Peter Jackson > Honorary award?

Started by Jack Sparrow, June 26, 2003, 03:02:22 PM

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Jack Sparrow

What are the odds that Peter Jackson will be awarded a honorary Oscar for making the LOTR trilogy?


I like to hug dogs


I'm thinking he'll win for this year, just based on the whole trilogy together. Y'know... that popular theory that they've held off so they could honor him at the end of the third film. I hope this is true. He's made a bunch of masterpieces in the context of Hollywood big budget filmmaking, and he's done it with passion and pizzaz.
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.


I'm sure that nice, fat $50 million dollar check is honorary award enough, AM I RIGHT?


Quote from: mogwaiWhat are the odds that Peter Jackson will be awarded a honorary Oscar for making the LOTR trilogy?

but then anybody who makes a trilogy will want one of those awards.  and what about those people that make sets of five movies?  like harry potter?


Harry Potter... they had better stop at three or go 'till seven...

Maybe it will turn into a James Bond type thing where they run out of books then just start making shit up.


I don't think that he'll get a honorary Oscar, but he will certainly win the "Best Director"-award. They will honour him with this award for the making of the whole trilogy.

"We're gonna celebrate St. Suck-My-Big-Fat-Fucking-Sausage'a!!!"


i dunno, even tho what he did is technically brilliant and a great innovative achievement, a "special honorary" award would be like a cop out and a consolation prize. plus it would be kind of like what the Wachowski Bros did around the same time, technically amazing as well.

it's such a great year that i don't care who gets recognised really, i'm disillusioned with the oscar thing so i wouldn't expect legitimate talent to win.. either way, Alejandro González Iñárritu will be there to kick all of ur asses.
under the paving stones.


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

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