Behind the Candelabra

Started by MacGuffin, September 11, 2008, 12:44:43 AM

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watched it twice! i like soderbergh more than samsong, so i don't need to say that its his best, but its super great and fits snug into an oeuvre of movies about people who just can't quit. no way this dude's retiring.


I often say that Soderbergh films, despite being carefully constructed and impeccably realized, tend to leave me cold. I've liked most of his films, but to be honest the last time I truly loved a Soderbegh film was Out of Sight. Well, until now. This one made me choke up by the end, and with the most ludicrous, insane story possible.

There is some tremendous mastery in the camera set ups here, a confidence felt in everything, and a raw sentiment of what it feels to fall in love and then see that crumbling down. Very disturbing and moving.