INHERENT VICE (No Major Spoilers)

Started by cronopio 2, December 02, 2010, 09:51:28 AM

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max from fearless

I like this more than any of the paintings/individual character posters that were released.


Quote from: tpfkabi on March 22, 2015, 10:45:36 PM
Question about officially printed posters of the film:
Did the Joaquin rainbow color head on black background design get officially printed and sent to movie theaters or just the "pink legs" poster?

Sure did, at least in Aus. Got mine as a gift from a friend who works at a local cinema. Very groovy


any know if the JG song that plays as Doc finds the Shasta's postcard is anywhere on the internet? I can't find it anywhere, a link would be beautiful


Also, last night i watched the bluray, and fuuck, the film works so beautiful when you look at Doc as a paranoid schizophrenic. And if u watch Everything in this Dream straight after the film finishes.   



that is a very cool supplement

I just kinda get sad when there was stuff that was filmed that didn't end up in the film  :yabbse-undecided:


Thats actually a pretty poor scan for super 8mm, especially considering this is for a P.T Anderson movie. I wonder who did the transfer. Tisk Tisk, Ocho Y Pico does the best super 8 scans...they are located in Spain. I am sure in California Fotokem would of done a dope ass job, or Cinelicious or however you spell that...
The D.P should of used 50D instead of 500T and 200T if she wanted more latitude she could of went with 250D. 250D and 50D would of yielded better results considering the nature of the shoot( the shots are EXT. in California sun, using a Tungsten balanced film was a poor choice but the footage should be re scanned.

Really what she also should of done was to try and find large stock piles of 100D Color reversal film, THAT would of given THE LOOK.

but nonetheless its still the BEST thing I have seen regarding behind the scenes shooting  espcially when it comes to just being a fan of P.T Anderson, this trumps the Magnolia That Moment thing, cause you really get a look at the cameras, lights, the dollys, everything you reallllly want to see. It was cool to watch that footage that was leaked online b4 the movie came out some guy shot with his phone the scene were J.P escorts K.W to her car and then you see J.P walk off set and signal to somebody for a stoogie, what was interesting about that from a film nerd perspective was the productions use of ultra strong lights probably a 12k HMI being bounced off a giant white board or w.e, from the roof across the street, it was probably something like (2) 12k (FAKE SUN) lights being bounced off two giant white cards,anyway shit like that fascinates me.

Inherent Vice is an interesting film, its the first film P.T Anderson shot in 1:85 ( although the Master was the first departure from the Anamorphic lenses but he choose to shoot in 65mm and 35mm so its  hybrid movie, props to him for blowing the 35 to 65mm and vice versa for the 70mm projection.

I hope P.T Anderson shoots his next movie in ULTRA PANAVISION like Hateful 8. Isn't it so cool to see two American Filmmakers working within the studio system, making REAL MOVIES, being inspired by one another. In these lame times when the studios crank out ADVERTISEMENTS masquerading as movies, its refreshing! Paul brought back the 70mm thing now Q.T is doing it up in slightly wider aspect ratio, it really is just great to see this kinship amongst directors!


did anyone notice that the girl from the master who freddie feels up in his darkroom is the same girl who is seen in the  1 second scene in inherent vice, passing by the camera during the visit to "interview" the boards, and in the behind the scenes she throws the peace sign to the camera, its the same actress!  She's interesting.


She was also in the last stretch of Mad Men episodes for a few brief scenes. She was the girl babysitting for Joan and what not.


I don't watch Mad Men but good eye!


Has anyone come àcross any way to purchase one of the ties or found anyone  that is making fan versions or imitations?


It's funny to think that this is the only PTA film I didn't make a fuss over buying right when it came out. I still don't own the blu ray simply because I didn't see the point in revisiting it after my two theater viewings, I didn't feel the need to dig any deeper into it. Then, it just kind of came to me a second ago that maybe PTA was attempting to make the most dense stoner film of all time? Like, the go to quality those movies seem to shoot for is their rewatchability, that you can just throw it on at anytime, any scene, and have a laugh with your bros. It's probably the most universally reviled films by all his fans, though. I think what that speaks to is how adamantly he intended to make a Thomas Pynchon film over his own. That novel spoke to him so deeply, that he needed to propel it out there for us. I find that compelling. This movie is a beast to deal with, but I look forward to the day when I can sit on my couch, barefoot in the living room smoking a joint as fat as one doc would roll and really trying to get to the bottom of what this thing is about.


Said it before, and don't have much of substance to add while waiting for a delayed flight, but the tone of IV is better than the whole of most movies. I love IV, and it's climbed to maybe second place for me when it comes to PTA. I will never tire of crawling inside it for a viewing. I sincerely hope the cool reception doesn't doom the chance of more in this vein. Works for me completely.


What's the name of that film where 2 men fight on a boat and they do it like for real? If I am not mistaken it was a movie mentioned in here (or in some other thread) when IV was still in production... All I remember is that one man is supposed to be a detective? And he was wearing a grey/light blue suit or something. It was probably set in California too. Oh and a woman was involved, I don't remember if she were the reason for the fist fight though.
