


For some reason I thought CloudAuteur had started a thread specifically for wanking over clouds, but I guess not. Guess I'll put this here for you then:
He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


What up XIXAX!

I've been browsing around this site for a couple years now and never really feel the need to join in until recently, when you guys posted a picture that I sent to Cigsandredvines (This pic:!/cigsandredvines/media/slideshow?  and I felt the need to comment on it. 

Quick Info about myself:  I'm 20, I love dogs and I enjoy long walks on the beach (It's not a cliché if it's always true)...  I'm American, currently living in Dominican republic (work-related),  I'm a writer/Director (never use the word "aspiring", because I don't  aspire to anything, I AM A FUCKING WRITER/DIRECTOR ALREADY.. Now I just need get the movies made : )). I am OBSESSED with Cinema, to the point where there was a couple months I was unemployed and I spent all day watching movies, literally watching  4 -  5 or even 6 movies a day, that was all I did ALL DAY/EVERY DAY.

My favorite Director is Paul Thomas Anderson but I also love the work of: Kubrick, Lynch, Tarantino, Scorsese (Own everything he's ever made and have seen all his movies at least 3 times), Clouzot, Carl dreyer, Fellini  (The Master), Bertolucci, Godard, Murnau,  Wes Anderson,  Orson Welles, Hitchcock, Passolini, Antonioni, Ophuls (the master of the moving Camera), Tarkovsky, etc etc.  I could keep going on and on about names, from the silent era until the Justin Bieber movie. Seriously, if I watch a movie I like, I find out who the director is and then watch his whole filmography back to back. Doing that gets tough sometimes because some directors have too many movies in their filmography... The toughest to get through was Godard because after the 70's his movies fucking SUCK. Anybody's watched KING LEAR?   

My favorite Movie of all-time is actually a tie between TAXI DRIVER and BADLANDS.  MAGNOLIA comes close second and RAGING BULL takes third place. CASINO is at 4th (if you need lessons on how Style should be done, just watch Casino) and 5th is CITIZEN KANE (If you need lessons on how to tell a story as a Director)

I don't believe in Film School. Excuse my arrogance but Film school can't teach me anything that I don't already know after watching a million movies. The only thing Film School can give you is a bullshit Diploma . But I don't wanna knock anyone down, if you are at film school or plan on going, MORE POWER TO YA!

I LOVE TO SHOOT FILM. Even when it's just 16mm, it has a texture and a look that Digital hasn't achieved YET. Hopefully on years to come, Digital will be up to par. I do have a Canon 7D though which looks great but still NOTHING COMPARES TO FILM.

I love watching movies on Mute. Seriously if you wanna learn Film technique just watch movies with the Sound Off. You will learn tons of little tricks. Like I've noticed  Scorsese always shows Violence in a Wide Uncut Shot (Watch the guy get his hand hammered in Casino or the guy get his hand blown off in Taxi Driver or Ray Liotta hitting the guy with the revolver in Goodfellas. The shot being UNCUT and STATIC, gives you a sense of realism and real tension) and  PTA always has the camera go completely off focus when his characters are going a little insane (Basically causes the same effect as tilting the camera:  The effect of disorientation) .

I love films that deal with the Human condition and show human behavior straight up, no Hollywood bullshit. I like movies that challenge me to think but I don't mind also watching Transformers 2 from time to time, you know, to remind myself that if Michael Bay can make a film then I sure as hell can. I really don't like Westerns, for some reason they bore me to death. The Leone ones I like, some by Corbucci and some John Ford ones I can stand but aside from that, Westerns are not really my thing.

I am obsessed with music just as much as I am with Cinema, So if any of you wanna talk music, I'm up for it. I play Piano and a little bit of Guitar. I listen to everything. But my favorites are 90's Hip hop and 70's rock. I think THE ROLLING STONES are better than THE BEATLES.  Pink Floyd is the greatest band of all time and Led Zeppelin is Overrated but that's just my opinion. Also, love THE WHITE STRIPES. Jack White is a Genius.

I have a Youtube Channel Full of Paul Thomas Anderson stuff (and some Scorsese/Coen brothers stuff), check it out:

Any questions, feel free to ask 'em.

P.s:  Is anyone else saving money to go Watch THE MASTER and DJANGO UNCHAINED at least 20 times each?  Or is it just me?
Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


Quote from: InTylerWeTrust on July 26, 2012, 10:40:33 AM
My favorite Movie of all-time is actually a tie between TAXI DRIVER and BADLANDS.

mine's taxi driver

Quote from: InTylerWeTrust on July 26, 2012, 10:40:33 AM
I love watching movies on Mute. Seriously if you wanna learn Film technique just watch movies with the Sound Off. You will learn tons of little tricks.

TCM all day!!

Quote from: InTylerWeTrust on July 26, 2012, 10:40:33 AM
Quick Info about myself:  I'm 20, I love dogs and I enjoy long walks on the beach (It's not a cliché if it's always true)...

This isn't a dating site dude...haha

I will subscribe to your youtube channel....... WELCOME!