Criterion News and Discussion

Started by Gold Trumpet, January 16, 2003, 06:18:19 PM

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Gold Trumpet

La Strada has been announced. A movie that is considered a classic while being debated on quality. I, personally, don't consider it to be that great of a film. Fellini still in his beginnings and only showing minor hints of who he would be later on. But, it had to be released sooner or later:

Further details Cronenberg's Naked Lunch:

* Audio Commentary by David Cronenberg and Peter Weller

* Special Effects Stills Gallery

* Production Stills Gallery

* Examples of the marketing campaign for "Naked Lunch," including a featurette, B-roll montage, TV spots, and theatrical trailer.

* Excerpts from the novel "Naked Lunch" read by author William S. Burroughs.

And add this to the rumor block, the program for the Telluride Film Festival has a blurb About Jean Renoir's "French Cancun" (1955) and says that Peter Bogdanovich is "... providing the commentary for Criterion's forthcoming DVD release of the film" So, more Renoir?



Gold Trumpet, do you post over on the criterion board?.....if so, under what name?



Gold Trumpet

I do post on the board, occasionally. My name is Jerry Bruckheimer. Not the most popular.

Gus Van Sant's Gerry is now spring boarding into discussion as possible November release. Analysis by more developed minds on the subject here:
All in all, a possibility but nothing seems set in stone. Stay tuned, sports fans.




Quote from: The Gold TrumpetI do post on the board, occasionally. My name is Jerry Bruckheimer. Not the most popular.

Ah, ive read some of you and dvdane's little argument. funny stuff.


Gold Trumpet

Looks like Gerry is a no go for Criterion upon immediate release, as shown here by the revealing of the dvd cover here:

This doesn't exclude the movie from a further future release in a big special edition dvd of sorts like Rushmore had. It just isn't going to be released now.


Gold Trumpet

Criterion starting a working relationship with MGM? Once thought an impossible idea for the dvd age, but it seems true now when Jon Mulvaney answered this to the possibility of Bergman's 'Fanny and Alexander' getting released, "We hope to release FANNY AND ALEXANDER in the future, but nothing is certain at this time."

To say the least, this is major news. Fanny and Alexander, an MGM film, was never thought of getting any Criterion release on dvd. There was no working relationship between the two companies. Now, among other films such as Persona also by Bergman and Paths of Glory by Kubrick, a lot of films may finally get opened up to Criterion special edition touch.



Great News. I was just thinking yesterday about Persona being released by M&M and/or Criterion and hoping SOMETHING would be resolved soon. I own F&A on VHS, but not dying to see that on DVD like I am Persona, probably my favourite Bergman film with Seventh Seal..


Quote from: The Gold TrumpetCriterion starting a working relationship with MGM? Once thought an impossible idea for the dvd age, but it seems true now when Jon Mulvaney answered this to the possibility of Bergman's 'Fanny and Alexander' getting released, "We hope to release FANNY AND ALEXANDER in the future, but nothing is certain at this time."

To say the least, this is major news. Fanny and Alexander, an MGM film, was never thought of getting any Criterion release on dvd. There was no working relationship between the two companies. Now, among other films such as Persona also by Bergman and Paths of Glory by Kubrick, a lot of films may finally get opened up to Criterion special edition touch.


Who knows if MGM will license out MGM or UA labeled films.  IIRC Fanny and Alexander was an Embassy release.  MGM acquired the Orion and Embassy films a few years ago, possibly the Hemdale releases too.  Criterion did release some Orions early on (Sid and Nancy, This is Spinal Tap, Robocop).

Was Paths of Glory released by MGM or UA in its initial release or did they acquire it later?

Gold Trumpet

A list and status of films Criterion may or may not release in the future. Also, a gift for SoNowThen:

1.) Certainties: (Titles that Criterion have indicated are under way for DVD issue)

RULES OF THE GAME (1939, Renoir) (2 x disc set was due late 2003 but has been postponed due to the recent find in France of a fine-grain master of the reconstructed version, one generation closer to the original than anything previously available. New release date is sometime in 2004.)
DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST (1950, Robert Bresson) ("we plan to release this next year" - Mulvaney, June 2003)
FLOATING WEEDS* (1959, Yasujiro Ozu) to be released in 2004 with a Roger Ebert commentary *and* Ozu's THE STORY OF FLOATING WEEDS (1934)
EARLY SUMMER* (1951, Yasujiro Ozu)
more Yasujiro Ozu
EISENSTEIN SILENT YEARS boxset (looking like 2004) (probably containing STRIKE, BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN, OCTOBER and others?)
JULES ET JIM (1962, Truffaut) via Wellspring
MY NIGHT AT MAUD'S (1969, Rohmer) via Wellspring
CLAIRE'S KNEE (1970, Rohmer) via Wellspring


2.) Stalled ex-certainties: (Officially announced titles that have run into some kind of technical hitch and are now in limbo)

DODES'KA-DEN (1970, Kurosawa)
SANSHIRO SUGATA (1943, Kurosawa)
IVANS CHILDHOOD (1962, Tarkovsky)
COUSIN, COUSINE (1975, Tacchella)
TALES OF HOFFMAN (1951, Powell & Pressburger) "postponed indefinitely due to problems with elements. Hope to release in 2003"
SHANGHAI EXPRESS (1932, von Sternberg) indefinitely postponed. As of Feb 2003 it's looking bleak - Mulvaney says its not on the schedule.


3.) Distinct Possibilities: (Titles that haven't been fully confirmed yet (but have either been mentioned by Criterion or linked to Criterion by other events/companies))

BATTLE OF ALGIERS * (Pontecorvo, 1965) Rialto are preparing this for re-release. "We hope to release it in the future." - Mulvaney, Sept 2003
SHADOWS OF FORGOTTEN ANCESTORS * (Parajanov, 1964) "We hope to release it in the future." - Mulvaney, Sept 2003.
EYES WITHOUT A FACE * (Franju, 1959) the Rialto Pictures theatrical release of a Janus Pictures title suggests a Criterion DVD.
FRENCH CANCAN * (Renoir, 1955) Peter Bogdanovich is recording a commentary for the Criterion edition of FRENCH CANCAN (according to the programme for Telluride 2003)
LE BONHEUR * (1965, Agnès Varda) "We hope to release LE BONHEUR sometime in the future, but nothing is definite at this time." - Mulvaney, Aug 2003
M (1931, Lang) "We do hope to revisit M sometime in the future, but nothing is definite at this time." - Mulvaney, Aug 2003
Kenji Mizoguchi ("We hope to release a Mizoguchi title or two in 2003/4, but nothing is definite at the moment." - Mulvaney, April 2003)
THE STORY OF A PROSTITUTE * (1965, Seijun Suzuki)
EQUINOX * (1970, Jack Woods & Dennis Muren) (mentioned in an HTF chat in 2001, and again by Mulvaney in March 2003 as "upcoming")
L'ECLISSE * (1962, Michelangelo Antonioni) "We hope to release L'Eclisse in the future, but nothing is definite at the moment." - Mulvaney, March 2003
SEVEN SAMURAI (1954, Akira Kurosawa) reissue / new transfer (probably 2 x disc set)
IKIRU (1952, Akira Kurosawa)
STRAY DOG (1949, Akira Kurosawa)
THE BAD SLEEP WELL (1946, Akira Kurosawa)
DRUNKEN ANGEL (1948, Akira Kurosawa)
I LIVE IN FEAR (1955, Akira Kurosawa)
THE BURMESE HARP * (Harp Of Burma) (1957, Kon Ichikawa) "somewhere down the line" - Mulvaney, Feb 2003.
FIRES ON THE PLAIN * (Nobi) (1965, Kon Ichikawa) "somewhere down the line" - Mulvaney, Feb 2003.
SMILES OF A SUMMER NIGHT * (1955, Ingmar Bergman) (from a mention in a Cowboy Pictures press release (July 2002))
AU HASARD BALTHAZAR * (1966, Robert Bresson) via Rialto
MASCULIN, FÉMININ * (1966, Jean-Luc Godard) via Rialto
MOUCHETTE * (1967, Robert Bresson) via Rialto
TWO OR THREE THINGS I KNOW ABOUT HER (2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle) * (1967, Jean-Luc Godard) via Rialto
more MARCEL CARNE ("We hope to release more Carne in 2003, but there are no definite plans at this time.")
more Renoir (LA BETE HUMAINE?)
a Welles title or two (F IS FOR FAKE?) ("No Welles in 2003. Maybe in 2004." - Mulvaney April 2003)
Dreyer (Mulvaney, Oct 2002 - "We have no plans for VAMPYR or MASTER OF THE HOUSE at this time.")
Tarkovsky (NOSTALGHIA via Wellspring?)
TIN DRUM (1979, Schlondorff)
PANDORA'S BOX (1929, G. W. Pabst)
THREEPENNY OPERA (1931, G. W. Pabst)
GRAY'S ANATOMY (1996, Soderbergh) via Wellspring
THE LAST METRO (1982, Truffaut) via Wellspring
SHOOT THE PIANO PLAYER (1960, Truffaut) via Wellspring
ARMY OF SHADOWS (1959, Melville) via Rialto
GOLD OF NAPLES (1954, De Sica) via Rialto
LAST YEAR AT MARIENBAD (1961, Resnais) via Rialto
LE DOULOS (1961, Melville) via Rialto
LÉON MORIN, PRÊTRE (1961, Melville) via Rialto
MAFIOSO (1962, Lattuada) via Rialto
THE MILKY WAY (1969, Buñuel) via Rialto
THE PHANTOM OF LIBERTY (1974, Buñuel) via Rialto
TOUCHEZ PAS AU GRISBI (1953, Becker) via Rialto
A WOMAN IS A WOMAN (1961, Godard) via Rialto
LE CORBEAU (THE RAVEN) (1943, Clouzot) via Rialto


4.) No Plans Right Now (Titles that have been ruled out for the moment by Criterion or by other companies with rights to certain titles):

no Satyajit Ray ("I'm afraid we have no plans for any Ray films. The DVD rights to these titles are currently unavailable to us." - Mulvaney, August 2003)
no more Vilgot Sjoman (as of March 2003)
no more Lars Von Trier (as of March 2003)
CREMASTER SERIES (Matthew Barney) "The Cremaster Series is sold/distributed exclusively through Barney and Barbara Gladstone Gallery and is unavailable to Criterion" - Mulvaney, March 2003.
MORVERN CALLAR (2002, Lynne Ramsay) "It looks pretty unlikely that we'll be releasing it." - Mulvaney, March 2003.
REPULSION (Roman Polanski, 1965)
BOTTLE ROCKET (1996, Wes Anderson) "Criterion does not hold the DVD rights at this time. Therefore, we have no plans for release." - Mulvaney, March 2003.
ROMA ORE 11 (1952, Giuseppe de Santis)
OLYMPIA (Feyder or Reifenstahl) Mulvaney = "We spoke too soon."
no more Preston Sturges (Mulvaney, Feb 2003)
no more W. C. Fields (Mulvaney, Feb 2003)
no more Douglas Sirk (Mulvaney, Jan 2003)
A DAY IN THE COUNTRY (1936, Jean Renoir)
KILLER OF SHEEP (1977, Charles Burnett)
DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND (1976, Fred Schepisi)
ASHES AND DIAMONDS (1958, Andrzej Wajda)
JU DOU (1990, Zhang Yimou)
RED SORGHUM (1987, Zhang Yimou)
RAISE THE RED LANTERN (1991, Zhang Yimou)
ZIGGY STARDUST AND THE SPIDERS FROM MARS (1973, Pennebaker) ("no plans I'm afraid")
LA DOLCE VITA (1960, Fellini) (Mulvaney, Jan 2003 - "No plans")
FORBIDDEN GAMES (1952, Rene Clement)
HOUR OF THE FURNACES (Hora de los hornos: Notas y testimonios sobre el neocolonialismo, la violencia y la liberación, La) (1968, Getino, etc)
JUMP TOMORROW (2001, Joel Hopkins)
ROGOPAG (Laviamoci il cervello) (1962, Godard etc)
no Pasolini
TRAINSPOTTING (Danny Boyle, 1994)
THE GAME (David Fincher)

**EDIT: Recent word has a Preston Sturges film appearing sometime next year.


Find Your Magali

Wow, thanks for the great update! There are a couple of bummers on there, but mostly I am just drooling right now at the thought of the next 18 months. I'm going to have to get a second job to pay for these babies.


Quote from: The Gold TrumpetRULES OF THE GAME (1939, Renoir) (2 x disc set was due late 2003 but has been postponed due to the recent find in France of a fine-grain master of the reconstructed version, one generation closer to the original than anything previously available. New release date is sometime in 2004.)
DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST (1950, Robert Bresson) ("we plan to release this next year" - Mulvaney, June 2003)
JULES ET JIM (1962, Truffaut) via Wellspring
MY NIGHT AT MAUD'S (1969, Rohmer) via Wellspring
CLAIRE'S KNEE (1970, Rohmer) via Wellspring

I kid you not, my fucking dick is hard just thinking about this. It's gonna be a hell of a next year for dvd buying.

And the rumors are that Woman Is A Woman, Masuline Feminine, and L'Eclisse are gonna get moved up to this certainty list very soon...

thanks GT!!
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.