Breaking Bad

Started by squints, February 25, 2009, 07:23:38 PM

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A Brief History of Breaking Bad's Pink Teddy Bear Recurring Motif

Nothing particularly new or mind-blowing (although I hadn't seen the mural on Jane's wall pointed out before), but it's cool to see it all laid out like this.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: Pubrick on June 28, 2012, 09:39:56 AM
That's OK but it's not very interesting.

What I'd like to see is having him be faced with the decision where he has to give it all up (right at the peak of his power) in order to retain a single speck of humanity.  Or something.

this show is impossible to predict, but that seems like the toughest corner the show could write itself into.

Whoa I missed this. Does this mean you've been watching this? Are you all caught up? Are you obsessed like the rest of us freaks?


Yes yes yes and yes.

That's too many yeses but everything about this show is a yes for me.

This edges out GoT for best show of the PW era.  (Post Wire)
under the paving stones.


Spoilers, of course.


This is a really great interview of Aaron Paul by GQ.  By page 4, interestingly enough, he's waxing PTA's car.  Not to mention the Nick Offerman interludes, his attempts to get into the SNL finale, rungs of success and what his career aspirations are.  Well worth it.

Lemme fix the counter (it wasn't adjusting properly for time zones, I think):

Quote from: ono on July 09, 2012, 09:48:08 AM

Oh, yeah, that's the stuff!   :yabbse-cool:

Jeremy Blackman

Gosh, don't forget about the countdown mod I installed! Click the little clock icon below "Font Size."

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: ono on July 12, 2012, 11:20:11 AMBy page 4, interestingly enough, he's waxing PTA's car.

Here's that part:

GQ: The reaction to Drive was a little bizarre.
Aaron Paul: It's so weird. So many people just didn't get it. It was my favorite movie last year. It really was. I remember looking at Bryan and saying, "You lucky bastard. What a great role." It's something he'd never done before. And then Gosling. My god. That's a kid that I've known forever.

GQ: You guys are about the same age, right?
Aaron Paul: Yeah, right around the same. I just really look up to the choices he makes. I think he's an incredible talent and would love to work with him.

GQ: What other directors?
Aaron Paul: Rian Johnson's fresh in mind. He's just so brilliant and such an incredible writer. Or speaking of writer-slash-directors: Paul Thomas Anderson.

GQ: Yeah, wow. I think he's the best there is.
Aaron Paul: He's completely fucking unbelievable. I don't understand how he does it.

GQ: What's the plan after Breaking Bad wraps?
Aaron Paul: Not an idea. Maybe start accosting Paul Thomas Anderson. Seriously: turn this interview into a love letter to Paul Thomas Anderson, and kind of beg him to put me in a film. I don't care if it's as an extra, I'll do whatever.


Quote from: Jeremy Blackman on July 12, 2012, 11:38:35 AM
Gosh, don't forget about the countdown mod I installed! Click the little clock icon below "Font Size."
I was using that.  Edit my post?  I was just noting how it was off by a few hours even though I entered the right premiere time.

Jeremy Blackman


that countdown is cool.

haven't watched any promos, i'd love to of course but they spoil too much, instead to get in BB mood I watched Crawl Space again, the last 10 minutes still gave me chills.


Outside of any upcoming PTA joint, I don't think I've ever been as excited for a new movie or tv show as I am for this. I wish we all could watch together somehow.


We could do a chat like in the old days.  There was also that time we watched PTA movies together.  And others.  I think we did some Tarantino stuff too.


Really great academic deconstruction of the show and it's grand themes.

Best paragraph:
QuoteWithin this quartet, Breaking Bad is most similar to The Wire, and indeed is its twin and mirror image. While The Wire explored how the drug trade decimated black urban America, Breaking Bad looks at how drugs infiltrate the other half: suburban white America. A unifying, coherent philosophy is possessed by each, and both execute it propulsively and faithfully. David Simon likened The Wire to a Greek tragedy, by which he meant that sociology is an omnipotent, merciless god that twirls with the fate of mortals. In Breaking Bad the villain is not sociology, but a human being; what destroys the mortals is not a system, but a fellow mortal. This is a human-centered vision of the origin of evil. It is Old Testament at its core.
My house, my rules, my coffee

Jeremy Blackman

Interesting. I'll have to read the whole thing when I get a chance.

What I find so fascinating about this story is that it follows one person who turns himself evil, and almost consciously. It's not some outside force or even bad luck (see: the charity he turns down) or another person, it's himself.


Spoilers, obviously.  Best, most revealing trailer yet.